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View Full Version : Storm, Trees, Chains Saws, And animals

06-23-2009, 07:30 PM
So i was head home from work today at about 5:20. My brother calls while Im drving in the windy storm and tells me I might as well not come home, theirs a massive tree in the drive way and we dont have power. I figure I may as well get home. I parked the truck in the ditch by home and wait out the storm. About as soon as its died down we head down with chain saws to get this big old tree out of the drive way atleast. A few neighbors stop by and offer to help, but first have to get some gas or something. In the mean time Im cutting like crazy and dustins loading the truck way to full of braches and logs.

I had noticed a squeeking from the tree, but didnt really pay it much attention. I switched from cutting up branches to the main part of the tree. Part way through I stop to see my progress. I had noticed it was nearly petrified wood but then got a little easier. I saw what looked like movement from inside, and realized it was full of ants or termites. I kept on cutting and checked again. Thought I saw something bigger move but its raining and hard to tell. Cut some more and realize i am cutting through something strange. FIrst I think mice, then dustin yell BATS! I was cutting through a family of bats. Probably 20 or more. I cut right through them. Some were cut up, plenty were still flying around. One wing tried to fly alone but obviously failed.

Dustin grabs the chain saw and greedily cuts through one that cant get away. Theirs live and dieing bats all around. The dog is terrified of bats. Kenton comes by and stomps em out with his boot. Someone screamed like a girl...havent decided who yet, may have been dustin while cutting them up, maybe it was me and i didnt realize it.

And we continue to clear the drive of the big ol' tree...pics later. None of the bats really, my phone couldnt decipher bat from dark brush.

Thats my evening.

-Colton :suspect:

06-23-2009, 07:38 PM
it looked like it was going to get nasty here the radar showed a big red dot coming towards muscatine but we got a lot of wind at first then clouds and the temp dropped 20*.

Now its raining and to the south of us is pretty much getting hammered

06-23-2009, 07:48 PM
it doesnt surprise me that Dustin would enjoy killing small animals with a chainsaw for some reason.

06-23-2009, 08:39 PM
We can't cut here.... This is bat country

06-23-2009, 11:00 PM
lmao!! ^^ fear and loathing, classic

Domestic Disturbance
06-24-2009, 03:29 AM
no point in mentioning these bats I thought. Poor bastard will see them soon enough