View Full Version : New Dyno in Des Moines
03-24-2009, 04:33 PM
Wrenches just put in a dynojet ... =2&t=10024 (
rates go as follows:
$80 an hour (starts after hook up) and you do the tune or bring someone in.
$120 an hour if we tune (provided of course we know the tuning software and we will be the first to admit if we don't - afterall, no one can know everything).
$45 for 3 pulls - this would be quick, no bullshit and to the point.
03-24-2009, 05:17 PM
Wrenches seems to be good people, plus the owner has a very well put together 2G DSM.
03-24-2009, 07:59 PM
Sounds good to me, closest dynojet arouund here I know of. Kinda the standard to compare different car readings. They have o2 graph w the 3 pulls? Just asking...
03-24-2009, 08:13 PM
nice prices it seems!
03-24-2009, 08:37 PM
Sounds good to me, closest dynojet arouund here I know of. Kinda the standard to compare different car readings. They have o2 graph w the 3 pulls? Just asking...
not sure, i would assume it does but he hasnt answered that question in the thread yet...
03-26-2009, 12:32 PM
Kirkwood is soposed to have a AWD Dyno in.... Have not seen it so dont know if its true.
03-26-2009, 12:45 PM
i have yet to see it either jesse...i kind of doubt they would purchase one though.
03-26-2009, 07:24 PM
I know they were addng on to the auto department, and brents teacher told him its in, and that they would rent it out to help pay for it..
03-26-2009, 07:27 PM
I know they were addng on to the auto department, and brents teacher told him its in, and that they would rent it out to help pay for it..
03-26-2009, 10:11 PM
weird...i may have to ask around then
03-27-2009, 05:24 AM
Isn't Buntings dyno in Center Point closer??
03-27-2009, 08:33 PM
True its closer, but a superflow, all i know is I get different readings from everywhere I go. Figured a dynojet maybe not great for tuning would repeat numbers between them... trents was 381 whp std/496 whp std sprayed, buntings 448 sae/458 sae sprayed..
I can tell you trents said 28 whp when I increased timing from 17 deg to 23 deg on the s/c only, back to back run. I think the tires didn't hook on buntings, it burned hoosiers mostly. worth more than 10whp imo w 100 jets.Idk....
03-27-2009, 11:57 PM
Just an fyi, alot of dyno facilities will fudge numbers to make customer happy, we have calabrated our dyno with "stock" cars and I am talking probably 20 or 30 different cars to factory hp numbers to the wheels. Once set the numbers have been pretty much spot on give or take 5 to 10 hp. dynojets always read high, mustang dynos usually a little low we are right in the middle of those two. No matter where you go the numbers will be different, for the tuning aspect the hp numbers dont really mean alot, and as your tuning the numbers will go up or down depending on the tuner (hopefully always up), but as long as you have an accurate wideband with the dyno and a good accusition software, any dyno will sufice for tuning purposes. By the way we dont fudge the numbers, and a car from cedar rapids still to date holds the highest hp numbers on our dyno.
03-28-2009, 01:08 AM
Trent got a rpm reading w the ford cop setup which sits right over the plug. Lsx, new hemi, old fords till 99 had a hv wire exposed like the older dist coil setups. As I said it def showed increaed whp as it should of, I increased timing from 17 deg to 23 deg back to back runs on 93. I didn't try 23 deg w spray as I would want at least 103 ul. Never tried it. U all have seen what the car does on a roll, good enough to break m/t 275 dr at 45 in 2nd. It's a turd. Thats where a true dyno test occurs vs whatever brand of dyno/car imo.
Different dyno's will read differently. What counts is you try and use the same dyno for your tuning and modding needs. Before and after stuff. That way you know your gains no matter what your initial reading is. Dyno numbers are great for bragging but they really don't mean squat. What it does at the track or street, what ever your poison, is where it's at.
Trent got a rpm reading w the ford cop setup which sits right over the plug. Lsx, new hemi, old fords till 99 had a hv wire exposed like the older dist coil setups.
Newer fords, those are coil on plug right? LS motors are coil near plug. There is a plug wire. They're just pretty short.
03-28-2009, 11:39 AM
Yes, those newer ford cop are hidden on my 4v under valve/ coil cover. Trent hooked into the primary of one coil to get a rpm reading. We tried w reflective tape on damper to get a rpm reading at the superflow like a diesel would, never got a good reading. Why I never posted a rpm vs whp chart here. Lsx and/or others never been a problem at superflow place w hv wire exposed. It has a standard electrostatic pickup. He was testing a cadillac lsx when I showed up that day, worked fine.
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