View Full Version : The El camino @ tri-state today!
90 notch
05-03-2009, 06:52 PM
Hey a pretty good day today...I will keep it short but it went 8.27 @ 148.As you can see it wasn't a clean pass but with a good track 8.0's are looking pretty promising!Big thanks to everybody today wade,jarrad,terry,joey and willie!I am so very happy for my bro nobody works harder!Later steve o
05-03-2009, 07:05 PM
I thought I felt the Earth rotate earlier! Congrats Chris!
05-03-2009, 07:22 PM
congrats to lorenzo, your true friends new it would happen...
05-03-2009, 07:30 PM
Wow thats moving!
05-03-2009, 08:11 PM
congrats you guys, cant wait to see it out again this year.
05-03-2009, 09:06 PM
sweet! i saw jacobs has some pics of it from today..
05-04-2009, 06:32 AM
Congrats Lorenzo!! Ut oh, are 7.90's just around the corner!? MSCA ownage
90 notch
05-04-2009, 07:01 AM
Congrats Lorenzo!! Ut oh, are 7.90's just around the corner!? MSCA ownageI think it could be done...Steve o
05-04-2009, 07:30 AM
Congrats. We all knew it was a matter of time.
05-04-2009, 08:49 AM
wow, is that the fastest street car around here then?
05-04-2009, 09:58 AM
Throw a radial on it and lets go Outlaw Drag Radial huntin'.
05-04-2009, 10:07 AM
the car we definetly scooting...didnt you guys say you werent leaving off of boost also? if you want ill post those pictures for you.
Congrats Chris. Can't wait to see a full pass.
90 notch
05-04-2009, 01:32 PM
the car we definetly scooting...didnt you guys say you werent leaving off of boost also? if you want ill post those pictures for you.Do it!Thanks jacob
05-04-2009, 02:35 PM
05-04-2009, 02:54 PM
good pics! and thats a damn nice lookin car/truck...
05-04-2009, 03:15 PM
nice shots, really great. Cars looking really good, hope to see it at CFR?
05-04-2009, 03:32 PM
wow, is that the fastest street car around here then?
i have heard Torrey's car has ran 7.80's, but that still doesnt take away from their car- still bad ass
slow ride
05-04-2009, 05:29 PM
Congrats guys. Long time coming and I'm sure highs 7's are just around the corner. Looks like it's leaving hard. Any 60 ft or 1/8th times/speed? How many pounds of boost is it running? Any dyno #'s?
05-04-2009, 05:32 PM
Son of a bitch I love the older El Caminos...
05-04-2009, 05:55 PM
yeah why dont you guys scan your timeslip and post it? i wouldnt mind seeing what you guys pulled for 1/8, 60ft, etc :) i heard there were some timing system troubles sunday...
90 notch
05-04-2009, 07:24 PM
here we go. yes in never ran never will. end of story. lorenzo....
05-04-2009, 07:29 PM
i dont know, he might just be curious about the other times- personally, i dont find it all that hard to believe; just had to get the bugs ironed out to make it happen.
05-04-2009, 07:37 PM
so you cant post a timeslip? im not trying to start anything i am just curious as to how it leaves, etc...if you ran the times it shouldnt be a problem to post the slip? am i wrong?
90 notch
05-04-2009, 07:51 PM
everybody that you talked to was there and saw it. am i wrong?
05-04-2009, 07:56 PM
bull shit never happen post time slip.(uwilose)
05-04-2009, 07:57 PM
Nice ya miss the Carb?
slow ride
05-04-2009, 08:11 PM
I just wanted to see the times to know where Chris got out of it. Looks like it launched hard.
slow ride
05-04-2009, 08:11 PM
I just wanted to see the times to know where Chris got out of it. Looks like it launched hard.
05-04-2009, 08:15 PM
doesnt matter who i know or who saw it...what stopping you from posting a slip? im just curious..
90 notch
05-04-2009, 08:20 PM
this is lorenzo and im posting for the first time and probably the last. for all you haters and you know who you are BRING IT BITCH!!!!!!
05-04-2009, 08:22 PM
your not posting the time slip because the clocks were fucked up and you know it...rumors are not only coming from the track but YOUR friends...just post it and prove me wrong..
90 notch
05-04-2009, 08:25 PM
05-04-2009, 08:29 PM
why are you avoiding my request? because you know 0.9 60ft's arent possible outside of funny cars? lol i might as well set a squirrel loose at the end of the track to run through the traps when i run so i can get in the 7's too!
So the haters come out. This is gay. It ran it, if you were there you could see the board on the 1/8th pass and 1/4 pass. The incrementals support it. If you don't think it ran it I'm sure you'll have opportunity to see it again.
05-04-2009, 09:03 PM
all im asking for is a scan of the sure it ran, and im also sure it prolly ran in the 8's...but rumors are spreading from credible sources that something is wrong...and lorenzo's failure to cooperate to post a slip is only solidifying the rumors...
05-04-2009, 09:04 PM
i was there all day and i didnt see any timing problems?
05-04-2009, 09:15 PM
bull shit never happen post time slip.(uwilose)
if you don't belive it why don't you race him?
Who is the credible source(s)? If there credible I'm sure they'll back what they say with their names. I don't know if C has a scanner or not but I wouldn't post shit. Even when there is a scanned copy there will still be disbelievers.
90 notch
05-04-2009, 09:39 PM
like wade just said whos this credible source?tell him to man up and bring extra pistons cause hes gonna need them. LORENZO
05-04-2009, 09:54 PM
Hey Chris, want me to post the vids up on youtube???
05-04-2009, 10:23 PM
still waiting for a slip...its not my place to say who they are...but i will say they are not people who post on this board so dont hold your breath on that...
05-04-2009, 10:24 PM
If your freinds are not laughing and joking about your pass, How would I know the 1/8 mile bogos ET the 1/8 mile BS mph, and the so call BS 60' along with NO reaction time on the ticket, and the fact that the lights were fucked up and flashing on and off!, It's because they told pepole and good jokes travel fast, if my #s are wrong prove me wrong. But its ok time will tell, it will go down the track again it better run within a .10th.
05-04-2009, 10:30 PM
bull shit never happen post time slip.(uwilose)
if you don't belive it why don't you race him?
Not to speak for Eric but im sure that can be arranged. Last year Eric made over 1400rw, went 7.80's and lets just say this year... well if it doesn't make over 1600rw wheel id be surprised. Sorry for hijacking your thread.
Just scan the slip and shut everyone up.
still waiting for a slip...its not my place to say who they are...but i will say they are not people who post on this board so dont hold your breath on that...
If your gonna pipe up and say it's bogus based on their story then they shouldn't mind speaking up or putting their name behind their word. It shouldn't be anybody's place to hide behind a screen name or "friend of a friend" :rolleyes:
This topic is lame, just the normal CR drama.
05-04-2009, 10:44 PM
no one is hiding, im just not going to say anything about people talking because its not my right to use their name if they dont want it i stated it came from their friends...
05-04-2009, 11:08 PM
im not taking sides, but i was standing my the lights/burnout box for the better part of the day and i REALLY didnt see the lights flashing or anything. i saw it run, i know what it runs, the car is what they say it is and thats that. i dont see why people have to start rumors or other bs. why cant they just except that the car is a fast car and be done with it? i understand a little competitiveness but this is just stupid.
again, not taking sides, just stating what i know and i how i feel.
05-04-2009, 11:09 PM
well then it shouldnt be a big deal at all to post the slip? no?
What does he have to prove to you? Agree or Disagree he ran the #, time will tell. Till then STFU :)
05-04-2009, 11:23 PM
are you half blind or just stupid? i want a slip, ive said that in every post ive put in here damn near...thats what he has to prove to me, and the fact he wont put it up is pretty questionable...and im sure he did run the # (with clock issues)...time will definitely tell though...just post a slip, shut me up!
05-05-2009, 12:50 AM
i can photoshop timeslips of my car into the future. For now I think I'll run 11.90's.
05-05-2009, 01:15 AM
it ran a 3 flat i saw it with my own eyes theyre sandbagging
congrats, car looks great too
05-05-2009, 05:00 AM
Hey Lorenzo don't worry about what the haters have to say. You know what it ran, and thats all that matters. They are really going to be crying when it goes even quicker next time out....
90 notch
05-05-2009, 07:23 AM
I'm sorry to jesse havlik i forgot to congradulate you to on a job well done on the new bike!You may want to(according to pretty much everybody)that the clocks were wrong(rolls eyes).Anyway good job!So to anybody that was at tri-state sunday the clocks were wrong!Isn't it funny how the one guy that has the slowest car is the one talking the most shit,that make 0 sense.Well terry we see your true colors once again hint,hint.Congrats lorenzo on that awesome pass,congrats as well to all the haters for doing such a great job and you guys do it well!Steve o
05-05-2009, 07:28 AM
like wade just said whos this credible source?tell him to man up and bring extra pistons cause hes gonna need them. LORENZO
This must be directed to me but I didnt say anything about the car at all.. I know it runs in the 8's I saw it with my own eyes 8.97@whatever mph when he let off.. I know this car is wayyy faster than mine its a whole different class of car and Im not interested in competing with it at this point in time. but if it says a 0.9 60' then I will also call BS for sure!! I left before this pass was made so I didnt see it but I would love to see a small tire car 60' sub 1 second's and I bet Tim Lynch would like to see that too since he cant even do it!! The car is fast and not trying to take anything away from it but if thats what the timeslip says then its just flatout wrong and you shouldnt be bragging about it.
05-05-2009, 07:41 AM
I don't think he has anything to prove to you. How cares what you or your "source" thinks. Maybe you can just show up at the track and see the car for yourself.
05-05-2009, 08:20 AM
ill take his word on it knowing the kinda power that thing makes and that lorenzo is a absolute top notch builder.... fiddy if you spent half the time working or building your car that you spend being a troll on here you could have a car that would run with these guys, but instead you just keep on stiring crap and driveing your 13 second car.............
05-05-2009, 08:48 AM
ill take his word on it knowing the kinda power that thing makes and that lorenzo is a absolute top notch builder.... fiddy if you spent half the time working or building your car that you spend being a troll on here you could have a car that would run with these guys, but instead you just keep on stiring crap and driveing your 13 second car.............
funny shit.
05-05-2009, 08:52 AM
your not posting the time slip because the clocks were fucked up and you know it...rumors are not only coming from the track but YOUR friends...just post it and prove me wrong..
could you also post your birth certificate? And your social security number for tintynutz he needs to see if you are a amercan citizen, titntynutz you truley are a a-hole.
05-05-2009, 10:52 AM
lol...that slip is so fucked up you wont even post it i gurantee not trying to be an "a-hole"...the car looks and runs great, cant take that away from it, and i said it earlier. I just heard some rumors and figured you should post a slip to squash them..but do as you want, obviously there is something wrong with it if you wont post it or even tell us your 60ft/1/8 etc...
and kville, i go to college full time while my car is at home, i spend a lot of time on computers, so that could explain why i have the time to come on here and read a bunch of BS threads....and i can assure you i no longer have a 13 second car...i think you would actually be surprised...
05-05-2009, 11:00 AM
I remember one time my car went 6.56@161, I hung onto that slip for a long time. lol
05-05-2009, 12:37 PM
I geuss I am trying to figure out why he would lie? And why is everyone hating on him, why dont you set it up then for him to race some of you that are hating? Or are you the ones that are scared? just my 2 1/2 cents.
05-05-2009, 01:13 PM
he would lie because thats what they do, just like joe bullshitting his new 04 cobra to scotty, hell who wouldnt be tempted to brag about a nasty slip even if there was possibly something wrong, JUST like 9secsnake just does happen and there are rumors its what happened not trying to discredit you guys in any way, the wagamino is SICK, no doubt about that, and im sure it rolls out just fine...but i am saying that your time claim is BS because there was something wrong and you guys know it, its exactly why you wont post the slip...
I wouldn't hassle with scanning,loading,posting a slip either. What a pain in the ass for nothing. Here is a video Jared posted and I got the ok to link. Take it or leave it. It doesn't really matter. I'm done posting in this thread.
rough in from video
1:14 Tree Clicked
.9 Reaction time (Not 60')
1:15 launched
1:23+ <1:24 Finish Line
1:24 Time is up on the board
Look out when it's not racing the 3/8 mile :neener: ... re=channel (
05-05-2009, 01:36 PM
All the fun work is paying off. Good to see Lorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrenzo (allgo yelling) taking Stevo's place while he's off whackin in the tool shed. Congrats to the kick ass run. Can't wait to see it this summer. The Camino looks awesome.
Domestic Disturbance
05-05-2009, 01:48 PM
i can photoshop timeslips of my car into the future. For now I think I'll run 11.90's.
haha awesome. I think we need to have a bake sale so everybody is happy
Domestic Disturbance
05-05-2009, 01:52 PM
Just watched the video. Fucking sweet. Way to say in it spinning out of the grove. How long was is spinning?
05-05-2009, 02:22 PM
Looks like it will run decent once you get that chassis figured out a little more.. Looks like you could use a little stiffer spring rate up front so the front will come down a little after the launch.. That car is catching alot of air under it at 160+ mph. So what was the 1/8th and 60'? just curious
05-05-2009, 02:29 PM
1/8 mile was 5.0@136. U guys can do the conversion, they are available all over the Internet.
05-05-2009, 02:42 PM
hmm, well given the fact the mph for that ET is off for the 1/8th, and its off for the 1/4 mile then the coversion wouldnt be accurate anyway. I guess it dont matter its top secret
05-05-2009, 03:15 PM
1/8 mile was 5.0@136. U guys can do the conversion, they are available all over the Internet
the mph is off in the 1/8 to run a 5.0, and the mph is way off in the 1/4.
you are saying you only made 12mph on the should of made 30 plus,even if you let off.In the 1/8 you should be push145 plus. with a 5.0 1/8 you are looken 7.70 good luck (UWILOSE)
05-05-2009, 03:43 PM
yeah and the alledged .9 60ft (NOT REACTION GUCH) is pretty impressive LOL *eyes roll*
05-05-2009, 06:26 PM
and kville, i go to college full time while my car is at home, i spend a lot of time on computers, so that could explain why i have the time to come on here and read a bunch of BS threads....and i can assure you i no longer have a 13 second car...i think you would actually be surprised...
dont care what your excuse is your being a fuckin troll.... and not just on this one thread.
I also bet I wouldnt be suprised what you car runs nor would i care either way because its your car its what you like and thats all that makes a diff. Ive never had a problem with you before but your being a real douche bag in this thread for no reason. do these guys a favor and start watching nhra and call them out on everything they show and claim and save us from the b/s for a while because you dont know what your talking about.... the time may be off i dont know i havnt seen it and i wasnt there but neither were you so until you have proof other than another troll spreading a rumor STFU :ranting:
05-05-2009, 07:05 PM
From the video above and using a video stopwatch program on my laptop he went 8.92 give or take a tenth. End of story. Either way its still flying , but not even close to an 8.20.
05-05-2009, 07:29 PM
Ya I would just post the slip, nothing secret, I like the Car!! never had a problem with Chris and im not taking sides... Glad you went FI though!!
05-05-2009, 07:32 PM
I also would like to know what it makes on a dyno... Given its a auto and tall Tire car should be over 900whp still
05-05-2009, 07:34 PM
From the video above and using a video stopwatch program on my laptop he went 8.92 give or take a tenth. End of story. Either way its still flying , but not even close to an 8.20.
would that really work well enough to get a perfect reaction time and know the exact time the car breaks the beam or touches the finish line? im not saying it dont ive just never heard of this
05-05-2009, 07:52 PM
bull shit never happen post time slip.(uwilose)
if you don't belive it why don't you race him?
Not to speak for Eric but im sure that can be arranged. Last year Eric made over 1400rw, went 7.80's and lets just say this year... well if it doesn't make over 1600rw wheel id be surprised. Sorry for hijacking your thread.
Just scan the slip and shut everyone up.
how come nobody ever questioned eric's 7.80? who ever saw that? it never seems to go that fast around here? that must of been a mysterious minnesota pass! set the race up i'm sure they would be all for it.
05-05-2009, 08:23 PM
If you must know it was in South Dakota at my home track on radials (Thunder Valley), just after he was on my buddies dyno (Excessive Autosports) where it made over 1400 wheel. I'm sure Eric has the slip but this isn't about Eric, its about the El Camino. Eric never came on here saying how fast he went he just does it! I have nothing against the el camino but if he wants to race Eric he should come to Brainerd for the ICE event(May 29-31), there are 5 heads up classes Chris would fit into King Street I think, the winner last year ran low 8's. I run in real street unlimited (Radial Tire)and was the fastest car et and mph to date.
Like I stated above Chris's car is fast, especially for the beginning of the year but low 8's im not so sure, but fast indeed. Now will it run low 8's...with time im sure he will. See you all at the track!!
05-05-2009, 08:27 PM
From the video above and using a video stopwatch program on my laptop he went 8.92 give or take a tenth. End of story. Either way its still flying , but not even close to an 8.20.
would that really work well enough to get a perfect reaction time and know the exact time the car breaks the beam or touches the finish line? im not saying it dont ive just never heard of this
Its close enough to tell it didn't run anything faster than 8.80's and if you must know I was giving him the benefit of the doubt, cause the timer really said 9.0's but I figured it could be off a tenth or two.
I don't know how I get worked into these debates, I guess the truth is my focus and I know how hard it is to run 8.0's. Shit I make just under 1500 flywheel horsepower and I don't even go that fast! Until this year.......maybe.
I hope I didn't piss anyone off, but the truth will always prevail.
05-05-2009, 08:31 PM
1/8 mile was 5.0@136. U guys can do the conversion, they are available all over the Internet
the mph is off in the 1/8 to run a 5.0, and the mph is way off in the 1/4.
you are saying you only made 12mph on the should of made 30 plus,even if you let off.In the 1/8 you should be push145 plus. with a 5.0 1/8 you are looken 7.70 good luck (UWILOSE)
So I guess my old car going 5.56@125 in the 1/8th and 8.72@154.79 doesn't equate either? Let me see C-Lo's 5 tenths quicker and 11mph faster in the 1/8 makes a 8.27 pass pretty easily....Don't hate, congratulate!!!Maybe you should change your screename from UWILOSE to UKNOWNOTHING....LOL
05-05-2009, 09:41 PM
lol you guys are in the slip or quit bragging...
and kville, i thought you might be alright before too, but you seem too much like joe for me to give a fuck...
05-05-2009, 09:58 PM
Despite anything I may have stated above I would like to offer my Congratulations to Chris for building one bad ass car!!
05-05-2009, 10:25 PM
Say what you want! But let the excuess's fly when it dont even come close next time out, Should run low 8s right off the trailer, everything has been posted, the BS the comments and the video, the time slip is not being posted because that will end all of this, and people will be able to figure it out on there own. I like the we have no scanner BS. Kville you have one hell of a grip, to be swinging on nuts for so long.
05-05-2009, 10:55 PM
I'm sorry to jesse havlik i forgot to congradulate you to on a job well done on the new bike!You may want to(according to pretty much everybody)that the clocks were wrong(rolls eyes).Anyway good job!So to anybody that was at tri-state sunday the clocks were wrong!Isn't it funny how the one guy that has the slowest car is the one talking the most shit,that make 0 sense.Well terry we see your true colors once again hint,hint.Congrats lorenzo on that awesome pass,congrats as well to all the haters for doing such a great job and you guys do it well!Steve o
Just wondering Steve... What does this mean???
First off. Who asked who for help with the 4-link?
2nd. How did my advice help Chris' car get down the track?
3rd. I didn't talk any usual. I am the one that called Brian Havlik, Scott, and Ed to tell them how well Chris' car ran after I left the track sunday. Yes, I gave them the numbers on the phone. But you can ask any one of them. I said "It looked like it ran a 8.30".
4th. If this is how you repay a favor. Don't ever ask my advice again.
Everyone has problems with their JUNK. I should know. (8 pistons later) That's why when Chris calls me with questions on his engine, or asks for help with his 4-link I know nothing about. I give him or ANYONE my honest opinion to help-out.
Domestic Disturbance
05-06-2009, 03:02 AM
So I guess my old car going 5.56@125 in the 1/8th and 8.72@154.79 doesn't equate either? Let me see C-Lo's 5 tenths quicker and 11mph faster in the 1/8 makes a 8.27 pass pretty easily....Don't hate, congratulate!!!Maybe you should change your screename from UWILOSE to UKNOWNOTHING....LOL
Doesn't he own like a 7 second car? And I think he was refering to either wheel spin or letting off the reason for the MPH not equating, which could be the same in the instances with your car possibly? Don't think he was calling anyone a liar.
90 notch
05-06-2009, 05:31 AM
I'm sorry to jesse havlik i forgot to congradulate you to on a job well done on the new bike!You may want to(according to pretty much everybody)that the clocks were wrong(rolls eyes).Anyway good job!So to anybody that was at tri-state sunday the clocks were wrong!Isn't it funny how the one guy that has the slowest car is the one talking the most shit,that make 0 sense.Well terry we see your true colors once again hint,hint.Congrats lorenzo on that awesome pass,congrats as well to all the haters for doing such a great job and you guys do it well!Steve o
Just wondering Steve... What does this mean???
First off. Who asked who for help with the 4-link?
2nd. How did my advice help Chris' car get down the track?
3rd. I didn't talk any usual. I am the one that called Brian Havlik, Scott, and Ed to tell them how well Chris' car ran after I left the track sunday. Yes, I gave them the numbers on the phone. But you can ask any one of them. I said "It looked like it ran a 8.30".
4th. If this is how you repay a favor. Don't ever ask my advice again.
Everyone has problems with their JUNK. I should know. (8 pistons later) That's why when Chris calls me with questions on his engine, or asks for help with his 4-link I know nothing about. I give him or ANYONE my honest opinion to help-out.Terry,i forgot i never said thank you did i.I put this post up to thank everybody that participated that day,i could swear i put your name in their!As far as a favor i think we all had a part it in it don't ya think.My only question is why would you call ed?I guess that's one of your boys.I guess it is what it is.................When you do a favor for someone when in doubt your their true friends you don't think about how your going to get repayed...Steve o
05-06-2009, 07:07 AM
From the video above and using a video stopwatch program on my laptop he went 8.92 give or take a tenth. End of story. Either way its still flying , but not even close to an 8.20.
HAHA I did the same thing about 20 times yesterday and it averaged about a 8.8 giving him the benefit of the doubt. Terry did call me and say what it ran, both he and I agreed that the car could run that fast easily, and he honestly told me that pass looked that fast too. He did not call around trying to start BS so dont be blaming him for anything because we all know he helps out everyone he can. I personally think the car can run that number but it obviously didnt do on sunday or you wouldnt be hiding the numbers..
05-06-2009, 07:14 AM
Videostopwatch.... That's some good shit there! Everyone at tristate last Sunday needs to rip up their timeslips cause they are all bunk. My videostopwatch(wristwatch)told me so!!!
05-06-2009, 07:31 AM
Videostopwatch.... That's some good shit there! Everyone at tristate last Sunday needs to rip up their timeslips cause they are all bunk. My videostopwatch(wristwatch)told me so!!!
:biggrin: I believe that over 90% of the things I read in this thread
05-06-2009, 07:50 AM
Say what you want! But let the excuess's fly when it dont even come close next time out, Should run low 8s right off the trailer, everything has been posted, the BS the comments and the video, the time slip is not being posted because that will end all of this, and people will be able to figure it out on there own. I like the we have no scanner BS. Kville you have one hell of a grip, to be swinging on nuts for so long.
haha your such a idiot. whos nuts am i swinging from? because last i checked i have only met C one time and ive never even seen his car and im assuming your saying im swinging from him? Im not saying the elcamino ran the number because im backing a friend im just saying you are being a troll fag about this whole thing.... call me what you want but at the end of the day I have a car that will run with these guys and will be happy to do my best to beat any of them as well as they will do their best to beat me so you might want to rethink the nutswinging because most nut swingers hang from guys with things above and beyond what they have themselves. kinda like you around 12second cars.
05-06-2009, 08:16 AM
I wouldn't hassle with scanning,loading,posting a slip either. What a pain in the ass for nothing. Here is a video Jared posted and I got the ok to link. Take it or leave it. It doesn't really matter. I'm done posting in this thread.
rough in from video
1:14 Tree Clicked
.9 Reaction time (Not 60')
1:15 launched
1:23+ <1:24 Finish Line
1:24 Time is up on the board
Look out when it's not racing the 3/8 mile :neener: ... re=channel (
Wow that vid is bad ass, but who in your crew is the guy standing behind the car after the burnout? Sorry but some people should lose some weight before they try to vasoline there way into leather.
p.s. I just used a hour glass and a sun dial and I really think the car went 7', you guys are turning into a bunch of fags, give the guy props and move on. I am sure he will be at the track again for all to see.
05-06-2009, 09:25 AM
Yep did u hear the news? NHRA is switching to videostopwatches as their new time clocks!! Much more accurate then the old system...
05-06-2009, 09:47 AM
Yep did u hear the news? NHRA is switching to videostopwatches as their new time clocks!! Much more accurate then the old system...
:bigthumb: LOL
05-06-2009, 10:06 AM
Say what you want! But let the excuess's fly when it dont even come close next time out, Should run low 8s right off the trailer, everything has been posted, the BS the comments and the video, the time slip is not being posted because that will end all of this, and people will be able to figure it out on there own. I like the we have no scanner BS. Kville you have one hell of a grip, to be swinging on nuts for so long.
You are the biggest pussy on here talking shit to a guy that would praoble stomp on your taillights,
05-06-2009, 10:19 AM
The timer was accurate on the other videos but oh well.. Just like everyone has been saying the car is cool as hell and fast as hell. no one is trying to cut down the car at all, just saying that one timeslip in paticular is not right. If theres something screwy with the timeslip its no big deal.
05-06-2009, 10:28 AM
The timer was accurate on the other videos but oh well.. Just like everyone has been saying the car is cool as hell and fast as hell. no one is trying to cut down the car at all, just saying that one timeslip in paticular is not right. If theres something screwy with the timeslip its no big deal.
Domestic Disturbance
05-06-2009, 10:46 AM
Say what you want! But let the excuess's fly when it dont even come close next time out, Should run low 8s right off the trailer, everything has been posted, the BS the comments and the video, the time slip is not being posted because that will end all of this, and people will be able to figure it out on there own. I like the we have no scanner BS. Kville you have one hell of a grip, to be swinging on nuts for so long.
You are the biggest pussy on here talking shit to a guy that would praoble stomp on your taillights,
Double post
Domestic Disturbance
05-06-2009, 10:48 AM
Say what you want! But let the excuess's fly when it dont even come close next time out, Should run low 8s right off the trailer, everything has been posted, the BS the comments and the video, the time slip is not being posted because that will end all of this, and people will be able to figure it out on there own. I like the we have no scanner BS. Kville you have one hell of a grip, to be swinging on nuts for so long.
You are the biggest pussy on here talking shit to a guy that would praoble stomp on your taillights,
Mufflover or nutswinger which is it? First you trash everyone and now you're licking balls clean. C'mon muff you're letting me down
05-06-2009, 12:14 PM
HAHA, all you got on me is i tint taillights? good one man, maybe if you started tinting tails you wouldnt be such a broke ass and could finish your junk you supposedly have...
and kville, you shouldnt build assumptions on what your "going" to do...your swinging on joe and all them guys nuts, anyone with eyes can read that there is something wrong in this thread or they would simply just post the slip...say what you want, i know the car is sick, i know its fast, and i know its well done...but i also know that they are bragging up a false time....
05-06-2009, 02:04 PM
call me what you want but at the end of the day I have a car that will run with these guys and will be happy to do my best to beat any of them as well as they will do their best to beat me so you might want to rethink the nutswinging because most nut swingers hang from guys with things above and beyond what they have themselves. kinda like you around 12second cars.
still trying not to take sides, but i just had to comment-
last time you posted pics of your car, you were just getting the brakes and struts on- not running in the 9's. hell, my car should be able to hang with those guys someday, but you'll never hear me say it- at least until it's running anyway...
05-06-2009, 02:08 PM
lol sounds like the honda guys at the races talking about "when their build gets done"...
05-06-2009, 03:27 PM
call me what you want but at the end of the day I have a car that will run with these guys and will be happy to do my best to beat any of them as well as they will do their best to beat me so you might want to rethink the nutswinging because most nut swingers hang from guys with things above and beyond what they have themselves. kinda like you around 12second cars.
still trying not to take sides, but i just had to comment-
last time you posted pics of your car, you were just getting the brakes and struts on- not running in the 9's. hell, my car should be able to hang with those guys someday, but you'll never hear me say it- at least until it's running anyway...
Your looking at this diffrent than I see it.. that comment is directed as I wouldnt talk crap to anyone with a car that runs that well until I had one myself ready to do it, and I dont. In hear my point is that fiddy is a punk and that Im not nut swinging I dont even know C so how could I be swinging from him!? so youv been defending fiddy alot latley does that mean your his nutswinger?
lol sounds like the honda guys at the races talking about "when their build gets done"...
Ive got 500.00 in my pocket Ill throw down in a race with you right now bitch! just because my mustang isnt done doesnt mean I dont have anything to run.
05-06-2009, 03:37 PM
you shouldnt build assumptions on what your "going" to do...
im not going to to do it I AM DOING IT NOW
05-06-2009, 04:35 PM
so youv been defending fiddy alot latley does that mean your his nutswinger?
i havent defended him at all- i have just responded to your comments to him, in general fashion. if i were taking his side, dont you think id be talking a lot more shit instead of just pointing out the cracks in your comments?
05-06-2009, 04:50 PM
so youv been defending fiddy alot latley does that mean your his nutswinger?
i havent defended him at all- i have just responded to your comments to him, in general fashion. if i were taking his side, dont you think id be talking a lot more shit instead of just pointing out the cracks in your comments?
wel all im saying is fiddy has no proof that the time wasnt run so how does that make me a nutswinger and you not one? is there any particular reason you stalk my posts and only say something when fiddy is involved?
05-06-2009, 06:58 PM
because your full of shit....explain to me in reason why you think they wont post a slip and there are people saying *THAT WERE THERE* the slip is fucked up...
and nice internet call out! very nice! you wanna make a contract and then buy something else to race too? i thought you were alright before but obviously your just like joe..
05-06-2009, 06:59 PM
and dustin doesnt follow me and nutswing in any way...he is an unbiased person who gives a good factual argument because its easy to see you guys are so full of shit your eyes are brown...
05-06-2009, 07:23 PM
how should i know why they wont post a slip? how am i full of shit im just sayin u dnt have any good proof you have people sayin its wrong and there is also people sayin it looked like it could have... i dont know but neither do you is all im saying. and dnt say you guys because once again i dont know C! and dont judge a guy by a enternet forum but think what you want because bottom line you dont know me. do you even realise i live like 3hours from cr? i truly dnt think dustin is a nut swinger i was making a point that he is doing the same thing as more or less the same thing i am giving an opinion right or wrong
05-06-2009, 08:27 PM
wel all im saying is fiddy has no proof that the time wasnt run so how does that make me a nutswinger and you not one?
are you serious? did i really just read that? he has no PROOF that the car ran that time? it's starting to sound a lot more like you dont have any PROOF that it did run the time(please go back and see my post saying congrats on the pass- note that i didnt question it at all). i don't believe i've ever been known to lie about anything my car has done at all; so if i started telling everyone that i sent it to another state, had it built, and it runs low 8's now, do you really think i wouldnt catch a truck load of shit for it?
is there any particular reason you stalk my posts and only say something when fiddy is involved?
fiddy is involved in most posts in the MSCA forum- is that to say i shouldnt be allowed to speak my mind in a thread just because you two are already talking shit to eachother?
i might be singling out what you say, but im not trying to take jabs at you. i havent talked you down, your car down, or questioned your integrity- like i said before, just pointing out the cracks in your comments.
05-06-2009, 08:45 PM
ive said i have no proof it ran the number so not sure what you trying to say? ! and you have the right to do whatever and say whatever just wonderd why you jumpin in and singling me out over and over but no hurt feelings i understand what you think your doing
05-06-2009, 09:10 PM
6 going on 7 pages of BS, I wonder how many pages there will be when that car dont come close to backing up those #s I went back over alot of arguements in the MSCA forums, and whats funny is Chris has never posted anywhere, basicly because he was ashamed of the car and its performance, so Steve always ran his mouoth for the both of them, Now that he thinks he's got something his NUTS must have dropped and he speaks up, Dont worrier they will retract (his nuts) that is soon enough.
05-06-2009, 09:23 PM
all he has to go on are the words of people who he doesnt know or have been proven to be decietful in the past- i can understand him being skeptical...
05-06-2009, 09:32 PM
all he has to go on are the words of people who he doesnt know or have been proven to be decietful in the past- i can understand him being skeptical...
sure but that still doesnt make it right to try and drag a guy (regardless of who it is) through the mud for nothing other than a friend told me the timer broke. but thats just in my opinion.
05-06-2009, 09:46 PM
thing is they are posting false information and using it and wont even back it up...they havent even typed the times up other then 1/8 and 1/4 let alone just post the slip..dont you find that a bit odd? honestly i dont really care what they ran because i doubt i will ever have the caliber of a car, its not what i want, i like reasonable street cars...but i just think its kinda arrogant to post a time, brag about it/talk shit with it, and not back it up...
05-06-2009, 10:44 PM
6 going on 7 pages of BS, I wonder how many pages there will be when that car dont come close to backing up those #s I went back over alot of arguements in the MSCA forums, and whats funny is Chris has never posted anywhere, basicly because he was ashamed of the car and its performance, so Steve always ran his mouoth for the both of them, Now that he thinks he's got something his NUTS must have dropped and he speaks up, Dont worrier they will retract (his nuts) that is soon enough.
Come on man. Even if it didn't run 8.27 on that run it still went 8.97 lifting. Getting in the 8's isn't as easy as fast and furious makes it out to be. I see both sides but, I'm sure he will run the car again and that should clear things up for everyone! :biggrin:
"and whats funny is Chris has never posted anywhere, basicly because he was ashamed of the car and its performance"....... Really?????? Chris isn't into all this internet crap. I'm sure thats not the case.
By the way his nuts didn't drop they are just that big to stay in it as long as he did.
05-07-2009, 12:13 AM
i can agree with that..
05-07-2009, 06:49 AM
So you admit to liking the car.... so in a sense you think he does good work... you admit he can drive/ has the balls for driving it..... you admit it was impressive even if it was a 8.90 pass lifting early all over the place.... so whats to hate?
05-07-2009, 08:31 AM
i can agree with that..
So let me get this straight you run your big fucking mouth for 6 pages about nothing and one person gets on here and says stop because he knows it happend and you wipe his baby batter off your chin and agree? You are a fucking pussy, that is a fact!
05-07-2009, 09:06 AM
I didn't say I know what it ran on that on that pass because I was not there. I did see the 8.97 slip and all the numbers jive on that one. FiFdYnUtZ wanted to see the slip to see how it broke down. He said in past posts he thinks it will do it he just didn't think it did it on that pass. I think he agreed that the next run will set somebody straight wether it be his side or thier side.
I'm not taking sides just calling it how I see it.
At the end of the day that car did go 8 something lifting. Wow!
05-07-2009, 09:32 AM
I didn't say I know what it ran on that on that pass because I was not there. I did see the 8.97 slip and all the numbers jive on that one. FiFdYnUtZ wanted to see the slip to see how it broke down. He said in past posts he thinks it will do it he just didn't think it did it on that pass. I think he agreed that the next run will set somebody straight wether it be his side or thier side.
I'm not taking sides just calling it how I see it.
At the end of the day that car did go 8 something lifting. Wow!
your not allowed to call it how you see it! only dustin can! haha
05-07-2009, 09:37 AM
Here we go again.. Keep it going boys gotta hit 10 pages full of BS!!
So who on here thinks this is real and who thinks its BS again?.. I think we need a poll
05-07-2009, 10:00 AM
I also would like to know what it makes on a dyno... Given its a auto and tall Tire car should be over 900whp still
I watched it make over 1,000whp when it was carbed, last fall (i think it was fall). I'm sure they worked a few bugs out, and with the switch to fuel injection it's GOT to be making great power.
I don't know why everyone is getting all butt-hurt about this. The car has the power to run 8's definantly, even with a goofy 60ft it still technically ran an 8. Who the hell cares.
Congratulations on the pass guys, wish i was there to see it!! :bigthumb:
05-07-2009, 01:42 PM
muff your a f*cking idiot, your comments are stupid and senseless...i agreed with what havlik said because it was reasonable and unbiased...i also agree with kville's last not trying to hate on the car, im hating on the group of guys who wont back up their pass with a slip because they know theres something wrong with it...if they arent going to post it i guess time will just tell then...
all you do is talk shit mufflover and you are the one who doesnt even have the balls to tell us who you even are, how do you expect to be respected by anyone in any way? i like stirring the pot as much as the next guy but your posts are nothing but pointless personal attacks on people you probably dont even know...
05-07-2009, 02:02 PM
I didn't say I know what it ran on that on that pass because I was not there. I did see the 8.97 slip and all the numbers jive on that one. FiFdYnUtZ wanted to see the slip to see how it broke down. He said in past posts he thinks it will do it he just didn't think it did it on that pass. I think he agreed that the next run will set somebody straight wether it be his side or thier side.
I'm not taking sides just calling it how I see it.
At the end of the day that car did go 8 something lifting. Wow!
your not allowed to call it how you see it! only dustin can! haha
nah, he and i are friends, he can speak his mind too.
05-07-2009, 02:24 PM
nah, he and i are friends, he can speak his mind too.
Man this is B/S everyone hates me!
05-07-2009, 02:25 PM
nah, he and i are friends, he can speak his mind too.
Man this is B/S everyone hates me!
Well then take someones side already and quit speaking your mind. :banghead:
05-07-2009, 02:36 PM
muff your a f*cking idiot, your comments are stupid and senseless...i agreed with what havlik said because it was reasonable and unbiased...i also agree with kville's last not trying to hate on the car, im hating on the group of guys who wont back up their pass with a slip because they know theres something wrong with it...if they arent going to post it i guess time will just tell then...
all you do is talk shit mufflover and you are the one who doesnt even have the balls to tell us who you even are, how do you expect to be respected by anyone in any way? i like stirring the pot as much as the next guy but your posts are nothing but pointless personal attacks on people you probably dont even know...
I'll second that one, definetly the owner most dis-reguarded opinions around here!! Talk about a weenie hiding behind a computer screen :baby:
05-07-2009, 02:59 PM
you know really, im trying to find where i told you you couldnt say whatever you wanted...
05-07-2009, 03:17 PM
you know really, im trying to find where i told you you couldnt say whatever you wanted...
I've argued with you many times before, and I learned you probably didnt SAY that, you just didnt LET him.
05-07-2009, 04:59 PM
what can i say? it's a gift...
05-07-2009, 09:57 PM
what can i say? it's a gift...
yea a bad one
on a budget
05-07-2009, 11:40 PM
Mad propz to they said, we all knew it had it in it since day one!, jus a matter of time to get the bugs twerked out the bitch ya dig. congradts
05-08-2009, 12:06 AM
what can i say? it's a gift...
yea a bad one
burn :roll:
05-10-2009, 09:34 PM
its very clear the car will run deep 8s and possible high 7:90s at that power. I do not believe there was a timing error, he clearly let out before the 1/4. 135 MPH IN THE 1/8 is good for 8:20s easy, I have been there and know. . The car sound like it has a clean tune in it and im sure its safe. Power at the wheels on a dyno doesnt mean shit , I just use it to tune and thats it, and some use it to boost there egos. Good job guys the car looks and runs great.
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