View Full Version : In my lifetime...
06-26-2009, 01:16 AM
I believe i will see the collapse of society as we know it.
I believe there will be another civil war, or coup of our government.
I believe there will be slavery of the weak and those unwilling to fight for themselves in the aftermaths of these previous two events.
I believe the people have the power to stop this but wont... because they might miss the next episode of the Hills and that is just unacceptable.
I'm intrigued by it, and frightened by it... either way i think i'm in for a pretty interesting life.
Add whatever to this post... just stuff i've been thinking about if i will see or not in my lifetime.
06-26-2009, 06:20 AM
I believe i will see the collapse of society as we know it.
I believe there will be another civil war, or coup of our government.
I believe there will be slavery of the weak and those unwilling to fight for themselves in the aftermaths of these previous two events.
I believe the people have the power to stop this but wont... because they might miss the next episode of the Hills and that is just unacceptable
I believe all of this too. Although the "slavery" you speak of isn't going to be like the slavery back when. It will just be the weak will be told when and what to do, but not necessarily enslaved. Then the people who can take care of themselves would be a "rebel alliance" if you will.
If you know anything about ancient culture, particularly the Myan civilization...They have a "long-count" calender that has predicted (and was accurate) many many years ahead of their time. Things like catastrophic events, weather changes, and many astro events. My point is their "long-count" calender comes to an end on December 21st 2012. Some believe that is the end of the world, armagedden, judgement day, etc. What they fail to realize is the myan calender is like repeats itself. I believe it is a new beginning. Maybe there is world piece, maybe we make a breakthrough in technology that allows us to substantially better life as we know it. Maybe aliens will come, maybe jesus will?? Maybe a heavinly body (planet) will crash into our solar system and cause catastrophic events, look up Planet X/Nibiru on that one ;)
All very interesting things to think about. Our lives are definantly in for some suprises in the near future I believe.
06-26-2009, 07:58 AM
Robots will take over, and I will be a john connor. lol, But seriousely Robots will take over.
06-26-2009, 08:14 AM
Couldn't agree more.
06-26-2009, 09:11 AM
I believe all of this too. Although the "slavery" you speak of isn't going to be like the slavery back when. It will just be the weak will be told when and what to do, but not necessarily enslaved. Then the people who can take care of themselves would be a "rebel alliance" if you will.
If you know anything about ancient culture, particularly the Myan civilization...They have a "long-count" calender that has predicted (and was accurate) many many years ahead of their time. Things like catastrophic events, weather changes, and many astro events. My point is their "long-count" calender comes to an end on December 21st 2012. Some believe that is the end of the world, armagedden, judgement day, etc. What they fail to realize is the myan calender is like repeats itself. I believe it is a new beginning. Maybe there is world piece, maybe we make a breakthrough in technology that allows us to substantially better life as we know it. Maybe aliens will come, maybe jesus will?? Maybe a heavinly body (planet) will crash into our solar system and cause catastrophic events, look up Planet X/Nibiru on that one ;)
All very interesting things to think about. Our lives are definantly in for some suprises in the near future I believe.
yeah by slavery i wasnt going to be picking cotton... it would be more like road warrior slaves and such.
and December 1st 2012 was a preview i saw on the transformers movie last night. Didnt know that was old Mayan stuff.
I wonder who is going to kick it all off.... i wonder if our country will be the cause of the fall or if one of the crazies gets a missile off.
06-26-2009, 12:10 PM
Big brothers gonna step it up.
Ive often thought similar things. However i couldnt agree more with this:
"'m intrigued by it, and frightened by it... either way i think i'm in for a pretty interesting life."
06-26-2009, 12:18 PM
All very interesting stuff to think about. Curious to see how the next 3-10 years come out. Some believe the 12-1-2012 thing is just another scare like in 1987 and 2000, everybody 'knew' the world was gonna end. we are.
Maybe life will just be kinda boring :sleep:
06-26-2009, 12:54 PM
I believe human kind will destroy the world. Not slowly as we are currently doing so but quickly with missles....
06-26-2009, 01:08 PM
bring it on
06-26-2009, 01:19 PM
That's for a Zombie take-over ^^
the 2012 thing is documented by ancient civilizations though. Not just some "zomg the computers can't roll back!". Who knows what will happen.
06-26-2009, 01:26 PM
zombies would be cool. then we could all go to westdale mall, lock the doors and pop their heads off from the roof!!
06-26-2009, 02:14 PM
That pic, OMFG. When I get a house, one room will look like that at the very least.
Wish this were my gun safe.
06-26-2009, 08:16 PM
in my lifetime, i wont ever think about the future, nor the past, but concentrate on the present because thats all that matters to me.
I dont belive in that myan crap at all.
I belive if the way the current government is going there will be a coup de ta or however you spell it.
Obama approval ratings have fallen and fallen and fallen.
that guy (who I voted for) is not good for this country.
Ah hell I have dual citizenship with germany and It scares me to know if my native country goes to war I will be on a plane going over to europe. Hell what happens if they go to war with the USA again? I'm a first generation american and I love this country but do I fight for the fatherland? Its scares me to think of being in that boat.
There will be another huge war (north korea) in the next couple of years.
06-27-2009, 01:22 AM
I don't really adopt to the "doom and gloom" predictions. It's really easy to feel that way with the economic problems we're seeing right now, but I just really don't buy it.
Amazing things are going to happen in our lifetime, that's for sure, but if 9/11 and the proceeding war didn't put us into a World War, I don't know what will. I'm not concerned about North Korea, because regardless of what they think they can do with nukes, they know that the rest of the world could turn them into a pond in about 24 hours. They want nukes because having nukes is surprisingly good for a country. It establishes a certain level of dominance, which is part of what makes your currency appreciate and stimulates your economy. They don't want anyone fucking with them, makes sense. Don't fuck with them, then.
Our economy is already showing signs of recovery. It will take a while, but not as long as you think. They estimate that if you're 50 years old right now and were planning on retiring at age 65, you'll likely will only have to work an extra 2 years. For people our age, even this economy is a small blip in our 401k that we won't ever notice when it's all said and done.
Trust me... I am all Republican. I want nothing more than to see Obama fail just enough so that we can get someone from my party back in the office in 4 years, but I promised when he was elected that I wasn't going to do what they did to Bush. I'm not going to jump on the "hate Obama" bandwagon until I have good reason. I'm not surprised that he's doing what Democrats do; which is increase spending that's probably not sustainable without future tax increases, but then again we've been through this dance with several different Democrat presidents. I'm not worried about that stuff... I'm looking for stuff that's even extreme for a Democrat to do. He hasn't done anything that has really surprised me or anyone yet.
As far as another World War; I just don't believe that at all. The World's economy is dependant upon countries like America, China, Japan, many of the European countries, and others. If you remove just one of those countries from the picture by going to war with them, the entire world economy will collapse much worse than it did in this most recent recession. The world is too well-developed for another world war to happen, IMO.
What does anyone fight about anymore? Nukes, for the most part. No developed country has had any wars on their home turf in an extremely long time. It's all about countries that everyone believes has nukes that didn't have them before. The reality of it is that these guys just want nukes like everyone else has. They have no reason to actually launch them, and if they did, they'd be declaring their own death wish because the rest of the developed world would make sure they cease to exist.
I like Trevor's take on it. Other than doom and gloom, good things can happen, too. The possibilities go both ways :)
06-27-2009, 01:49 AM
My observations are strictly from government observations.
Its the right wing nut jobs who oppose gay anything, or stem cell research, and spout bible passages while they throw rocks at people waving rainbow flags.
Is the left wing crack heads who want the government to do everything for everyone because everyone is the same, etc. etc. etc.
and its the observation of the general populous... the ones so intrigued by TMZ, every reality show ever created, OBLIVIOUS to the outside world that doesnt include them or their favorite celeb. That is how i see society crumbling... yeah there are great things going on, great new inventions and ideas... but the number of those people that embrace them or actually understand them are few and far between. People dont care about much of anything anymore... except for the foolish things.
06-27-2009, 12:32 PM
Yeah I can't disagree with your last point, Jay. I can't believe that people get taken in by that crap. All I care about when it comes to celebrities is when they make a movie or TV show and put it on TV. I don't care what they're doing in their spare time. It is none of my business at all.
Yeah there are a lot of severe right-wing folks out there who are only interested in scare-mongering right now. They're quoting the bible and talking about the end of days, etc. The sick thing is that now they're getting a lot more specific. I heard one guy say that our country is going to be in hyperinflation by the end of the year... a concept that is so impossible right now that I don't even know where to begin. We've been more worried about DEFLATION right now. The threat is just increased regular inflation, and that threat is years away at this point, and we have so many tools to keep that in check right now that it's not even really an issue.
Since Obama has been elected, I've discovered something about myself. I'm actually one of the few true "patriots" left out there. When Bush was in office, all the democrats bitched and complained and made it a point to never support a single word he said or a single thing he did. I always used to say that I would be the opposite of that if there were ever a democrat in office.
That's exactly what I've done. I don't like Obama, but when I hear about things he's trying to do (healthcare, for example), I don't focus on the negatives of the project. EVERY project has its negatives. I focus on the good things it can do and I find a reason to support it if it's imminent. Why? Because I can't change it. If it's going to happen, it's going to happen whether I bitch and complain about it or not.
What I've realized that both parties (Republican and Democrat) fail to realize is that success can be attained in more than one way. The reality is that both parties have a winning strategy; they just achieve it in different ways. I don't like the way Democrats achieve success, but in the end it is still success.
Sorry to be off-topic of your conversation, Jay. You don't seem to really be talking about a governmental failure so much as a failure fueled by our own society. I'm just ranting. :)
06-27-2009, 01:18 PM
i made that post after reading a letter to the editor from the quad city times.
It stated people who are heroes and listed some extreme left wing people and then stated names on the right side who pretty much have ruined the writer's life.
After that the debate of retards ensured. with my favorite guy who always quotes bible passages saying gays are the reason we are where we are as a society and such.
But what you stated was exactly my point. no i dont like Obama, but there are things he is doing that i'm am happy for... stem cell research for one. There are many things i dont agree with such as these stimulus checks and bailouts. I mean Iowa was approved for a 4million dollar check for "pig smell reduction research." seriously?! I've lived there most of my life, sorry but the smell of the honey wagons spraying the fields doesnt bother me. it only created 20 jobs and will find no solution.
but i dont like how the morals and honor of most people is gone. I think that is my bottom line point and i think if anything that is what could and will eventually bring the doom and gloom.
06-27-2009, 06:17 PM
I don't know where most peoples' heads are these days. I see what you're saying, Jay.
I was talking about this at work recently. When it comes to politics, a good idea is a good idea. I don't care who's idea it was. People are so focused on the belief that they've got to be on one side or the other, and we're forgetting that it's actually possible that good ideas can come from someone who's not on "your side" of the political spectrum. I'm glad that there are some people out there who can still see through all the bullshit, perhaps seperate from their party enough to say "hey... that's a good idea."
I do agree with you about people's morals and honor, and probably in different ways, too. For instance, this recession has been incredibly stressful for me. No, I haven't lost my job... I haven't gotten a pay cut... I'm not in any immediate danger of losing my job. In fact, I'm graduating with my bachelors in October. This is really just my college job. It stresses me out because I have a lot of honor. My dad tells me that if I ever ran into hard times, I could (of course) sell my house and move back in with them until I get back on my feet. While it is a reassuring gesture, it still stresses me out to no end. To me, moving back in with the parents represents more than a "nice safeguard" to poor economic luck, it represents a failure on my behalf. It represents that I did not do the necessary things (save money, remain debt free, keep bills low) to be able to stay out on my own. Then, when I move in with my parents, I'm taking money from them that they could otherwise be saving towards their own retirement. It's not a "free ride." I want my parents to enjoy a magnificent retirement, and it starts with me doing everything I can to be self-sufficient.
But I see so many kids my age (and yeah, at 23-24, you're still a kid. I know this from experience) who don't feel that way. They see their parents' kindness as a reason why they shouldn't work especially hard to prevent financial failure. They see it as a reason not to establish their 6-month emergency funds, and rather waste that money partying and pissing it away on other things. They know that if their luck runs out one day, they've always got Mom and Dad to fall back on. Again, it's a great reassurance, but it should not replace financial and economic responsibility.
I'm not advocating being stressed out like I am. I'm advocating that people learn some morals and quit shooting themselves in the foot. Japan had an economic downturn just like ours (over housing even) in the early 1990's and they weathered the storm amazingly well compared to us. Why? because their society values having cash savings. During an economic downturn, they weren't so affected by the lower availability of loans and credit cards. There were times in history when you could be thrown in jail for not repaying a loan... in some countries, imprisonement is the penalty for bankruptcy. We take this country for granted sometimes, I think.
/rant. I like this topic :)
06-27-2009, 08:33 PM
Side note: Im watching fast times at ridgemont high. what if the Myans simply stopped at 2012, I mean they had to stop somewhere. Just happens the guy hammering in those digits was like, hand hurts lets call it a day.
06-27-2009, 09:08 PM
^on the other hand if they knew thats when the world would end then why bother going past that point?
My brother just moved out to CO too... he was locked on a job with the company i worked for after an arrangement i had with the owner. She just reneged on that and called today saying she over hired.
Now thats fine and dandy, i understand her inability to run her business efficiently, i've tried to do many things differently then the way she wanted to save time and money. Example, instead of me picking up car parts AFTER i drive to the shop yard, i pick them up on my way to work and end up being 15 mins late then everyone else, but i work by myself so whats the big deal? well she wont have any of that and I MUST drive to the yard, pick up my work truck drive BACK the way I came and then BACK past the yard where i work on trucks.
My point to that rant, is if she actually took the time to THINK and CHANGE how she runs her business then maybe this problem with keeping my brother on staff wouldnt exist.
But will we fail? will we have to run back home with our tails between our legs? nope... many people would. But my parents have their own problems, they cant help us. But we dont go the to bars every night, we can live of mac and cheese. we dont need hand outs, and we will still have a good time kayaking, hiking, Frisbee golfing etc.
Can we throw money into our cars? no. Can we go out to eat everyday? no. I mean these are the things now a days that most people still cant say no to, and why cant they? I believe its because they've become brainwashed by TV, they HAVE to have $200 jeans because its just what everyone wears!
my parents never gave me anything... they provided for me a home, food, a good education and a happy environment to grow in. If i wanted a new bike, i had to earn it. Either by doing special chores or projects or saving and them matching. Today that doesnt happen in most households.
Anyway long rant on this topic and i could go on forever... so i'll stop here. In closing I pose this question.
What happens when my generation who is the tip of the spear in this social thinking hits 40's and 50's and is now in charge of the direction of the nation.
06-27-2009, 09:14 PM
Hey Dustin, did you snag that off
And I'll just add that I've got my rifles loaded and I'm ready for the shit to hit the fan! lol
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