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View Full Version : All Mitsu Cookout -- Sunday, August 23rd, 2009 -- Rogers, MN

07-14-2009, 07:25 AM

Plans are underway for the 2009 All Mitsubishi Cookout and Car Show. This year's event will be happening on Sunday, August 23rd, at the Rogers Middle School in Rogers, MN. The show will run from 11am to 4pm.

Some of the details are still being worked on, but I have the updated information at: http://cookout.mn3s.org

To sign up for the 2009 All Mitsu Cookout, go to: http://mn3s.org/lists/?p=subscribe&id=5


07-14-2009, 12:38 PM
i would bring my subaru haha

07-14-2009, 01:52 PM
i would bring my subaru haha

We have a spectator lot with Subarus in it. :biggrin:

07-14-2009, 02:52 PM
haha tushay

07-14-2009, 03:26 PM
Could I bring my 1992 Plymouth Lazor 1.8L 5speed - Producing 92 pure raw horsepower
I mean, it's Mitsubishi in its own way :P

07-14-2009, 10:33 PM
That looks pretty cool but a bit of a drive. Having a meet with some guys for my drive shaft tomorrow, but idk if I'd be able to get new suspension and wheels before this event. The drive would suck without replacing those things.

07-21-2009, 08:48 AM
Could I bring my 1992 Plymouth Lazor 1.8L 5speed - Producing 92 pure raw horsepower
I mean, it's Mitsubishi in its own way :P

Yes you can. Your Lazer is 100% Mitsubishi. This event is for Mitsubishi built cars. So bring your 1.8L of raw power. :)

07-21-2009, 08:48 AM
Hey everyone,

I’ve finalized the pricing for the All Mitsu Cookout. It will be $5 again for you and your car. This includes the car show and the food. Each additional person will need to pay $5 to eat. To help speed up registration, you can pre-pay for the Cookout. Just send me a paypal to cgendron@mail.com (no credit card payments please)

Our sign-ups are up to 76. Its looking a little better, but we are still way behind last year. Get signed up and make sure your other Mitsu buddies get signed up. The Cookout only happens once a year!


07-21-2009, 09:37 AM
If I come I may just bring my firebird - I don't have a lot of faith in my laser for road trips lol

07-28-2009, 07:32 AM
Hey everyone,

I've gotten some prizes from Corporate Mitsubishi. They sent a bunch of backpacks and some awesome Mitsubishi pens. Thanks Mitsubishi!

I only have two people that have pre-paid with Paypal. Help speed up the registration process and pre-pay!

Our sign up count is up to 88. I updated the list at: http://www.mn3s.org/cookout-list.html

Also, for the out-of-towners that need a hotel room, book your room soon. We are using the Hampton Inn, in Rogers. We are getting a fantastic rate of $74. But this rate is only good until August 10th. More details are on the Cookout page.


07-28-2009, 03:42 PM
Is this at MAP?

I heard about this a couple months ago.

I would rather go to MOD in normal.

07-29-2009, 08:36 AM
Its at a Jr High parking lot. Didnt MOD already happen? I should someday get my junk out and meet people. Reminds me..Whos goin to the state fair?!

07-29-2009, 11:38 AM
i think mod is next month.

07-29-2009, 02:23 PM
There are two MODs every year. The one in California happened in July. The one at the factory in Normal, IL, happens Sept. 26.

The All Mitsu Cookout is a little different than MOD because we actually have a car show happening plus all the food. MOD does have vendors that they invite. The Cookout just has the sponsors displaying projects.

Both the Factory MOD in Normal and the All Mitsu Cookout are about the same size. I've been to every Factory MOD since they started it in 2005. I've been putting on the All Mitsu Cookout since 1999. I can promise you that you'll have a blast at the Cookout, if you come.


08-04-2009, 08:12 AM
Hey everyone,

The Cookout is only 19 days away now. Looks like we are up to 100 sign ups.

I've got the categories finalized for the show. Since the Conquest/Starions only have 2 sign ups, I'm getting rid of that category. In its place will be the Galant category. So all Galants can compete with each other. The Conquest/Starions will be in the "other" category. Here are the categories:

Best 90-94 DSM
Best 95-99 DSM
Best 00-05 Eclipse/Stratus coupe
Best 91-93 3/S
Best 94-99 3/S
Best Evo
Best Galant
Best Other Mitsu
The "Gene Helms" Cleanest Car Overall

I've also worked it out with the Hampton Inn to extend the deadline to get the group rate. You now have until Friday, August 14th to book your hotel room. Right now we only have one room booked. I'm hoping we can at least get 5-6 rooms booked. So the out-of-towners really need to book soon.

Also for the out-of-towners we'll be doing a dinner and bonfire the night before, on August 22nd. We will meet up at 6:30pm at a restaurant in Rogers. Then around 8:30pm we'll head over to the bonfire. More details on that next week.

And finally, I've only got four people who have pre-payed with paypal. Make my life easier and pay your $5 registration ahead of time. My paypal is cgendron@mail.com


08-04-2009, 03:24 PM
maybe next year when my truck is running/driving, but i dont have a mitsu to bring this year.

08-11-2009, 12:16 PM
Hey everyone,

The All Mitsu Cookout is right around the corner. Its Sunday, August 23rd. We are up to 109 sign ups:

If you are coming to the Cookout, here are some reminders:

1) Sign-up online. The page is at:

2) If you have Paypal, send me your $5 registration to cgendron@mail.com (no credit cards please)

3) Fill out your car sign ahead of time. Its saves a lot of time in the registration line. Download the sign at:

And my example sign can be found here:

4) Bring some lawn chairs for hanging out and bring your appetite! We'll have plenty of food.

Also, if you are just coming to spectate, there is a separate spectator lot on the back side of the school. So don't turn at the stop light at the school. Go past that and take your next right and go behind the school. The lot behind the school is for spectators. The front lot is for participants.

We will also be doing the slow drags again. Its going for about 50 feet as slow as possible, without stopping. We'll have a trophy this year for the winner. Its a lot of fun.


08-17-2009, 08:46 AM
Hey everyone,

I got the trophies on Friday. They look good. Here is a sneak peek:

We are up to 120 sign ups: http://www.mn3s.org/cookout-list.html

Its not too late to get signed up and come join us for an afternoon of Mitsu fun. The All Mitsu Cookout is coming up this Sunday. We'll have some great prizes, tons of food, the Mitsu trivia contest, and the slow drags.

So, once again, here is your checklist:

1) Get signed up
2) Send a paypal to me for $5. (if you have paypal)
3) Fill out your car sign ahead of time (leave car # blank)
4) Get your Mitsu all shined up.
5) Bring your lawn chair, sunscreen and your appetite, on Sunday

We will also be having a dinner and bonfire the night before on Saturday, for the out of towners. We will be meeting at Davanni's, in Rogers, at 6:30pm. There is more details at the bottom of the Cookout page at:

Thanks again to our main sponsors Brookdale Mitsubishi and Modern Automotive Performance. Their contributions help make the Cookout a reality!


08-18-2009, 09:43 AM
Only five more days until the All Mitsubishi Cookout and Car Show. I have a BIG announcement to make. Brent Rau will be coming to the Cookout with his six second Eclipse. In case you live under a rock, Brent Rau’s Eclipse is the fastest Mitsu in the world! At NOPI last year, he ran a 6.94 at 198mph in the quarter mile. It will be awesome to check out this drag car up close and personal. Here is a little You Tube video I found about his car:

So on top of all the great show cars, race cars, daily drivers, and cool sponsor's cars, we'll also have the fastest Mitsu on planet earth there. Can't wait!!


08-21-2009, 08:36 AM
Hey everyone,

The All Mitsu Cookout is almost here!! Its this Sunday from 11am to 4pm. I've updated the sign up list. We have surged up to 139!! Looking good.

If you haven't signed up and are still thinking about coming, you still can. We can handle walk ups just fine. The weather is looking fantastic this weekend. There is no reason not to come and spend an afternoon with a bunch of other Mitsu nuts.

Registration will be a little different this year. When you get to the school, we will collect the money and hand out wristbands at the entrance to the lot. Then you'll go park your car in the appropriate row. After that, you'll take your car sign and wristband up to the registration desk and get your car number and voting slip.

If you are coming, without a Mitsu, you can just drive to the back of the school and park. If you are eating you can still pay and get a wristband at the registration table.

If you are interested in the dinner on Saturday night, for the out of towners, we are meeting at 6:30pm. We will be eating at Davanni's, in Rogers. A map and details are at the bottom of the Cookout page: http://cookout.mn3s.org

See ya soon,

08-28-2009, 07:35 AM
Hey everyone,

I have the trophy winners and my pictures up from the Cookout. They are here:

I added links to pics of individual cars, for most of the trophy winners. There are a few I wasn't sure of, or didn't have a pic. At the bottom of the page is a link to another page of pics that Alesia gave me. She took pics of virtually every car. So if you know of a trophy winner that didn't have a link, send me the picture number, if you see it.

We had a great turnout this year. There was more cars than last year. We ended up with 140 registered Mitsus there. And with my cars and the other Mitsus there we ended up with around 150 cars. We had a ton of spectators too. We ended up feeding 325 people. That is awesome! We had another perfect weather day too. Thanks for everyone that made the trip out.

Big thanks to Brookdale Mitsubishi and Modern Automotive Performance. They were our main sponsors this year. Also thanks to Brent Rau for coming and showing off his sweet drag car. Brent will be racing that thing up at BIR on Labor Day.

I also had another hard working group of volunteers. Andy, Derek, Ryan T, and Flip ran the registration desk. Steve and Mike W helped out collecting money at the entrance. Plus Ed, Stacy and Christine handled the food. Plus a bunch of other people helped with setup and tear down. I couldn't even attempt to do the Cookout anymore without there help. THANK YOU!

Hopefully next year we can find some even more ways to make the Cookout bigger and better.
