View Full Version : What's everyone doing for winter upgrades!
90 notch
11-15-2009, 09:14 AM
Just thought i would throw it out their....Steve o
11-15-2009, 09:37 AM
id be happy just to get my truck running before the spring. next year, id like to work on getting the 6 speed and Crower cams in my truck. since the engine will have to come out anyway, id like to clean up and paint the engine bay as well.
other than that, i picked up fenders, hood and a rear door for the Jimmy i picked up from Trevor a few weeks back. i'd like to find a decent set of front doors, do the bodywork and paint it with Implement white($20 a gallon).
i still have that '71 Dart sitting in my mom's driveway in CA, and after some diliberation about it, im really thinking about bringing it back here to sell again. we'll see what pans out with that...
11-15-2009, 09:50 AM
pulling the engine/trans back out of the RX7 so I can get every cleaned up really good. going to do the engine bay (fill holes, probably bed-line it) and hopefuly get my roll cage installed. Some performance stuff to but not gonna get into a lot of detail there...
for the SuperCoupe, I am debating on ditching the supercharger stuff, and turboing that. not 100% commited yet but i'd say 75% cimmited. Not sure if the HX40 16cm^2 turbine would be too big for the 3.8L or not... planned to do a blow-thru setup on the RX7 but went a different direction for power adder(s)
11-15-2009, 09:53 AM
Not really any mods - just fixing little shit.
New weather stripping, new rubber & padding for doors since mines all crappy + to get rid of some rattles & squeaks.
New tires.
New headlight module - my lights sometimes don't go up and I have to hit a bump or give the module a good tap to make them go up.
Fix my door locks - power door locks don't cause driverside to lock.
Fix driverside window - have to guide it a bit as it goes up.
Clean up the engine bay - new K&N Filter.
Thinking about putting the AC/Heat back in - just because it'd be easier to sell it around here come spring if it had it.
New tranny mount.
New brake pads.
I would like to undertake a little project that has been done by other third gen firebird owners - I have an extra center piece that has the firebird bird emblem and the word firebird on it that fits between the rear tail light.
A lot of people take these and sand off the image and stencil a new one and repaint it black however make it so the bird/pontiac image/lettering will let light through it and then run red led's through the license plate light wiring. This causes the Bird emblem and the Pontiac lettering to all glow red along with the tail lights and such.
Its kind of like how the Fiero did with the pontiac lettering on the rear.
It's pretty sexy looking when done right :)
Also hoping to buy a new floorpan over the winter and when its warm enough to make the drive up in the spring - take it to Skinny1030 if he's still willing to weld it.
Other then that - no real upgrades or anything - just a little bit of fixing things here and there. I may get a magnaflow muffler to replace the flowmaster.
Never have been a fan of the drone or typical flowmaster sound compared to the more stable magnaflow.
11-15-2009, 11:25 AM
Not really any mods - just fixing little shit.
I'm kind of in the same boat, I gotta graduate college next year, then the fun begins. Everything probably won't happen until March when the roads clear up because everything I'm doing will have to be done after item #1 and when my uncle gets his shop finished:
1) Get it re-dynotuned at Speed Inc (She's running fine, just needs to be leaned out a bit.).
2) Change the plugs and wires because of item 1.
3) Drilled/Slotted Rotors that I'm hopefully getting for Christmas along with caliper paint ;)
4) Nittos
5) Whatever suspension upgrades I don't have (never had the car up in the air to see exactly what it has or needs)
11-15-2009, 12:08 PM
Just thought i would throw it out their....Steve o
enuf said....
11-15-2009, 12:12 PM
Im thinking of installing a digital 7 ignition box so I can pull more timing, right now I cant pull anymore out of the box or the crank trigger so I cant spray anymore nitrous!!! I still have more left in my car with some chassis tuning, wouldnt mind trying a pair of double adjustable coilovers in the rear and taking some more weight off the front end of my car.
11-15-2009, 12:23 PM
god cant wait to see uncle T try to tune a turbo lsx! haha it will be a miracle if it idles!
and sledge, i have hptuners, why pay $500 for such a small adjustment on your tune?
im doing some suspension work (lca's, v6 rear springs, subframe connectors)-
mickey T drag radials-
putting my bogarts on-
wolfe cage-
putting in my nx twin nozzle kit-
taking it to TAB to have my nozzle holder and catch can fabbed up-
getting an HSW microedge-
doing a full HPT nitrous tune-
Katech Rod bolts-
Rod bearings (maybe)-
and thats prolly it, it will be a stretch to get all that done in my financial status anyway..
11-15-2009, 12:39 PM
i have a laundry list of work to do but a quick summary would be 1. finish mini tub 2. put in my 9inch and new suspension 3. buy new fuel system and put it in and fire the bitch 4. put in the cage finally 5. finish the brakes 6. last is water to air intercooler and maybe methenol injection. not to mention the 1000 odds and ends
11-15-2009, 12:59 PM
god cant wait to see uncle T try to tune a turbo lsx! haha it will be a miracle if it idles!
and sledge, i have hptuners, why pay $500 for such a small adjustment on your tune?
im doing some suspension work (lca's, v6 rear springs, subframe connectors)-
mickey T drag radials-
putting my bogarts on-
wolfe cage-
putting in my nx twin nozzle kit-
taking it to TAB to have my nozzle holder and catch can fabbed up-
getting an HSW microedge-
doing a full HPT nitrous tune-
Katech Rod bolts-
Rod bearings (maybe)-
and thats prolly it, it will be a stretch to get all that done in my financial status anyway..
you cant seem to let stuff go can you? ....I have tried to end this, you refuse to, so fine. here it is, I bet you your car cannot beat mine next year at the more smack talk, just business.
If you agree let me know and we can set up a date next season and an amount of cash to race for.
I just want this bs to end once and for all, and theres only one way to settle it
Domestic Disturbance
11-15-2009, 01:17 PM
I'm gonna try to put a full tank of gas in my car before next summer.
11-15-2009, 01:34 PM
speaking of that - I dont think the firebird has had a full tank of gas since the first day I got it home
11-15-2009, 01:40 PM
god cant wait to see uncle T try to tune a turbo lsx! haha it will be a miracle if it idles!
and sledge, i have hptuners, why pay $500 for such a small adjustment on your tune?
im doing some suspension work (lca's, v6 rear springs, subframe connectors)-
mickey T drag radials-
putting my bogarts on-
wolfe cage-
putting in my nx twin nozzle kit-
taking it to TAB to have my nozzle holder and catch can fabbed up-
getting an HSW microedge-
doing a full HPT nitrous tune-
Katech Rod bolts-
Rod bearings (maybe)-
and thats prolly it, it will be a stretch to get all that done in my financial status anyway..
you cant seem to let stuff go can you? ....I have tried to end this, you refuse to, so fine. here it is, I bet you your car cannot beat mine next year at the more smack talk, just business.
If you agree let me know and we can set up a date next season and an amount of cash to race for.
I just want this bs to end once and for all, and theres only one way to settle it
Cash is easy to make... Pinks or Pussy is the way to go (winner get the others car or girl) LOL
11-15-2009, 01:54 PM
I'm gonna try to put a full tank of gas in my car before next summer.
Ha, I think I've been idling between 1-7 gallons since September. Who needs a full tank...they're over-rated.
and sledge, i have hptuners, why pay $500 for such a small adjustment on your tune?
'Cause I want to dyno-run as well so I actually have numbers instead of hear-say by the previous owner. I talked to Dan in Chicago via e-mail and he said it'd run me $125 for two runs and a quick lean-out since they already tuned it once. My brother lives in Chicago anyway and I gotta go see him at some point in the spring anyway.
11-15-2009, 02:23 PM
getting a new shovel.
11-15-2009, 02:48 PM
Have not givin it any thought, still trying to figure out how I can end 09 in the Chances are weight reduction for 2010.
11-15-2009, 03:21 PM
suspension, and a road-racing shifter. no power adders until i have a house.
11-15-2009, 03:22 PM
getting a new shovel.
11-15-2009, 04:32 PM
since the talon is gone I'm looking for a new car. most likely to turn some corners and decent straight line for a DD
11-15-2009, 05:05 PM
I'm gonna try to put a full tank of gas in my car before next summer.
Ha, I think I've been idling between 1-7 gallons since September. Who needs a full tank...they're over-rated.
and sledge, i have hptuners, why pay $500 for such a small adjustment on your tune?
'Cause I want to dyno-run as well so I actually have numbers instead of hear-say by the previous owner. I talked to Dan in Chicago via e-mail and he said it'd run me $125 for two runs and a quick lean-out since they already tuned it once. My brother lives in Chicago anyway and I gotta go see him at some point in the spring anyway.
oh, well that isnt a bad deal then..
and uncle T, when are you going to STFU and actually bring something? until then you can keep running your mouth, we called you out to a $500 race earlier in the year and you pussed then, why wouldnt you this spring? especially when the car isnt even done, i can already hear you making excuses like this year about how you built it overnight and never got it tuned, etc...see my point? btw i thought you werent posting anymore? LOL
11-15-2009, 05:56 PM
I got alot to do this winter: smaller blower pulley, new exhaust, get all my suspension on, new tires, going e85 with new tune, and LOT of other stuff.
11-15-2009, 06:03 PM
I'm gonna try to put a full tank of gas in my car before next summer.
Ha, I think I've been idling between 1-7 gallons since September. Who needs a full tank...they're over-rated.
and sledge, i have hptuners, why pay $500 for such a small adjustment on your tune?
'Cause I want to dyno-run as well so I actually have numbers instead of hear-say by the previous owner. I talked to Dan in Chicago via e-mail and he said it'd run me $125 for two runs and a quick lean-out since they already tuned it once. My brother lives in Chicago anyway and I gotta go see him at some point in the spring anyway.
oh, well that isnt a bad deal then..
and uncle T, when are you going to STFU and actually bring something? until then you can keep running your mouth, we called you out to a $500 race earlier in the year and you pussed then, why wouldnt you this spring? especially when the car isnt even done, i can already hear you making excuses like this year about how you built it overnight and never got it tuned, etc...see my point? btw i thought you werent posting anymore? LOL
I did not take the bet becouse of the way the car was running, replacing a faulty tps sensor fixed that, after that problem was fixed tuneing the car was cant tune a car that is broken , right??
people like you dont want to or cant understand .......when there is a problem with the way a car is just talk shit, cause thats all you can do or your just looking for trouble.
well it looks like trouble just found you, ready to lock in some punk out money??
no excuses from me ....i have the best suspension money can buy, best brakes, light weight car, ect, etc, will be dyno tuned before it ever hits the track, and if I need ...the best people money can buy.
like I more smack talk, just buisness
so are you in or not???
oh yea, almost forgot, I tried to stop posting for a wile to see if you would stop this crap...but things truly dont change do they?
11-15-2009, 06:10 PM
I will have some sort of power adder on the cobra....and need to put a new rear end in the '86
11-15-2009, 06:19 PM
I will have some sort of power adder on the cobra....and need to put a new rear end in the '86
put a T-trim on that bad boy
11-15-2009, 06:26 PM
I will have some sort of power adder on the cobra....and need to put a new rear end in the '86
put a T-trim on that bad boy
Im thinking about that or a turbo kit....
11-15-2009, 06:36 PM
30lbsboost now that you are talking about your other car, why not try and run the big dogs like Allgo or BIG HP?????? Then we can see where you stand????? Not talking shit just would like to see it happen. Will you still have the silver car? I still want my run against it.
11-15-2009, 06:41 PM
Have to keep up with Dustins Turbo Ram
11-15-2009, 06:58 PM
I'm gonna try to put a full tank of gas in my car before next summer.
Ha, I think I've been idling between 1-7 gallons since September. Who needs a full tank...they're over-rated.
and sledge, i have hptuners, why pay $500 for such a small adjustment on your tune?
'Cause I want to dyno-run as well so I actually have numbers instead of hear-say by the previous owner. I talked to Dan in Chicago via e-mail and he said it'd run me $125 for two runs and a quick lean-out since they already tuned it once. My brother lives in Chicago anyway and I gotta go see him at some point in the spring anyway.
oh, well that isnt a bad deal then..
and uncle T, when are you going to STFU and actually bring something? until then you can keep running your mouth, we called you out to a $500 race earlier in the year and you pussed then, why wouldnt you this spring? especially when the car isnt even done, i can already hear you making excuses like this year about how you built it overnight and never got it tuned, etc...see my point? btw i thought you werent posting anymore? LOL
I did not take the bet becouse of the way the car was running, replacing a faulty tps sensor fixed that, after that problem was fixed tuneing the car was cant tune a car that is broken , right??
people like you dont want to or cant understand .......when there is a problem with the way a car is just talk shit, cause thats all you can do or your just looking for trouble.
well it looks like trouble just found you, ready to lock in some punk out money??
no excuses from me ....i have the best suspension money can buy, best brakes, light weight car, ect, etc, will be dyno tuned before it ever hits the track, and if I need ...the best people money can buy.
like I more smack talk, just buisness
so are you in or not???
oh yea, almost forgot, I tried to stop posting for a wile to see if you would stop this crap...but things truly dont change do they?
why would i want to race a turbo lsx "best money can buy" car with a high ten second car? if your paying other people to tune your shit and whatnot then it will probably run a hell of a lot better then your DIY flood project...i'll pass, i'll be there to watch you try to act like you know what the hell your doing though! best of luck to you!
11-15-2009, 07:27 PM
30lbsboost now that you are talking about your other car, why not try and run the big dogs like Allgo or BIG HP?????? Then we can see where you stand????? Not talking shit just would like to see it happen. Will you still have the silver car? I still want my run against it.
I do want to run with the big dogs.....I have great respect for all of them, I think it would be lots of fun running with those guys
on the silver car......a guy from down south is comming to pick the car up at the end of the week......its a really bitter sweet kind of thing for me.. all the long hours into it, all the problems we had, and at the end now the car runs the best it ever had and no new track times(that sucks) me, it really does run good now, and i'll never get the chance to prove it....but now i'll be able to get the turbo car out, its all good.
11-15-2009, 07:42 PM
I'm gonna try to put a full tank of gas in my car before next summer.
Ha, I think I've been idling between 1-7 gallons since September. Who needs a full tank...they're over-rated.
and sledge, i have hptuners, why pay $500 for such a small adjustment on your tune?
'Cause I want to dyno-run as well so I actually have numbers instead of hear-say by the previous owner. I talked to Dan in Chicago via e-mail and he said it'd run me $125 for two runs and a quick lean-out since they already tuned it once. My brother lives in Chicago anyway and I gotta go see him at some point in the spring anyway.
oh, well that isnt a bad deal then..
and uncle T, when are you going to STFU and actually bring something? until then you can keep running your mouth, we called you out to a $500 race earlier in the year and you pussed then, why wouldnt you this spring? especially when the car isnt even done, i can already hear you making excuses like this year about how you built it overnight and never got it tuned, etc...see my point? btw i thought you werent posting anymore? LOL
I did not take the bet becouse of the way the car was running, replacing a faulty tps sensor fixed that, after that problem was fixed tuneing the car was cant tune a car that is broken , right??
people like you dont want to or cant understand .......when there is a problem with the way a car is just talk shit, cause thats all you can do or your just looking for trouble.
well it looks like trouble just found you, ready to lock in some punk out money??
no excuses from me ....i have the best suspension money can buy, best brakes, light weight car, ect, etc, will be dyno tuned before it ever hits the track, and if I need ...the best people money can buy.
like I more smack talk, just buisness
so are you in or not???
oh yea, almost forgot, I tried to stop posting for a wile to see if you would stop this crap...but things truly dont change do they?
why would i want to race a turbo lsx "best money can buy" car with a high ten second car? if your paying other people to tune your shit and whatnot then it will probably run a hell of a lot better then your DIY flood project...i'll pass, i'll be there to watch you try to act like you know what the hell your doing though! best of luck to you!
you pissed in my cheerios, thats why......
I know exactly what i'm doing, trust me
11-15-2009, 08:03 PM
all this talk is making me want to build a simple bolt ls1 car to drive daily next summer
11-15-2009, 08:13 PM
11-15-2009, 08:23 PM
because i miss the shit outa my cobra but i dont wanna pay for another one so a f-body would be alot cheaper..... half the talk on here lately has been lsx crap and it just makes me want one of my own to play with
11-15-2009, 08:26 PM
ahhh haha yeah we have been bandwith whoring a bit lately...
11-15-2009, 08:38 PM
because i miss the shit outa my cobra but i dont wanna pay for another one so a f-body would be alot cheaper..... half the talk on here lately has been lsx crap and it just makes me want one of my own to play with
now now I know what you are packing under the hood of the fox and when that is done you will be more then happy with it. :supz:
11-15-2009, 08:40 PM
30lbs want to bring the 98 to the streets then and play?
11-15-2009, 08:44 PM
stangvortech that offer extended to me come spring?
Mods this winter... A radiator hose and rounding up money...
11-15-2009, 08:46 PM
mustang scotty hit me up wednesday
Rollin on Dubs
11-15-2009, 08:48 PM
I think I am going to change the oil, air in the tires and such.
11-15-2009, 08:55 PM
you know whats sad is everytime I want to buy car parts I use the money for tools. Like money for floors or 1700 on a hutch for the macimizer
11-15-2009, 09:00 PM
id also like to tear into this and see exactly what im working with:
11-15-2009, 09:20 PM
stangvortech that offer extended to me come spring?
Mods this winter... A radiator hose and rounding up money...
haha yea I guess on the street. I love the sx2 nx kit...
11-15-2009, 09:23 PM
Winter Mods Continued:
I have a new set of running shoes. I'll race any of you fools once I get them installed on my feet...but I heard it is a bigger PITA than headers on an LT1 so it could take months, maybe years. The race: From Tacobell to Best Buy. May the fastest win.
/Attempt at Comic Relief
11-15-2009, 09:24 PM
After seeing you drive Tyler you need to add a tranny cooler and a trans temp gauge to the list. lol
11-15-2009, 09:29 PM
I'm gonna try to put a full tank of gas in my car before next summer.
Ha, I think I've been idling between 1-7 gallons since September. Who needs a full tank...they're over-rated.
and sledge, i have hptuners, why pay $500 for such a small adjustment on your tune?
'Cause I want to dyno-run as well so I actually have numbers instead of hear-say by the previous owner. I talked to Dan in Chicago via e-mail and he said it'd run me $125 for two runs and a quick lean-out since they already tuned it once. My brother lives in Chicago anyway and I gotta go see him at some point in the spring anyway.
oh, well that isnt a bad deal then..
and uncle T, when are you going to STFU and actually bring something? until then you can keep running your mouth, we called you out to a $500 race earlier in the year and you pussed then, why wouldnt you this spring? especially when the car isnt even done, i can already hear you making excuses like this year about how you built it overnight and never got it tuned, etc...see my point? btw i thought you werent posting anymore? LOL
dang tylers on the ball with this shit haha
11-15-2009, 09:35 PM
winter mod for the WRX.....Change the wheels and drive the bitch! whooo
11-15-2009, 09:36 PM
After seeing you drive Tyler you need to add a tranny cooler and a trans temp gauge to the list. lol
Tranny Cooler? Who needs one? I manually shift my auto at 6500 just like anyother maniac. I do need one though...hmmmm. Off to WS6store!
dang tylers on the ball with this shit haha
I suprise people with my planning is one of my err...ah skills. Knowing stuff can only get you so far. In the end it isn't about what you know, more likely who you know.
11-15-2009, 09:39 PM
stangvortech that offer extended to me come spring?
Mods this winter... A radiator hose and rounding up money...
haha yea I guess on the street. I love the sx2 nx kit...
It happens yeah the Sx2 rocks my socks
11-15-2009, 09:46 PM
all this talk is making me want to build a simple bolt ls1 car to drive daily next summer
You dont need to build one, I got one sitting in the garage to sell you, Shit I might even deliver it. :bigthumb:
11-15-2009, 10:01 PM
After seeing you drive Tyler you need to add a tranny cooler and a trans temp gauge to the list. lol
Tranny Cooler? Who needs one? I manually shift my auto at 6500 just like anyother maniac. I do need one though...hmmmm. Off to WS6store!
dang tylers on the ball with this shit haha
I suprise people with my planning is one of my err...ah skills. Knowing stuff can only get you so far. In the end it isn't about what you know, more likely who you know.
na na i can get ya one off ebay for cheap. yea I will give ya ride.
11-15-2009, 10:14 PM
na na i can get ya one off ebay for cheap. yea I will give ya ride.
Just let me get a diaper so I don't ruin me underwear.
11-15-2009, 10:28 PM
After seeing you drive Tyler you need to add a tranny cooler and a trans temp gauge to the list. lol
Tranny Cooler? Who needs one? I manually shift my auto at 6500 just like anyother maniac. I do need one though...hmmmm. Off to WS6store!
dang tylers on the ball with this shit haha
I suprise people with my planning is one of my err...ah skills. Knowing stuff can only get you so far. In the end it isn't about what you know, more likely who you know.
na na i can get ya one off ebay for cheap. yea I will give ya ride.
don't take out the backseat if you haven't already - I'd love to go with!! lol
11-15-2009, 11:10 PM
and at the end now the car runs the best it ever had and no new track times(that sucks) me, it really does run good now, and i'll never get the chance to prove it....but now i'll be able to get the turbo car out, its all good.
Lets do a quick run then vs the 03 weather permitting? You can whip my azz and all will be good then... Trying to help...
All I'm going to do is try to remove pork tastefully, these things weight a lot and driving practice.. No roll cage.. sh-t I can barely get into now and its a d/d for the wife also.
11-15-2009, 11:34 PM
he wont race you on the street..
11-16-2009, 05:35 AM
and at the end now the car runs the best it ever had and no new track times(that sucks) me, it really does run good now, and i'll never get the chance to prove it....but now i'll be able to get the turbo car out, its all good.
Lets do a quick run then vs the 03 weather permitting? You can whip my azz and all will be good then... Trying to help...
All I'm going to do is try to remove pork tastefully, these things weight a lot and driving practice.. No roll cage.. sh-t I can barely get into now and its a d/d for the wife also.
the car has been sold, and the car is not leaving my garage till he comes and gets it...some people already tried to get me to bring it out to the races friday night after they saw/heard the car run. I just cant do that to some one behind there back
I hope you understand
dont worry rob there is still anouther 6-speed in our toy box, were makeing some changes to it this winter, and i'm trying to get him to take it to the track again
11-16-2009, 07:56 AM
because i miss the shit outa my cobra but i dont wanna pay for another one so a f-body would be alot cheaper..... half the talk on here lately has been lsx crap and it just makes me want one of my own to play with
now now I know what you are packing under the hood of the fox and when that is done you will be more then happy with it. :supz:
wtf.... how do people know what im doing from 2 hours away in a town i know like 4 people!
11-16-2009, 07:58 AM
Just thought i would throw it out their....Steve o
enuf said....
LOL. sorry had to laugh,
11-16-2009, 08:01 AM
all this talk is making me want to build a simple bolt ls1 car to drive daily next summer
You dont need to build one, I got one sitting in the garage to sell you, Shit I might even deliver it. :bigthumb:
to rich for my blood. id rather just get one get parts from fenders at cost and do the work myself
11-16-2009, 08:11 AM
Going from Cobra to F-body?!? Ouchy
11-16-2009, 08:12 AM
F-bodies are the cool shit these days
I'll be ditching mine in the spring though
11-16-2009, 08:46 AM
Going from Cobra to F-body?!? Ouchy
hey i like everything... i would so rather have my 03 back but the fox is in the build stage so 22000 isnt gona happen but 7000 for a f-body would be easy and make a nice shop car
Domestic Disturbance
11-16-2009, 08:54 AM
F-bodies are the cool shit these days
I'll be ditching mine in the spring though
11-16-2009, 09:03 AM
F-bodies are the cool shit these days
I'll be ditching mine in the spring though
Sorry xD
Got me eyes on other things
11-16-2009, 11:22 AM
i hope your mechanically inclined if your getting a dsm...
11-16-2009, 11:26 AM
So/so.. just kind of getting better with the simple things through my firebird & laser.
Owning a turbo dsm will for sure give me a lot of learning experience haha.
Luckily i've got a friend here who has already said he'd be more than willing to help me work on a DSM if I get one when/if stuff goes wrong as well as choosing what to buy when I'm upgrading after I do the basics I have planned (ie FMIC/up boost to 14psi/intake/exhaust/downpipe).
With him helping I'm hoping I could get a lot more apt than I currently am.
Performing minor fixes here and there recently have at least got me with a much better understanding than I had a year ago when I had just got my Mustang and could only change my oil/tires.
I still feel like I'm learning slow - but now I can undertake most bolt on/off procedures and undertake tasks in my haynes/chiltons manual.
Eh - we'll see :)
11-16-2009, 06:25 PM
F-bodies are the cool shit these days
I'll be ditching mine in the spring though
Sorry xD
Got me eyes on other things
WoW kid, your doing things ass backwards! Your sapose to own that import fuckin junk shit first then get smart and buy a domestic. If you think your broke now and cant afford to fix your heat, let me welcome you to a whole new ball game! I know first hand beings i had the fastets DSM in the area to date! If you don't know what your doing it can cost you big big dollars in mistakes. It took me and a close freind 2 motors and thousands of dollars before we had mine figured out. And in the end it only made 550 awhp and couldnt get out of its own way on the drag strip. Running 11.20's with low ten second mph. BS and second off you deffinentaly don't want a second Gen with a junk ass 7 bolt! But hey if you do decide to get stupid, i have plenty of parts left over i can try to dig out of my dsm whole a little more and sell them to you! Oh and don't plan on making any trips to far from home cause you will find just when you got the last leak fixed and its runnen good, the next thing takes a shit. Don't belive me, ask around!
11-16-2009, 06:44 PM
^ I agree completely!!
11-16-2009, 06:54 PM
Oh I was just posting a picture of that one because it's one of my favorite's I've seen even though I prefer 1g's
When I do buy - I'm pretty much keeping my eyes on 1g 6 bolts.
Yeah people are going to call me stupid - I've already accepted that :)
But like I said I have a friend who knows DSM's like the back of his hand and is willing to help me out with it free of charge - although I've already told him I'll certainly do what I can to compensate him for any help he gives me.
I'm not looking for a balls to the wall fast DSM - I'm looking for a low 14's / high 13's for a goal until I know enough of what I'm doing that I could pull and rebuild the motor myself if needed - then I may get stupid and shoot for the 12s/11's :)
Basically from general knowledge on DSM sites & friends of mine who are into them - They can be really good dependable cars if maintained correctly and not modded the hell out of. Heck you see a lot of 1g's on CL and such with 150k+ miles still in good/running shape just because they weren't really modded and were maintained.
Like I said I plan to do the basics, FMIC / Intake / Exhaust / Boost Controller, raise boost from stock 11 to 14 / Downpipe - and possibly leave it at that for awhile. I'm hoping that'd be enough to get me to low-mid 14's.
I'm really trying to find one like I found in St Louis but the deal for my car fell through and it sold. Was a 91 Talon AWD with 62k bone stock - original owner, was literally some old lady who couldn't get in and out of it anymore and just used it as a second car. It may have needed some general maintenance from sitting but meh - I'd still like to find something like that again - wasnt priced too bad at $4000 obo.
I'm pretty set on a DSM - I always wanted one but never actually bought one - then I got my first taste of boost in the past couple of months riding in 300hp civics and the 12 sec talon and knew what I wanted :)
Anyways my end goal is to get a DSM like that in the spring by selling my firebird - and then try to sell my laser and look for a 1-2k third gen preferably with the LO3 just because those motors are god damn indestructable - just for a fun/reliable DD. My firebird so far has been the most reliable car I've owned.
11-16-2009, 07:10 PM
^ guys are doing very good on 600whp evos and being very reliable everyone found the key. The dsm's are starting to get very old so inless you replace everything it wont ever be reliable just like any car thats 10+ years old. It also depends on who owned/beat the car before. Owning a import is not much diffrent, and its not any more expensive i dont think, ya your turbo is going to be pricy but you dont have to spend twice as much on the motor and no worrys on nitrous refills. I will always own a import, but i have my goals set on a fordgt some day, only if its Twin turbo though.
11-16-2009, 07:55 PM
is your friend that knows dsms like the back of his hand the one that has the menards hose clamps holding the intake/intercooler piping on?
11-16-2009, 07:58 PM
LOL menards couplers... Classic
11-16-2009, 08:19 PM
is your friend that knows dsms like the back of his hand the one that has the menards hose clamps holding the intake/intercooler piping on?
Nope but he also has offered to help me if I need anything.
Give him shit all you want but he does know his car and his car does run damn good.
So he has some crappy clamps - sue the guy jeeze.
His car has impressed me being a low 12 second car and not having any real major issues in I believe over a year now considering its his DD and he beats on it every day.
11-16-2009, 08:50 PM
F-bodies are the cool shit these days
I'll be ditching mine in the spring though
Sorry xD
Got me eyes on other things
OK... Lets see the options here:
Option (A) Own /Work on another DSM
Well thats a NO BRAINER...Give me Option (B) all day long.
Good luck did not know you made BIG BUCKS at your Job!
11-16-2009, 08:51 PM
I think DSm's are junk just throwing it out there
11-16-2009, 09:13 PM
you can have a reliable dsm. just not me for some reason. evos seem to be more reliable though. I see it as if you want to run a turbo on a v8 its twice the cost of a import most likely. I dont think stuff is all that much more for imports. unless you go high end import.
11-16-2009, 10:15 PM
On the other hand evo's are not dsm's, and a low 12 second dsm is not shit! Point is it takes a special person to own and operate one to its potential and you cant go into somthing knowing nothing about it with a empty pocket book, a empty tool box and a chiltens manual.. You deffinentaly can not rely on your buddy on this one dude trust us there are a few of us on this boared that have been there and done that with the dsm's :help:
11-16-2009, 10:28 PM
I see theres no arguing with you guys here.
I'm just going to drop it. Shouldn't of brought up my plans at all. :)
11-16-2009, 10:29 PM
I'm pretty set on a DSM - I always wanted one but never actually bought one - then I got my first taste of boost in the past couple of months riding in 300hp civics and the 12 sec talon and knew what I wanted :)
You Havent been 1.2-1.3 60fts tripping the beems with your rear wheels either!! Nor have you done a huge wheel stand and gone 140 PLUS mph in 9 seconds or less. Let me tell you man you will need a pilots liscense to drive a real car! i guess maybe you better get a honda.. good for starters really :supz: and the funny thing is them 300hp civics got more money in them then i do my whole car!
11-16-2009, 10:31 PM
No disrespect man , do what you want, were just trying to steer a fellow car enthusiest in the right direction :bigthumb:
11-16-2009, 10:37 PM
Those civics actually don't have much money in them xD maybe 3-4k each which is spanned over about 3-5 years.
They just run ridiculous boost and blow their shit up xD
One of them may be higher though as he has been through 3 motors in the last 2 years. This time he finally invested in actually building the motor though and it has held up.
I'll have to try to get a good picture of the one that is about 3 different colors. Roof is green / faded. Majority of car is black. Dark blue hood with hood pins. Navy blue left front fender, black right fender. Doors / quarters all black, door handles white. Trunk is red.
It's seriously cobbled together from like 5 different cars, one being his beater DD civics and another a failed 500fwhp civic project. It's the one that was racing the talon in the video I posted. This winter though it'll finally have a single color as its getting painted xD
11-17-2009, 12:28 AM
well am rebuilding head and fixing all body work
11-17-2009, 08:37 AM
No disrespect man , do what you want, were just trying to steer a fellow car enthusiest in the right direction :bigthumb:
Its aight Georgey, I tried telling you the same thing but you didnt want to listen either!! Although that 8 second auto DSM I have seen around the net is kind of intrigueing
11-17-2009, 11:21 AM
goin stealth mode.
11-17-2009, 11:37 AM
I already did my winter i get to enjoy them through the winter!
11-17-2009, 05:08 PM
F-bodies are the cool shit these days
I'll be ditching mine in the spring though
Sorry xD
Got me eyes on other things
OK... Lets see the options here:
Option (A) Own /Work on another DSM
Well thats a NO BRAINER...Give me Option (B) all day long.
Good luck did not know you made BIG BUCKS at your Job!
i'll take option "B" also
11-17-2009, 06:15 PM
Could be worse could be a Pacifica
11-17-2009, 09:01 PM
Could be worse could be a Pacifica
One of the guys down here said the same thing except "at least it wouldn't be a VR-4 / TT 300ZX" haha
11-17-2009, 09:06 PM
What's sad is I have a winter betater and a junked car in my driveway the beater has to slightly bad ball joints and no exhaust. People are fixing stuff and driving away in cars not safe for the road. I had a guy drive away in a car today that only turned right. If you can't fix your car buy a bike or take the bus its safer.
11-17-2009, 09:07 PM
I meant to say even the junked car is better than what they are driving
11-18-2009, 12:02 AM
Have not givin it any thought, still trying to figure out how I can end 09 in the Chances are weight reduction for 2010.
Ed KCIR is open this weekend and next, we are going one or the other I haven't made up my mind yet. Good air and sticky track!
11-18-2009, 12:13 AM
What am I doing? Selling mine for one that runs.
11-18-2009, 03:56 AM
got a nice little surprise when i tore into the B1 tonight:
man those ports are pretty big:
11-18-2009, 08:58 AM
more pics of the B1 its fun to look at.
Domestic Disturbance
11-18-2009, 11:39 AM
how many cubes is that thing?
11-18-2009, 01:18 PM
should be a dam good runner I would say
11-18-2009, 04:38 PM
somewhere in the 450ci range right now- it's actually a 400 low deck block(you start running into header issues on the RB's(raised block) when you run them in the little A body) with a stock stroke 440 style crank(3.75"). stroker kits for for this motor are getting cheaper and cheaper; and damn would it be cool to have a 500" B1 motor in a 3100lb car....we'll see.
11-18-2009, 06:31 PM
somewhere in the 450ci range right now- it's actually a 400 low deck block(you start running into header issues on the RB's(raised block) when you run them in the little A body) with a stock stroke 440 style crank(3.75"). stroker kits for for this motor are getting cheaper and cheaper; and damn would it be cool to have a 500" B1 motor in a 3100lb car....we'll see.
my uncle has a gtx with a ostrich built 540 and it was easily the baddest n/a car ive ever ridden in
11-18-2009, 09:15 PM
yeah, and thats in a 3600-3800lb car with a long wheelbase- imagine a 108" wheelbase with that?
11-19-2009, 07:41 AM
yea after riding in that i always wanted to build a 540 for my 72 dart
11-19-2009, 02:08 PM
Have not givin it any thought, still trying to figure out how I can end 09 in the Chances are weight reduction for 2010.
Ed KCIR is open this weekend and next, we are going one or the other I haven't made up my mind yet. Good air and sticky track!
Ryan, I am done for this year, actually started tinkering with the car already of 2010, good luck next time out. Keep us posted. Ed
11-19-2009, 11:32 PM
Have not givin it any thought, still trying to figure out how I can end 09 in the Chances are weight reduction for 2010.
Ed KCIR is open this weekend and next, we are going one or the other I haven't made up my mind yet. Good air and sticky track!
Ryan i'm going to be in k.c. sat after thanksgiving let me know if you are going then, lil bro and I like to see it....
11-20-2009, 09:01 AM
30lbsboost now that you are talking about your other car, why not try and run the big dogs like Allgo or BIG HP?????? Then we can see where you stand????? Not talking shit just would like to see it happen. Will you still have the silver car? I still want my run against it.
All those fast cars in town would be in a different area code before his pile of poop finished!
11-20-2009, 11:08 AM
All those fast cars in town would be in a different area code before his pile of poop finished!
Yeah, and hopefully you'll have passed the 4th grade by then.
11-20-2009, 11:37 AM
30lbsboost now that you are talking about your other car, why not try and run the big dogs like Allgo or BIG HP?????? Then we can see where you stand????? Not talking shit just would like to see it happen. Will you still have the silver car? I still want my run against it.
All those fast cars in town would be in a different area code before his pile of poop finished!
hahaha ooooo mufflover
11-20-2009, 12:01 PM
30lbsboost now that you are talking about your other car, why not try and run the big dogs like Allgo or BIG HP?????? Then we can see where you stand????? Not talking shit just would like to see it happen. Will you still have the silver car? I still want my run against it.
All those fast cars in town would be in a different area code before his pile of poop finished!
Care to put some money where your big mouth is?
I'm pretty sure my car will be one on the nicer ones around. Quit talking out your ass, you don't know shit about what I got brewing for next year(few people do)
Maybe you should be quiet, peoples perception of your intelligance will be higher...
11-20-2009, 12:50 PM
WOW nicer then most huh? I can name 10 cars right now that your car will never be able to hold a candle next to.
11-20-2009, 12:51 PM
All those fast cars in town would be in a different area code before his pile of poop finished!
Yeah, and hopefully you'll have passed the 4th grade by then.
I can only dream...kinda like you can only dream of owning a fast car.
11-20-2009, 01:45 PM
30lbsboost now that you are talking about your other car, why not try and run the big dogs like Allgo or BIG HP?????? Then we can see where you stand????? Not talking shit just would like to see it happen. Will you still have the silver car? I still want my run against it.
All those fast cars in town would be in a different area code before his pile of poop finished!
Care to put some money where your big mouth is?
I'm pretty sure my car will be one on the nicer ones around. Quit talking out your ass, you don't know shit about what I got brewing for next year(few people do)
Maybe you should be quiet, peoples perception of your intelligance will be higher...
no it wont, and no one cares....quit making bs claims before you have anything, your just going to look like an idiot again when you cant get your shit to work...
11-20-2009, 01:49 PM
All those fast cars in town would be in a different area code before his pile of poop finished!
Yeah, and hopefully you'll have passed the 4th grade by then.
I can only dream...kinda like you can only dream of owning a fast car.
And you know shit about me and my vehicles how again? Anything I got has got to be faster than your grandma's Toreass you borrow for your dates with guys down at the YMCA. Kill yourself...seriously :Hangman:
11-20-2009, 02:09 PM
All those fast cars in town would be in a different area code before his pile of poop finished!
Yeah, and hopefully you'll have passed the 4th grade by then.
I can only dream...kinda like you can only dream of owning a fast car.
11-20-2009, 02:13 PM
WOW nicer then most huh? I can name 10 cars right now that your car will never be able to hold a candle next to.
it'll probably be nicer than Scotty's stang- that thing's held together with duct tape and zip ties, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
11-20-2009, 05:02 PM
WOW nicer then most huh? I can name 10 cars right now that your car will never be able to hold a candle next to.
funny, youve never seen my car.......keep talking dumb ass
one things for sure, we will never see your car cause you dont have one..... :butthead: looser!
11-20-2009, 05:14 PM
30lbsboost now that you are talking about your other car, why not try and run the big dogs like Allgo or BIG HP?????? Then we can see where you stand????? Not talking shit just would like to see it happen. Will you still have the silver car? I still want my run against it.
All those fast cars in town would be in a different area code before his pile of poop finished!
Care to put some money where your big mouth is?
I'm pretty sure my car will be one on the nicer ones around. Quit talking out your ass, you don't know shit about what I got brewing for next year(few people do)
Maybe you should be quiet, peoples perception of your intelligance will be higher...
no it wont, and no one cares....quit making bs claims before you have anything, your just going to look like an idiot again when you cant get your shit to work...
your a dumb ass too, and a pussy....I asked you to lock into a race with the turbo refused too...funny my car is not even done and your scared of it....hahahahahahahah! my shit will work just fine, how bout yours?
11-20-2009, 05:36 PM
we will talk when its closer to when the tracks open...your the pussy who wouldnt take georges $500 bet anyway..give me a fucking break....
11-20-2009, 06:25 PM
Fifdy your just mad you're slow admit it. Scott's got a 101 mm turbo car and from what I hear it is close to completion. I use to want the fastest camaro in town;then it turned into the fastest thirdgen. Now it's the fastest thirdgen with ttops lol. Soon it will be the fastest thirdgen ttop on the sw side or maybe the fastest thirgen with the fattest driver woot woot. I WIN!
11-20-2009, 06:35 PM
yeah im pretty upset my stock bottom end stock head casting stock suspension etc car went faster then his forged lt1 built motor 2 stage nitrous, full suspension, cage, PARACHUTE car....damn im mad....
11-20-2009, 07:36 PM
Ah ha I knew it
11-20-2009, 10:41 PM
yeah im pretty upset my stock bottom end stock head casting stock suspension etc car went faster then his forged lt1 built motor 2 stage nitrous, full suspension, cage, PARACHUTE car....damn im mad....
oh my god your
your correct you........
the suspension was 100% factory stock, well except the car being lowered
not a roll cage......justa 6 point roll bar
never touched the 2nd stage...NEVER!
and again for the 100th time.........the tps sensor was causing all kinds of hell with the car at the race, not to mention, the 1st stage DID NOT spray the whole track, in fact I think it only sprayed first gear each time, till I shifted then did not stay activated.
I still had a higher mph than you, even with my car broken......and overall my car had been faster et and mph on the old flood motor! :butthead:
you will not lock in a race with my turbo car becouse your scared, so keep running your mouth becouse thats all you got going for you.....why dont you get one of your buddys to back you up with some cash...hahahahah
I know your going to say next that I backed out raceing you for cash, yep your right!....why becouse the car did not run right yet...haha, now it does, I would run you in a secound if the car did not blow the paint off that red pile of dung you call a car!!
hey the the new owner of the silver camaro will be in town sunday to pick up the car....maybe I can arrange for him to kick your ass with the silver camaro...hahahahah!
11-20-2009, 10:52 PM
we will talk when its closer to when the tracks open...your the pussy who wouldnt take georges $500 bet anyway..give me a fucking break....
fucking lol!!! we'll talk later, ya ok....what ever....YOUR SCARED!!!!!!!!!
come can beat the turbo car :Hangman:
11-21-2009, 08:10 AM
WOW nicer then most huh? I can name 10 cars right now that your car will never be able to hold a candle next to.
funny, youve never seen my car.......keep talking dumb ass
one things for sure, we will never see your car cause you dont have one..... :butthead: looser!
I dont care to see your car, seen your other car so I know it will be a pile of crap just like the The difference between me talking and you talking is I know my car wont be done for awhile and I wont go out and say how fast it will be cause who knows it could be super slow like your other car and I would be in the same catagory as you( A complete fucking idiot). You talk about coulda shoulda woulda on here all the time with nothing to back it up! So leave your other car outside this winter so you can call it the snowstorm car when it doesnt run right.
11-21-2009, 10:11 AM
WOW nicer then most huh? I can name 10 cars right now that your car will never be able to hold a candle next to.
funny, youve never seen my car.......keep talking dumb ass
one things for sure, we will never see your car cause you dont have one..... :butthead: looser!
I dont care to see your car, seen your other car so I know it will be a pile of crap just like the The difference between me talking and you talking is I know my car wont be done for awhile and I wont go out and say how fast it will be cause who knows it could be super slow like your other car and I would be in the same catagory as you( A complete fucking idiot). You talk about coulda shoulda woulda on here all the time with nothing to back it up! So leave your other car outside this winter so you can call it the snowstorm car when it doesnt run right.
your a fucking idiot period!!!
maybe you can lock in a race with me and my new junk,......hahahah! you wont cause your ALL talk and no action
all you like to do is insult people on this site, you do it becouse you get off on it, why dont you do somthing constructive like putting together a car to back up your big mouth.
50 and I flip shit back and forth, but I can tell you I do at least respect him for having a car that has run in the high 11's and from what I hear should be in the high 10's next year.......but you, lol......your different, no car...nothing nada
you should be the LAST one to talk a car, truck, bike, or slow then talk trash....till then shut up please
I saw you post this its deleated, why???
11-21-2009, 10:22 AM
alrite SST, i just got off the phone with the guys...its a done deal....
The 1st weekend of MAY, tristate or cfr, $250
YOUR turbo hooptie, and MY red TA
im not scurred, bring it...
11-21-2009, 10:37 AM
I'M ALL IN!!!!
11-23-2009, 12:15 AM
Because I didn't like it Scott. Fk we suppose to try to get along and life is short, dr tells you u are all fked up and you wonder if next day if you wake up. I've been mighty dissappointed and some ppl like george knows. I'm just glad my wife puts up w my car bs and understands somewhat. All bs aside she has helped me every damn day not barking at me. W/o her I'd sell the car and lately she has herself really improved so it's a win for me. You know firsthand like w youir dad. Genetics deals you a hand and you hope you can deal w it. My real dad kaput at 51.
I hope to see you and 50 do the deal, I could be available w the 03 if you guys wish that day.
11-23-2009, 09:22 AM
Continue w the arguing, I do find it entertaining... I'm off this a day and there's like 3 pages..
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