View Full Version : AWD Talon vs Turbo D16 Civic
11-08-2009, 03:11 AM
These two have been wanting to run for awhile now - and the civic finally got fixed after breaking its differential at Cordova in september.
I was camera man and yeah I know I sucked at it.
Talon is built - don't know all of mods of either car.
Talon from what I know: E85, Big 20g, straight piped, overall built
Civic from what I know: E85, Ebay Turbo, straight piped, also built overall.
Also is pieced together with parts from 8 different cars haha - looks like shit, in the vids it just looks black.
It was an eventful night.
After the talon's coupler blew off - we pulled off on side of road and I got a call from a friend saying he heard on the scanner they had a call about drag racing and were sending cops in. We got the coupling on and booked it into town and friend called and said they were looking for four cars so we all split up.
The civic got followed by a truck and we all met in the parking lot we meet in. Civic driver was on phone with us and we just told him to come to the parking lot. Truck started following him in then realized how many of us were there and turned around and left but 3 cop cars showed up in about 10 mins and talked to the civic driver and he wouldn't admit anything and they told him they knew it was him and told him not to do it again.
2 Hours later we went back out and got some good runs in. Unfortunately I don't have every single run on camera because I messed up a couple.
Anyway - heres the races
Overall, talon ended up going home victorious as the initial deal was whoever wins a dig race... Civic driver thought he'd hook with his radials.
11-08-2009, 09:34 AM
Honestly.... probably the worst video I have ever seen.
11-08-2009, 09:55 AM
well im sorry to hear that
I know I'm a bad camera man
filmed with my $60 clearance camera from target
11-08-2009, 09:59 AM
in car videos at night are bound to suck pretty much no matter what. B- for effort though.
11-08-2009, 10:04 AM
well it'd also help if i could figure out how to use the nightvision but i havent read the instructions yet :p
11-08-2009, 10:57 AM
the instructions are just another man's opinion...
11-09-2009, 12:53 PM
You should get the specs on that dsm, from the vid it seemed pretty stock.
11-09-2009, 01:48 PM
Heh its definitely quick.
I believe his best track time was 12.2 iirc.
I don't know a whole lot about the car as he doesn't make it up as much as most of the people who hang around here as he lives about 20 minutes away but he typically makes it up once every couple weeks - I'll see if I can get more info.
It's a built motor overall - 20g turbo, E85, has typical weight reduction, straight piped - but yeah - to get specifics I'll have to talk to him.
It's ridiculously quick - the fastest DSM i've ridden in so far but I've only ridden in a 13 sec 95 GST / a mainly stock except 16G / FMIC / Exhaust / Intake 97 GSX and I test drove a bolt on 92 AWD Tsi once.
I'll get what info I can next time people are out.
11-09-2009, 01:54 PM
Whaaa? That talon sounds rediculously stock. If it does have a built motor, 20g, etc. it's really slow.
11-11-2009, 10:24 PM
Heres a vid with a bit more of the talon...
This was not meant to be a serious vid by them (I did not make it) but it lets you see a bit more. ... d=63450934 (
Heres a vid of his 12.10 pass ... d=63563012 (
& another vid although much worse quality ... d=62501769 (
11-12-2009, 01:50 PM
I'll still ask for an exact mod list to hopefully clear up any confusion as well
11-12-2009, 02:14 PM
did you guys ever think that maybe the ace hardware hose clamps are why your intake coupling blew off?
11-12-2009, 02:22 PM
I never thought about why it did - right as we pulled over my friend called me cause he was listening to the scanner and heard cops had been called and were on their way out.
We just boogied extremely fast and got out of there.
I've never worked on the car or been around it a whole lot so yeah :)
11-12-2009, 02:34 PM
damn popo anyway...
11-16-2009, 09:24 AM
damn popo anyway...
Yeah - they actually ended up all coming out to the shopko parking lot where we meet up.
3 cops came out and questioned the guy with the civic but couldn't prove anything so they left us be
11-22-2009, 01:12 AM
Shit sucks...
Talon driver went to jail tonight.
Me and a buddy, one of the civics (with the driver of civic in vid riding with), and the guy with talon and his gf all went to Muscatine tonight to chill out up there with the crowd.
Was all good and we head home at about 12am
We're halfway home on 61 in a line of 3 cars, civic -> talon -> me - A sheriff goes past us the opposite way. I see him pulling a U-turn in my rear view... I was debating mashing it then and there because I thought he was after me and I really can't get another ticket. But I held myself cause I knew I hadn't done anything - but then he moves to the oncoming traffic lane right away and hauls past me and the talon and pulls the civic over.
Pulled him over for no front plate but its actually just like 3/4 of a plate since it's all chipped/broken and the cop said it was fine and checked his license/reg all that and asked him if he was with the other two cars and what he knew about them. He told the cop that we were just coming back from muscatine looking at cars and it was just him, a firebird, and an eclipse. Cop gave him his stuff back and took off again.
Cop came up on me fast and I just stayed around 50mph and he swerved around me. Guy in civic called guy in talon and told him to get the hell out of there.. The talon has no title/no registration/no insurance/fake plates - guy who drives it has no license. He runs every time and has always gotten away. At this time the talon was WAY far in front of me as I'd be idling down the highway at around 45-50 and he had stayed at 55 ever since the civic got pulled over.
We figured for sure the guy in the talon had pulled over/gotten away with as much room as he had. 20 mins later we come into town and soon as we go up the hill from 61 into burlington we see lights. 6 cop cars - which had to have been every unit Burlington had out tonight had him pulled over. He hadn't ran.. we don't know why yet... he always does.
Anyways - we sat down from where he was pulled over, watching it waiting to see if we could by chance drive the talon to one of our homes - but we were afraid it was gettin impounded.
Anyways about 30 mins later finally they put the talon's driver into the backseat, handcuffed. His girlfriend was told to drive the talon back home( She/he live in Ft Madison another 15-20 mins away )
Was rough for her to get it going because he has a racing seat that isnt adjustable and the clutch is extremely heavy and sensitive and no power steering - something she isnt used to at all. She killed a few times at the intersection and the cop waited for her to get it going.
Hoping now she made it okay back with the talon.. still am amazed they didn't tow it.
I know no one probably cares to much but I know some people we talked to in Muscatine are on here and might be interested in hearing about what happened.
Was a cold night to be driving the firebird with no heat but now this happening just made it a crappy night. Was even his birthday today lol.
11-22-2009, 09:19 AM
not the sharpest knife in the draw....
11-22-2009, 10:16 AM
Thats a good story. but ya know, no license registration and fake plates is a pretty good reason to go to jail. Who knows maybe he stole it? Not paying registration or insurance and I'd save a lot of money, but my insurance is so high because of those "uninsured" motorists.
11-22-2009, 10:27 AM
why doesnt your firebird have heat?
11-22-2009, 10:49 AM
Well he has the title for the car but all I know is it's bad and the car isn't technically legal.
He's probably one of the nicest/coolest guys I know - he just doesn't really care to much about cops and stuff. i'm still not sure why he didn't run.
My firebird's AC/Heat was all taken out by previous owner. No blower motor/ no nothing :/
11-22-2009, 11:30 AM
wow, no title, no registration, and no insurance makes you not pass go and go to jail.. I pay alot for insurance and regestration a year for my cars and it sucks but not going to jail or having expensive tickets beats it.
Come to think about it I have not had a ticket in 4 years for anything, Kinda funny cause i have drove the fastest of anyone on the forum, lol inless someone on here has beat 186mph?
11-22-2009, 12:30 PM
dumbass...i pay out my ass for insurance and registration for 3 vehicles, although i did run a dealer plate for a year LOL nothing illegal about that tho, i was just "test driving" it for a year...
11-22-2009, 12:59 PM
I'm very surprised they didn't impound the vehicle. They should have.
11-22-2009, 01:31 PM
Yeah we were really surprised... Still hoping his gf made it back okay considering how bad she kept stalling it and stuff and she's never driven a car like that with no power steering or anything and she had a 20 minute drive home
11-22-2009, 10:33 PM
Well my gf drove my talon no problem. Although I know some girls have a hard time
driving a car with an auto trans... So maybe ya should just call her?
11-22-2009, 11:52 PM
I didn't have her number but apparently everything went well.
Jake got bailed out today and is already laughing about it and back to driving - the crazy fuck haha
Apparantly he ran at first but they had the road blocked in Burlington and he said he could have still ran and gotten away but he would of had to jump the median and go up into the neighborhoods and his gf was already really scared so he stopped. All he got is driving with a suspended license I believe.
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