View Full Version : new trans vid/compilation from last night!
06-06-2009, 12:50 PM
some humor in it, so enjoy ;) ... ansvid.flv (¤t=newtransvid.flv)
06-06-2009, 03:53 PM
I still like that car!
06-06-2009, 04:22 PM
beat that wrx and a zx10, didnt think that thing was that fast. Whos bike was that? First or last name will suffice, may know who it was.
06-06-2009, 05:44 PM
that mullet guy with the turd gen TA was money....
06-06-2009, 10:16 PM
i believe it was the same bike rob beat a while back.
06-07-2009, 12:27 AM
Slownsteady that's my girlfriend.....and jacob yeah that's the same idea what his name is...
06-07-2009, 08:28 AM
both of them? :biggrin:
06-07-2009, 11:58 AM
i wish haha..
06-07-2009, 02:07 PM
now the real queestion; does she know you posted that pic on a public forum?
06-07-2009, 02:49 PM
now the real queestion; does she know you posted that pic on a public forum?
Technicaly, he didn't... I DID... so he is safe
06-07-2009, 07:52 PM
so I think its miss leading....The STI won, and so did the Zx10..Held the zx10 off for a while though.
06-07-2009, 10:38 PM
STI won my ass, who the fuck told you that? it was never even an inch in front of me at any point in the race...its actually pretty clear in the video...and as a matter of fact it was short shifting at 6k during that race and i forgot i had the air can hear the difference from the sti to the bike race because i manually shifted it when i raced the bike...but i have no reason to make excuses because i didnt lose ;)
06-07-2009, 10:39 PM
and i let out at about 80-90mph racing the bike....but thanks for the props jesse! not...
06-07-2009, 10:41 PM
now the real queestion; does she know you posted that pic on a public forum?
Technicaly, he didn't... I DID... so he is safe
true dat! lol but i dont think she would care anyway haha..
06-08-2009, 08:02 AM
so I think its miss leading....The STI won, and so did the Zx10..Held the zx10 off for a while though.
HAHAHA you got beat by that sti and then said you won, what a fag, then lied about beating a zx10, the only bike you got a chance at is mine.
why dont you set up a race with the slowest msca car since they suck? I would think they have one in there club thats in the 13s for
06-08-2009, 09:03 AM
yeah since you were there and have any idea what happened, go fuck yourself..
06-08-2009, 09:04 AM
btw, thanks for starting this bullshit jesse...real cool..
06-08-2009, 09:18 AM
Doesn't your a/c turn off under wot? I bet it does most newer vehicles do. Do you have the whole STI video or was it edited??
06-08-2009, 09:34 AM
btw, thanks for starting this bullshit jesse...real cool..
Why are you mad at him for getting on here and talikng the truth, maybe you should post all the vid of you getting beat by the sti, you might want to re think racing derek if you cant even take down a 13 second
06-08-2009, 10:59 AM
didnt Jamie break his shifter? was it racing you? I wasnt there when he broke his shifter so i dont know who he was racing.
06-08-2009, 11:17 AM
he broke it racing george, it was fixed for our race.....heres the full raw STI video (which the one in the compilation is only like 2 seconds shorter) ... nt=STI.flv (¤t=STI.flv)
you need glasses if you think i lost..
whole zx-10 race (i stopped at the 1/8 prolly) was getting freight trained anyway... ... t=zx10.flv (¤t=zx10.flv)
and the ac may turn off under wot, i just looked down and saw it was on lol
and mufflover, you werent there, you know nothing about the races, how do you know its the truth? its not, ask jamie, he will even tell just shit talk to shit talk, get a life...and how do you know its a 13sec STI? you dont know shit about anybody except what you read on seriously done responding to your retarded posts stay out of my threads
06-08-2009, 11:28 AM
Fuck you pussy. you talk as much shit as the next guy,
06-08-2009, 11:48 AM
yeah when i know wtf im talking about unlike chime into everything clueless as a motherfucker just looking to act like a douche bag...dont bother responding im done
06-08-2009, 12:28 PM
That STI is definatly faster then a 13sec car.
I guess we are next in line to race Fifdy :)
06-08-2009, 12:46 PM
yeah when i know wtf im talking about unlike chime into everything clueless as a motherfucker just looking to act like a douche bag...dont bother responding im done
:neener: :neener: :neener: :neener: :neener: :neener: :neener: :neener: :neener: Go take your ball and go home pussy
06-08-2009, 01:16 PM
is it really so hard to believe a modded LS1 f-body could beat a 12/13 second STi? just wondering....
06-08-2009, 02:12 PM
yeah when i know wtf im talking about unlike chime into everything clueless as a motherfucker just looking to act like a douche bag...dont bother responding im done
I guess i dont see believing somethin you read here any diff than believing a third hand comment from someone who says the know what happened.... but dont hate Im not bein a dick just sayin is all...
06-08-2009, 04:39 PM
Fuck you pussy. you talk as much shit as the next guy,
dude you are a fucking dork. No one likes you and you get off from pissing people off. We all know your nuts are not big enough to even show up face to face with anyone. You are the definition of a internet pussy...
06-09-2009, 08:28 AM
Fuck you pussy. you talk as much shit as the next guy,
dude you are a fucking dork. No one likes you and you get off from pissing people off. We all know your nuts are not big enough to even show up face to face with anyone. You are the definition of a internet pussy...
and you are the thoughest guy behind a
06-09-2009, 11:14 AM
Fuck you pussy. you talk as much shit as the next guy,
dude you are a fucking dork. No one likes you and you get off from pissing people off. We all know your nuts are not big enough to even show up face to face with anyone. You are the definition of a internet pussy...
and you are the thoughest guy behind a
Im out almost every weekend n*****. Almost everyone on hear knows me... I dont run my mouth like you do... I just take it upon myself to say something to you everytime you say something cuz isnt that what you always do?
06-09-2009, 11:31 AM
Are you a raceist?? throwing that word around makes you feel pretty cool on the net doesnt it, how bout this, me and my black friends will meet you and your mouth this friday night? name the time and place raciest.
06-09-2009, 11:32 AM
Fuck you pussy. you talk as much shit as the next guy,
dude you are a fucking dork. No one likes you and you get off from pissing people off. We all know your nuts are not big enough to even show up face to face with anyone. You are the definition of a internet pussy...
and you are the thoughest guy behind a
Im out almost every weekend nigger. Almost everyone on hear knows me... I dont run my mouth like you do... I just take it upon myself to say something to you everytime you say something cuz isnt that what you always do?
06-09-2009, 02:17 PM
Are you a raceist?? throwing that word around makes you feel pretty cool on the net doesnt it, how bout this, me and my black friends will meet you and your mouth this friday night? name the time and place raciest.
wait, you have friends? sure as shit didn't make them here, did you?
and it's "racist".
06-09-2009, 02:22 PM
Are you a raceist?? throwing that word around makes you feel pretty cool on the net doesnt it, how bout this, me and my black friends will meet you and your mouth this friday night? name the time and place raciest.
wait, you have friends? sure as shit didn't make them here, did you?
and it's "racist".
06-09-2009, 02:25 PM
Are you a raceist?? throwing that word around makes you feel pretty cool on the net doesnt it, how bout this, me and my black friends will meet you and your mouth this friday night? name the time and place raciest.
wait, you have friends? sure as shit didn't make them here, did you?
and it's "racist".
06-09-2009, 02:41 PM
I think your the one who's hiding behind the screen, no one even knows your name.. If you say he's the raciest, does that mean he's the fastest? LOL
06-09-2009, 03:21 PM
I think your the one who's hiding behind the screen, no one even knows your name.. If you say he's the raciest, does that mean he's the fastest? LOL
maybe he was refering to clothing.. Ricky have you been dressing provocativley? :bigthumb:
06-09-2009, 04:19 PM
are your black "friends" "raceist"? im sure they say that word too...i dont dislike black people, i just really dont like "n-wordz".
06-09-2009, 04:25 PM
I was just going by what Jamie told me.. He said his car was breaking up in 4th when he started to "pull" on you.. His car needs some attention but its motivation somone to actully spend some money and fix things reather then racing it with who knows what of a tune on it.. As for claming to beat the bike, yes you beat it to about the 1/8 mile mark. The guy is a horrible bike rider and or those bikes are slow. your car does move good for the mods though!!
06-09-2009, 05:44 PM
well since you have black friends maybe we should meet in the day time so its fair....
I dont have a problem with black people at all. I through that word out there just to make this back and forth thing between us even more ridiculous.
Fuck if you want to play that game all blacks schools and all black churches are supporting segregation and enjoy getting treated different sometimes so they can bitch about how the man is keeping them down.
06-09-2009, 05:47 PM
fifdy, want to race a 600? I have an R6. we could do it for giggles. I would like to be beat by a car :) all my bike has is a sprocket. other then that its stock... could be fun so let me know.
06-09-2009, 07:24 PM
im not one to talk down on someone, but the bike rider definetly needs more pracice...the STi is definetly faster than a 13, considering thats what they run stock, and would someone please ban mufflover.
06-09-2009, 08:41 PM
are your black "friends" "raceist"? im sure they say that word too...i dont dislike black people, i just really dont like niggers.
fifdy... i'm down with you if you need some people sometime :biggrin:
Typical GROUP of niggers wanting to meet up with a single white person... That's why so many black people are in gangs, because alone they are all fucking pussies but 4-5 of them on a single white guy and they might actualy stand a chance.
06-09-2009, 08:45 PM
well since you have black friends maybe we should meet in the day time so its fair....
I dont have a problem with black people at all. I through that word out there just to make this back and forth thing between us even more ridiculous.
Fuck if you want to play that game all blacks schools and all black churches are supporting segregation and enjoy getting treated different sometimes so they can bitch about how the man is keeping them down.
I like you
Are you a raceist?? throwing that word around makes you feel pretty cool on the net doesnt it, how bout this, me and my black friends will meet you and your mouth this friday night? name the time and place raciest.
HAHA!! Spoken like a true nigger... You are a fucking pussy! Simple as that!
06-09-2009, 09:13 PM
I wonder if Willy wheels still gets on here?? Sure he would love to talk to all you guys throwing the N word around, sometimes its better to keep your thoughts to yourself, just my 2 cents...
06-09-2009, 09:21 PM
the "N word"....? Scared of the black man beating/killing you for a using a word they say atleast once or twice in almost every sentence they speak? Must suck being scared to say something in a country based on Freedoms, including the Freedom Of Speech. I for one, will say what is on my mind and if people are offended than so be it. Not a day goes by that I am not offended in one way or another but you don't see me ganging up and beating the piss out of the people who offended me. I (like MANY others) have no problem with black people, it's the "N words" i don't care for. Hell many of my closests friends groing up where black and about 75% of my "clients" are black as well as a good 30% of the people I hang out with on a daily basis...
Has my mouth gotten me in trouble before? Of course but at the same time people have a certain amount of respect for the people who are REAL and don't just say shit when no one is around. I have said the "N word" around some of teh biggest, blackest SOB's in this town and yet I am alive and doing fine. It makes me sad/angry to think about what kind of country this is going to be when my son gets older, it is going downhill and it's going down FAST!
06-09-2009, 09:55 PM
the "N word"....? Scared of the black man beating/killing you for a using a word they say atleast once or twice in almost every sentence they speak? Must suck being scared to say something in a country based on Freedoms, including the Freedom Of Speech. I for one, will say what is on my mind and if people are offended than so be it. Not a day goes by that I am not offended in one way or another but you don't see me ganging up and beating the piss out of the people who offended me. I (like MANY others) have no problem with black people, it's the "N words" i don't care for. Hell many of my closests friends groing up where black and about 75% of my "clients" are black as well as a good 30% of the people I hang out with on a daily basis...
Has my mouth gotten me in trouble before? Of course but at the same time people have a certain amount of respect for the people who are REAL and don't just say shit when no one is around. I have said the "N word" around some of teh biggest, blackest SOB's in this town and yet I am alive and doing fine. It makes me sad/angry to think about what kind of country this is going to be when my son gets older, it is going downhill and it's going down FAST!
So all this makes it alright?? What business are you in? I will bet tom. when you go to work and you tell the 75% of your clients that are black about them being the N word and I want to see how long they will be with you... I am not on here to say anyone is right or wrong but I just think somethings should not be said on a public forum, so take it how ever you want and go with it... peace out..
06-09-2009, 10:56 PM
jesse-yes he "pulled" on the back half, but that was just to make up some distance on the 2 cars i had on him, i won by a half carish to like 120...and im sure the bike rider isnt the greatest as those bikes stock run in the 9's and his isnt quite stock...
and trevor, im down whenever im in town!
and ricky, that would be sweet! i think a 600 would be a really good race for me in the 1/4 on the street...
and allgo, i agree with you there, just people need to get less bent out of shape about simple comments that they hypcritically use to demene themselves anyway..
06-09-2009, 11:44 PM
Well for once I gotta be w Allgo, I worked at city of kc. mo. our plant had maybe 115 employees, a lot of unskilled workers so all said probably 65% were not caucasian. Sure they said the n word to each other all the time showed me all the signing bs gestures. I was kind of cool to them I guess and they invited me over, had a cad, buick electra 225, clothes and a fkn shack to live in but hey that was their deal. Then the g/d crack happened and fkd them up, became criminals and thieves. One reason I am here.
This place is nothing, there you'd have 250 to 300 closing down a road at night doing whatever. I didn't go there, one wrong move you were a dead mf no matter what.
Then on other hand I had black neighbors/coworkers, they hated those thieves and crackheads and wanted nothing more than raise their kids to be decent. I had a lot of fun w a few of them.. best buddies. Even today at work a guy is cool to me for whatever reason. There's plenty of white gangs in big towns just as bad, they don't like you they fk u up for whatever reason same w hispanic groups.
Just be glad to be here w/o most of that bs. Life is too short, I like most car ppl end of story. Think about having security bars on every window and door, having your car at some secluded locked storage place, all that bs.
Crackheads don't have cars or anything, seen them sell their wife/gf/themselves for a rock of crack. Crazy sh-t you know. Though we might talk sh-t to each other now and then you know we aren't coming over and torch ur house or shoot ya or fk ur car up most likely. Some talk and hopefully line them up...and brag if we win. Way it should be imo.
06-10-2009, 02:40 AM
nice vid this thread is very off topic but kitch has a honda express that i think will take the trans am its the one in the sin banner
06-10-2009, 05:00 AM
I edited my post to not have the "N word" in it. I shouldn't used it on a public fourm and thats my fault.
I also am sorry for getting this thread WAY off topic.
06-10-2009, 10:56 AM
are your black "friends" "raceist"? im sure they say that word too...i dont dislike black people, i just really dont like niggers.
06-10-2009, 10:58 AM
the "N word"....? Scared of the black man beating/killing you for a using a word they say atleast once or twice in almost every sentence they speak? Must suck being scared to say something in a country based on Freedoms, including the Freedom Of Speech. I for one, will say what is on my mind and if people are offended than so be it. Not a day goes by that I am not offended in one way or another but you don't see me ganging up and beating the piss out of the people who offended me. I (like MANY others) have no problem with black people, it's the "N words" i don't care for. Hell many of my closests friends groing up where black and about 75% of my "clients" are black as well as a good 30% of the people I hang out with on a daily basis...
Has my mouth gotten me in trouble before? Of course but at the same time people have a certain amount of respect for the people who are REAL and don't just say shit when no one is around. I have said the "N word" around some of teh biggest, blackest SOB's in this town and yet I am alive and doing fine. It makes me sad/angry to think about what kind of country this is going to be when my son gets older, it is going downhill and it's going down FAST!
Yeah I bet you get a ton of respct talking like your a
06-10-2009, 11:15 AM
you think he talks like a gangster? it is sounding like he is quite the opposite of that...damn your incompetent..
06-10-2009, 12:05 PM
hey fifdy I forwarded your post to the black panther web site so I guess we will see who the incompetent one is.
P.S. my point to him that his is so tough on the net talking all this N stuff and wont say it to there face, bet on that, or I guess we will see.
06-10-2009, 12:23 PM
Your so tuff you hide on the internet and try to get other people to take care of your personal business.. Gotta love the Americans like you who cant take responsibility for their own mouth or actions.
06-10-2009, 12:28 PM
P.S. my point to him that his is so tough on the net talking all this... and wont say it to there face, bet on that, or I guess we will see.
Isnt that what you do every day... cracker?
06-10-2009, 01:37 PM
even though i dont use the word, i think it's complete bullshit and even unconstitutional that me saying it is considered a racial slur, but a black man saying it is completely accepted vernacular. what if it were at a place of business; if i white man uses the "n-word", even in jest, there's a very real threat of him being fired on those grounds, even though he's well within his rights to say whatever and feel that way. on the other hand, if a black employee uses the word, they might not get more than a sit down, slap on the wrist, etc. the point is, my big thing is equality. i have absolutely no qualms with following the rules; i just expect everyone else to if i'm expected to.
and to Mufflover's Black Panther comment, i am completely sure that they would view some kid from iowa spouting off in a car forum a major threat that they need to address. i am also sure that when reading your message, your lack of grammer and spelling errors totally wouldnt make them think you are a dirty redneck just talking shit to them.
fuck, i spilled sarcasm all over....
06-10-2009, 02:35 PM
even though i dont use the word, i think it's complete bullshit and even unconstitutional that me saying it is considered a racial slur, but a black man saying it is completely accepted vernacular. what if it were at a place of business; if i white man uses the "n-word", even in jest, there's a very real threat of him being fired on those grounds, even though he's well within his rights to say whatever and feel that way. on the other hand, if a black employee uses the word, they might not get more than a sit down, slap on the wrist, etc. the point is, my big thing is equality. i have absolutely no qualms with following the rules; i just expect everyone else to if i'm expected to.
and to Mufflover's Black Panther comment, i am completely sure that they would view some kid from iowa spouting off in a car forum a major threat that they need to address. i am also sure that when reading your message, your lack of grammer and spelling errors totally wouldnt make them thing you are a dirty redneck just talking shit to them.
fuck, i spilled sarcasm all over....
now YOU beat ME to it!!
06-10-2009, 03:18 PM
you think he talks like a gangster? it is sounding like he is quite the opposite of that...damn your incompetent..
This guy is a fucking joke. Also I am pretty sure i have already stated I have used the "n-word" around black people on quite a few occasions. I have said it before and i will say it again, I say what is on my mind WHEN it is on my mind. I am not going to wait until I am around a bunch of white peole and start saying stuff because, well I am not a pussy like that.
06-10-2009, 03:22 PM
What business are you in? I will bet tom. when you go to work and you tell the 75% of your clients that are black about them being the N word and I want to see how long they will be with you...
I will never call any of my clients the "N-word" because none of them are, as i stated they are black... That is the great thing about being able to refuse service to anyone. If i get some cracked out ignorant person (be them white, black, yellow or green for all i care) I simply will not work with them, therefore i have no "N-word" clients...
06-10-2009, 04:10 PM
lmao are you seriously that big of a tool that you would bother an african american rights organization with something as trivial as this? bwahahahahahah get a life..
and thanks for turning my thread into an uneccessary racial spout, the only good thing to come of this is the further realization people have of the level of retardation you are suffering from...
06-10-2009, 04:40 PM
watch and learn cocklover...straight from a colored man himself....THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH
06-10-2009, 04:45 PM
the vid on the first post asks if .. "YOU WANT SOME?"
I want to get spanked??
06-10-2009, 09:34 PM
watch and learn cocklover...straight from a colored man himself....THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH
Well, that pretty much sums up my thoughts on the issue.
06-10-2009, 11:11 PM
the vid on the first post asks if .. "YOU WANT SOME?"
I want to get spanked??
got any cars that will run or hook on the street? i'll race ya, im not out to prove anything, just get the summer rolling and have some fun!
06-11-2009, 04:41 AM
every car i own is a street car :biggrin:
06-11-2009, 09:05 AM
that didnt answer my question holmes..
06-11-2009, 11:12 AM
that didnt answer my question holmes..
I already answered your question.....want me to draw you a picture? :roll:
06-11-2009, 11:24 AM
i asked if any of them that are fast hook on the street or even run, because i know some of them are works in progress and they look like they could be a handfull on an unprepped road...but sure you can draw me a picture instead of giving me a vague answer if you'd like..
06-11-2009, 12:17 PM
Probably be a pretty close race I would imagine, 30Lb didnt your car run a 12.6 or so..
06-11-2009, 04:10 PM
i hope to god it was your bolt on car that ran a 12.6....and if it was that car you were wanting to race with i would be pretty upset if i didnt have you covered...
06-11-2009, 04:13 PM
only sprayed half of 3rd and all of 4th gear, spun most of the way down the track.
new heads, intake, and cam are on the engine now, tweaking the comp program now.....should go much , much faster now...well maybe spin, we will find out soon!
06-11-2009, 04:18 PM
i asked if any of them that are fast hook on the street or even run, because i know some of them are works in progress and they look like they could be a handfull on an unprepped road...but sure you can draw me a picture instead of giving me a vague answer if you'd like..
I'm not a very good you would not be very impressed :biggrin:
The 98 will hook VERY hard on the street, the 95? well I have not sprayed it with the new heads and cam yet, but it did spin like a mo-fo before(all over the road), the 94 is not done, and on the 93 were building a new engine at this time
I perfer a race at the track.....safer
06-11-2009, 04:20 PM
i hope to god it was your bolt on car that ran a 12.6....and if it was that car you were wanting to race with i would be pretty upset if i didnt have you covered...
I doubt you will "have me coverd" get ready to be disapointed :neener:
06-11-2009, 06:15 PM
im not racing you at the track, im only probably making 2 trips there this summer....pretty cocky for someone who went in the 12's with an ls car SPRAYING, i would sell my shit if i sprayed it and it only went 12.6, spinning or not, it isnt hard to make an ls car with that power hook, stock suspension cars with slicks can cut 1.4's....if your 98 is only true bolt ons, i WILL NOT get disappointed
06-11-2009, 08:02 PM
im not racing you at the track, im only probably making 2 trips there this summer....pretty cocky for someone who went in the 12's with an ls car SPRAYING, i would sell my shit if i sprayed it and it only went 12.6, spinning or not, it isnt hard to make an ls car with that power hook, stock suspension cars with slicks can cut 1.4's....if your 98 is only true bolt ons, i WILL NOT get disappointed
this is not an LS car... I'm talking about a race with the 95
i've forgotten more about these cars then most will ever know, that includes you. You don't know all about why it ran these times, If you really knew anything about drag racing you would understand. I DID NOT spray the whole track
If you dare meet me at the track ....I will spin past you and hand you your ass....
06-11-2009, 09:54 PM
spinning past me at a 12.6 wont happen...i wont race you at the track because i dont need a broken rear i cant afford...dont start being a douche, i was under the impression you were an alright guy..
06-11-2009, 10:17 PM
Quiet down before I smoke you both at the track. I took two cylinders out for weight reduction and have been smoking you scrubs since then!
Domestic Disturbance
06-11-2009, 11:28 PM
Fiffdy are you on the jug now? Might need to run you in a little bit here. Don't plan on winning really, but I'd still be down.
06-12-2009, 12:23 AM
Well I'm putting 500# of sand in the trunk, mount a set of et streets, Then we will go at that crappy place where only a lsx or awd can hook. We'll see if it can pull the fronts. :bigthumb: You guys are all hardcore... I'll show mustang Scotty a rwd can hook up on ice. :supz:
06-12-2009, 04:43 AM
spinning past me at a 12.6 wont happen...i wont race you at the track because i dont need a broken rear i cant afford...dont start being a douche, i was under the impression you were an alright guy..
You dont get it do you, ..... its NOT a 12.6 car!!!
it takes alot to break a rear, you read too many hot rod magizines!!! many f-bodys run 10.xx on stock 10 bolts
Your scared and your car is slow!
06-12-2009, 06:35 AM
spinning past me at a 12.6 wont happen...i wont race you at the track because i dont need a broken rear i cant afford...dont start being a douche, i was under the impression you were an alright guy..
weird. see the trend in this statement? this is like the third time ive seen you post something like this... ever think maybe your the one thats actin like a d-bag? maybe it isnt everyone elses fault.....
06-12-2009, 08:32 AM
spinning past me at a 12.6 wont happen...i wont race you at the track because i dont need a broken rear i cant afford...dont start being a douche, i was under the impression you were an alright guy..
weird. see the trend in this statement? this is like the third time ive seen you post something like this... ever think maybe your the one thats actin like a d-bag? maybe it isnt everyone elses fault.....
HAHAHAHA this is so true, even though I am a d-bag.
06-12-2009, 09:16 AM
haha im glad you realize it mufflover...
and 30lbs, your calling me scared and a pussy when you dont want to race on the street because its unsafe? i never mentioned anything about racing on a track in my video...
and i have seen fbodies run 13's and break 10 in college and cant afford to risk breaking my rear, i'll make a trip to the track once before pinks this summer and if your there, sure we can go at if you cant understand that im sorry, then yes im a big fucking pussy blah blah..
i just want to get some racing started in this town and not dramatic bullshit, if you wanna race, then come out and lets get it done, quit being a douche and show up if you want it...i like to have fun and bullshit cars as much as the next guy but this site is beginning to be a bit much for me...i understand why allgo and george dont bother anymore...
06-12-2009, 11:07 AM
haha im glad you realize it mufflover...
and 30lbs, your calling me scared and a pussy when you dont want to race on the street because its unsafe? i never mentioned anything about racing on a track in my video...
and i have seen fbodies run 13's and break 10 in college and cant afford to risk breaking my rear, i'll make a trip to the track once before pinks this summer and if your there, sure we can go at if you cant understand that im sorry, then yes im a big fucking pussy blah blah..
i just want to get some racing started in this town and not dramatic bullshit, if you wanna race, then come out and lets get it done, quit being a douche and show up if you want it...i like to have fun and bullshit cars as much as the next guy but this site is beginning to be a bit much for me...i understand why allgo and george dont bother anymore...
I did not make a vid saying "want some" ...that was you. You opened the door to this and I walked threw...Ive been in too much trouble in the past to ever street race again.
SO LETS MEET AT THE TRACK!! theres only ONE WAY to settle this I'm pretty sure my car hooks better than yours and I run a streets and a manual trans and launching at 5K ....makes it much eaiser to break stuff!!!!!!!!
I doubt you would do better than a 1.9-2.2 60' that you wont break
you read too many hot rod magizines!!!
you want to get racing started in this town? then lets do it!! talking only gets you so far!
makeing you look like a fool at the track will be easy
06-12-2009, 11:17 AM
30lbboost is my new
06-12-2009, 11:29 AM
so a 3800 stalled drag radial auto car is going to cut a 1.9 60ft best? LMAO i cut that on the stock converter/trans with 3.23's...
and i dont read any "hot rod magazines"....your the one looking like a fool running in the 12's with a dual power adder v8....and if it hooks so good why did you spin all the way down the track before?
after reading your comments i now have no desire to meet or race you ever, the video was a joke, hense the "some humor in it"....i DO NOT think im the fastest thing out there or anything like that, if you meet me you would know im pretty humble about my car...
go do your 6-speed shooutout and quit riding my ass, if you want to race me show up and lets race, i have no desire to chase you around and prove anything to cocky or shit-talking as some may think i am here i am not that kind of person when you meet me, i just like to be sarcastic and have fun, so if your going to get all serious on me and try to prove your blown/sprayed/built lt1 will beat a stock bottom end NA ls1 dont hold your breath because i dont give 2 shits, it should beat me anyway for what it is and its not worth a trip to the track for me to see it happen...
06-12-2009, 05:14 PM
Your comment about "show up and race" and not wanting to go to the track is your escape route for ducking me.
12 sec car my ass..... with the stock heads and cam the trap speeds alone prove it was a 11 sec car, EASY and again, that was NOT spraying the entire track, cold tires, cold bottle, unprepped track. and oh yea.....thats on the same engine that was in the flood, the whole car was under water! Funny, this is not a million dollar car, its my "junk" car.
what are you scared of by going to the track?
06-12-2009, 05:55 PM
30lb, you have Fbody parts stockpiled; how about you work out a deal for a race. like if he races you at the track and breaks his rear, you sell him a new 10 bolt for his car for like $50 or something. i dont think he's near afraid of losing as he isbreaking his car.
i could be wrong of course- you're talking to the guy who pretty much lost every street race he ever had...
06-12-2009, 06:09 PM
trap speeds don't mean nothing!! all it stands for is hp, might as well race dyno slips! my dd traps 118, faster than your car and i don't claim a 11 second car cuz mph don't mean shiat
06-12-2009, 06:14 PM
why would i duck on you when i said i dont care if i raced you win or lose? was it supposed to be for money or something? im not going to go out of my way to race a car that is supposed to beat me anyway (although a "should be" 11 second car isnt anything special anyway) , my vid said "COME and get it"....and thank you dustin, that makes some sense...30lbs, you dont know me or my car so STFU, i severely cannot afford to break anything on my car and as it sits the heads still need to be pulled to replace some parts. so like i said i am only making 2 trips to the track this summer and i have NO reason to accomodate to your terms on the race, if you dont like it then shut your mouth and stay out of my thread and quit being an over zealous jackass while your at it....
06-12-2009, 06:17 PM
30lb, you have Fbody parts stockpiled; how about you work out a deal for a race. like if he races you at the track and breaks his rear, you sell him a new 10 bolt for his car for like $50 or something. i dont think he's near afraid of losing as he isbreaking his car.
i could be wrong of course- you're talking to the guy who pretty much lost every street race he ever had...
I do have ring and pinions, limmited slips, etc ....and all the tools to set them up.
on a side note.... this is nothing personal, just some smack talk, nothing different then anyone else on this board :biggrin:
but I really would like to race
06-12-2009, 08:05 PM
trap speeds don't mean nothing!! all it stands for is hp, might as well race dyno slips! my dd traps 118, faster than your car and i don't claim a 11 second car cuz mph don't mean shiat
then maybe we should line up your DD with my junk :bigthumb:
06-12-2009, 08:12 PM
I kinda like it when the chevy guys are arguing... like the old days 10 chevies for every ford so they always were smack talking each other about their rides. Besides even then I had a slow turd that ran hi 13's low 14's 104 mph.
06-12-2009, 08:16 PM
i bet my turd could run an 18....
in the 60'....
06-12-2009, 10:23 PM
I run 18's too jacob. I feel for fifdy. college isnt cheap. schooling is most important, so do what ya have to do. Street racing is easy and cheap, ya roll out of your garage to the road. Track racing is a hassle, hence the college group running on the streets. I like your car fifdy, keep it running...its more important that running fastest.
06-14-2009, 12:00 PM
I run 18's too jacob. I feel for fifdy. college isnt cheap. schooling is most important, so do what ya have to do. Street racing is easy and cheap, ya roll out of your garage to the road. Track racing is a hassle, hence the college group running on the streets. I like your car fifdy, keep it running...its more important that running fastest.
School is very important these days. Street racing can be easy and cheap, untill your car breaks, you get a ticket , loose you license or god forbid there is an accident and someone is hurt or killed. Then theres things like fines, and jail time.
Going to the track is not a hassle and is way cheaper in my opinion.
06-14-2009, 08:18 PM
if your smart about street racing it is just as safe as the track imo, and MUCH cheaper...and less likely to break something, its also not safe to rock a car at the track that is capable of running XX times with NO safety equipment either..
06-14-2009, 08:40 PM
if your smart about street racing it is just as safe as the track imo, and MUCH cheaper...and less likely to break something, its also not safe to rock a car at the track that is capable of running XX times with NO safety equipment either..
I agree with you on the part about "its also not safe to rock a car at the track that is capable of running XX times with NO safety equipment either"
I'm going back to the track for some more shake down passes on my car, then its time for me to get the safty equipment taken care of.
Depending on my computer tune, traction, and how big my balls are, depends on if I will spray it on this next trip
06-14-2009, 08:56 PM
ahh cool..
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