View Full Version : fastest 6 speed race?
03-08-2009, 07:46 PM
69gt4speed wrote:
Btw.. not to hog Scotts thread 30# we going to do a test this yr 6 speed vs 6 speed. You interested? Same exact 03 sonic blue car I've had for yrs now. I Don't pull tricks. Pm me if interested or other ideas. I can show you all my car data no big deal. I would like same as I know nothing of ur 6 speed lt.
that depends on witch 6-speed you want to run against. the 93 is my dads car, he works all of the time, and most important the car does not have the safty equipment needed to return to the track, at this time. its not my car so no garantees at this time.
now the the 95 is a different story, the car has not been run on the track yet, but it should be ready soon, I have an idea what it will run, but no proof yet.
I was planning on challangeing his 93 to run against my 95 later this year.
03 vs the 95? .....winner runs the 93 when its ready to come back to the track?
03-08-2009, 08:19 PM
Just a interesting idea 6 speed t56 vs t56. I'm only running the eaton at 12# (2.9) w the spray. No bar, no safety stuff as it's my d/d in summer. Hoosier 315/35/17's. All bolt on stuff. I did upgrade the clutch when I broke the tranny. Spec3+ w lpr p/p. No lt hdrs just a bassani x and catback. Weight, our truck scales 3865# w me. Probably throw some 100 unlead in for safety since al's is shut down. Did a dyno test once w spray. My car on utube as u might know this screen name.
Link to the dyno sheet and that's std correction.... As u see def a underdog depending on ur boost level. No time frame, just something to do, looks like mo time off this summer and not getting younger. :supz: ... 00n2o1.jpg (
03-08-2009, 09:20 PM
the 93...."the black bitch"
Lt4 , 8.8:1 , 355cu in, d1 procharger 20lbs+ boost.
stock style suspension, 26x11.50 et streets
the 95..."aka the snake"
Lt1, 10:1, 350cu in, powerdyne supercharger(modified), NX kit.
stock style suspension, 27x10.50 et streets
(procharger with pulleys to make 18 psi, gtp stage 3 LT1 heads and intake, custom blower cam, injectors. waiting to go on!)
I"m in for a all out race......the 95 vs the 03
I will need a little time to get the 95 ready.....ok?
03-08-2009, 10:51 PM
Ah man truthfully there is no way even w really big fogger jet/race ul gas going to hang w a big azz s/c at 18# w that work and mtr and my car is a pig. My only chance would be to limit u to pump gas, no other tricks like water or meth or e85. Looks like my resources have failed me.
I'm not spending any more money on this car. Got the 69 428 to do up. Your setup has got to be 750 or so whp at a lighter weight/better tires. It was a idea, best manual I've tested w current setup 03 is Jesse's evo at lower mid boost. Perhaps we'll meet up and discuss some ideas. :bigthumb:
03-09-2009, 08:57 AM
I hope this happens I would like to see this, I am sure you guys will pm me when its going
03-09-2009, 12:13 PM
Seriously if anything is worked out, I'd bet on the lt. You know what a lil d1 s/c max flowrate is (1400cfm) and hp limit (950). On the lil powerdyne s/c I might have a chance. Raced one of those before. No way a 497 whp bolt on 03 can hang w a d1 built mtr on race gas. Might as well race Scott or Allgo's new car or Streetsweeper. Kinda stupid.
03-09-2009, 01:30 PM
thats aight Rob, I say you still try it!! I never seen you back down yet win or lose
03-09-2009, 02:04 PM
Anything can happen on the street. :roll:
God I love when people use that logic- its true but still its a BS answer IMHO.
03-09-2009, 03:19 PM
I hope this happens I would like to see this, I am sure you guys will pm me when its going
need a ride? lol
03-09-2009, 06:13 PM
ill run it if you lose rob!
03-09-2009, 06:31 PM
now that's a race i would like to see! i forgot the evo was 6 speed!! let her rip man
03-09-2009, 07:16 PM
well im 5 speed.... actully the 6 speeds SUCK!
03-09-2009, 07:21 PM
now that's a race i would like to see! i forgot the evo was 6 speed!! let her rip man
I'll run the 03 mustang, But it has to be at the track
I thought evos wery 5-speeds? ....correct me if im wrong.
tell me more about the evo.
03-09-2009, 07:23 PM
well im 5 speed.... actully the 6 speeds SUCK! beat me to it on the # of gear question.
"6 speeds suck" ...thats funny shit :biggrin:
03-09-2009, 07:51 PM
the Evo 6 speeds suck, crappy gear ratio. break alot easyer. Evo 8 MR's come 6 speed.
03-09-2009, 07:56 PM
the Evo 6 speeds suck, crappy gear ratio. break alot easyer. Evo 8 MR's come 6 speed.
I did not know that, f-body 6-speeds are very strong
03-09-2009, 08:23 PM
the Evo 6 speeds suck, crappy gear ratio. break alot easyer. Evo 8 MR's come 6 speed.
I did not know that, f-body 6-speeds are very strong
tell me about it- thats why i wanna put one behind my little 4 banger...
03-09-2009, 08:34 PM
I've got the gm input shaft now, carbon blocker rings instead of old gm paper ones, it still shifts crappy imo.
We'll discuss ideas, like Scott said I don't really care I lose, sometimes get lucky like the bike deal. I really think u should think more options 30#, we can make it all good. Scott, Jesse and a few others, I trust them to help us out.. Anyway think it over, only possible half azz chance and u know... with what ur doing w mods on that car.. that's the facts. Or we just run 93 oct fill up same place.
Interesting being somewhat equal who knows who will win instead of a blowout. I'll say right here u have the 6 speed title on race gas..93 who knows. That's just what I run and why it ticked me off Al's shut down.
03-09-2009, 08:58 PM
i know what 93 octaine means for me and my engine............ka-boooooom!
been there, done that.
93 is good for cruiseing
03-12-2009, 06:52 PM
if i determine my rearend can hold up to the new motor i would participate with you guys. sounds like fun to me! like rob i probably would say scotts car will probably be hard to beat when done.
03-12-2009, 07:16 PM
if i determine my rearend can hold up to the new motor i would participate with you guys. sounds like fun to me! like rob i probably would say scotts car will probably be hard to beat when done.
you have a 6-speed? ...what car?
sounds fun
03-12-2009, 07:25 PM
i have a t56 out of a 94 camaro in the monte that has been gone through with carbon blocker ring, steel shift forks, etc.... i just hope the 7.5 rearend will hold up, i have put everything in the rearend to help make it last. it should hold the 406 for awhile!
03-12-2009, 07:50 PM
How the rear holds depends on many factors and some good old fasioned luck, lol .....there are many cars that run 11's and into the tens on stock 7.5 rearends....but its a time bomb waiting to go off!
03-12-2009, 07:56 PM
i certainly agree about the time bomb thing. i definitely dont plan on launching the thing at 5 grand! i am think of putting a dana 60 under it if i can find a way to weld brackets to the cast center section. if not it would have to be a 9", but when i do that i think i will be pulling the car all the way apart and have some real fun with the chassis!
03-12-2009, 10:49 PM
406... geez this another Havlik car w a 6 speed? I need to eat less then for sure... 7.5 ya like a irs, a time bomb w a 6 speed on a short fuse at the track w any power and tires. Like Scotty's mustang looks like I'm a underdog. At least his weight isn't 220 and his car is lighter and hooks. This a 93 oct car Apples?
Domestic Disturbance
03-13-2009, 02:17 AM
ticking time bomb? I refuse to believe it, they are supposed to make that humming sound every now and then right? haha
03-13-2009, 05:33 AM
ticking time bomb? I refuse to believe it, they are supposed to make that humming sound every now and then right? haha
Now thats funny!
03-13-2009, 05:35 AM
maybe the noise is from the UFO peoples spaceship......everyone, put on your tin foil hats NOW!!!!!
03-13-2009, 08:08 AM
tin foil hats... lol. Haven't heard that in a while.
03-13-2009, 11:53 AM
lol i have an extra 10 bolt laying around juuuuuust incase :) although i think this spring the trans is going to go first...
03-13-2009, 02:31 PM
lol i have an extra 10 bolt laying around juuuuuust incase :) although i think this spring the trans is going to go first...
I keep extra parts around just in case :yawinkle:
03-13-2009, 09:47 PM
With Apples355 wanting to get in, 30# and I so far have come up w a plan/idea....
1 everyone posts all major car mods(just to get an idea of whats going on, so everyone can perpare)
2 must be at the track
3 no handicaps..all out race
I'd like to add.....
1 must be a manual w a clutch 5 or 6 speed. No jericos or dog teeth/box transmissions.
2 There will be one time trial for each person and his own car. After completion of time trial the person and his car would be paired with high and the low time for run off.
(example 4 cars) john 14.0 jim 13.0 joe 12.0 jerry 11.0
john vs jerry runoff
jim vs joe runoff
Theory says final would be joe vs jerry.
3 If a odd amount of persons and their cars, then low et gets a bye run.
4 Plated car... like no real race cars. Just a faster d/d.
The other issue for some including me is safety equipment. Idk what to do about it. Ideas? We already know ppl like 30# and or say drfastfwd could blow out most anyone else and have safety equipment. we split the cars up, etc?
03-13-2009, 10:11 PM
sounds like a plan. depending on when this might be will determine the mods on my car. right now its a 91 octane motor, but i will say i pushed the limits when it came to the dynamic compression ratio. all i can say right now for what i have is a forged bottom end with afr 210's, victor junior intake, and a solid roller. if interested in what it makes i can estimate, but until i tune it i wont know for sure. i will definitely have to find a good set of drag radials. the only thing i am concerned with is that my car still doesnt have the cage in it and i could be kicked off the track after the first pass!!!!! as for the rules so far i am game!
03-13-2009, 10:30 PM
Same thing for me, already got a warning before...
A possible solution then would be overall low et wins.... thought about that...
03-14-2009, 05:00 AM
this is a problem,......the 93 camaro has only made 2 pass's ever...kicked off.....
the 95 could be in the same boat
I do have a tube bender and welder!
03-14-2009, 05:25 AM
I'm willing to help people out on the cage thing if needed...I would like to see this race go down...its time we have something like this happen.
03-14-2009, 09:18 AM
someday i would love to be in this with my pickup, but even if i get it running and driving with the 6 speed yet this year, it wont be near fast enough. its got the potential though; weighed 2600lbs stock...
03-14-2009, 10:41 AM
Been considering besides the track fees, a lil trophy I'd put up for the winner. Bragging rights. Like Dustin said so far if all ok w 30# a plated import can compete w a factory 5 or 6 speed. I know most you guys, so fair, all out as possible like the street. No hard feelings or bs.
03-14-2009, 10:54 AM
someday i would love to be in this with my pickup, but even if i get it running and driving with the 6 speed yet this year, it wont be near fast enough. its got the potential though; weighed 2600lbs stock...
get it running! ...need help? :biggrin:
03-14-2009, 11:01 AM
Been considering besides the track fees, a lil trophy I'd put up for the winner. Bragging rights. Like Dustin said so far if all ok w 30# a plated import can compete w a factory 5 or 6 speed. I know most you guys, so fair, all out as possible like the street. No hard feelings or bs.
I'm on board with you!
yea, 5 or 6 speed!
no bs ,no game playing, no excuses.......for fun, bragging rights
thats why we all do this
My grandpa and dad have told me stories about the 50's and 60's when the guy next to you(who just lost) would take a part off of his car so anouther guys car(that just broke) could keep racing
I will help ANYONE who wants to be part of this, even if I loose....thats what REAL drag racing is all about.
03-14-2009, 12:31 PM
^ Same here so you guys consider this idea. Plenty of time. I used to race lil bro then help him out or vice versa. Somebody breaks we help out.
03-14-2009, 12:55 PM
I could hold down the mid-low 12 second range with my Cobra!! Just kidding Im keeping my DD outta this one..
03-14-2009, 01:12 PM
Scott... urs faster than most d/d cars if I'm going against a d1 and 406 you can do it. I got rims and the m/t's. Think it over. Just a good time.
03-14-2009, 01:17 PM
I could hold down the mid-low 12 second range with my Cobra!! Just kidding Im keeping my DD outta this one..
the more cars the better!
to add to this:
I have a trailer(for my car :biggrin: ) but if anyone breaks down, it will only cost them a tank of gas(for my truck) to get them home......fair?
03-14-2009, 01:26 PM
Sounds good to me, I could prob swing another one also w some help and putting some cash up.
Domestic Disturbance
03-16-2009, 01:41 AM
scott is the 95 a stock short block?
03-16-2009, 07:10 AM
Yeah the 95 is a stocker, just got aftermarket mufflers on it and a bunch of new stock replacment stuff and it has a auto in it.. I was referring to the 03 which is basically stock as well just a little exhaust and cold air intake with big wheels.
03-16-2009, 11:22 AM
I think d/d is talking to other Scott (30#)... so we need to say please 30# and Scottyk or urslower. It's like work person says Bob which one? W 400+ ppl gets confusing for me. To restate the idea/rules
General ideas/rules.....
1 everyone posts all major car mods(just to get an idea of whats going on, so everyone can perpare)
2 must be at the track
3 no handicaps..all out race
4 must be a manual w a clutch 5 or 6 speed. No jericos or dog teeth/box transmissions.
5 There will be one time trial for each person and his own car. After completion of time trial the person and his car would be paired with high and the low time for run off.
(example 4 cars) john 14.0 jim 13.0 joe 12.0 jerry 11.0
john vs jerry runoff
jim vs joe runoff
Theory says final would be joe vs jerry.
6 If a odd amount of persons and their cars, then low et gets a bye run.
7 Plated car... like no real race cars. Just a faster d/d.
8 Gotta throw this in...if red light u lose like jumping a hand signal.
The other issue is safety equipment. we're considering..... if low et and gets booted he is the winner.
The other thing is towing, we're working on that. Everybody helps out. Trophy for winner. Timeframe later mo than likely summer. Prob during the day, test and tune. I'll supply the trophy, it'll be a bragging deal and pics and video would be appreciated so it can be posted up. As you see imports are a Ok...even evo's.
Contestants so far for sure...
30#... lt f1 w 18# boost? And 6 speed
apples355... monte w a built 406 solid roller pump gas 6 speed
My turd the blue 03... eaton sprayed 6 speed
03-16-2009, 03:14 PM
ohhyeah my bad, forgot about that!!
03-16-2009, 05:01 PM
I'm not sure of my exact combo yet
for sure.....350cu in LT1, stage 3 gtp LT1 heads & intake, BIG cam, custom pcm program, 1 stage NX, and the normal bolt-ons
not for sure.....
1. If useing the little powerdyne(modified), then I may use a 2nd stage NX
2. I might use the D1 or the P1200b prochargers.....either way boost will be, 18-25psi ...with either blowers I will still "SPRAY THE WAY" the to finish line.
I have all the parts, just need to make up my mind.
03-17-2009, 01:19 AM
Blue turd... 497 std whp on trents dyno w 93 oct and 100 jets. 17 deg timing. Superflow 448 sae whp on s/c @12#, stock engine, bolt on crap. That's the numbers, never could get a good sprayed run # on the superflow. +10 mo hp. Hoosier dr tires or something, idk. It was halloween day.
Domestic Disturbance
03-17-2009, 07:04 AM
I hopefully will be involved for a little fun, but like I said on SIN timeframe is important as my car needs a few important things.
90 notch
03-17-2009, 08:52 AM
I want in!Steve o
03-17-2009, 10:40 AM
Fine w me..... Gotta be your registered plated car and factory 5 or 6 speed... That's the only main rules. :bigthumb: Other than that just post up your car you will be using and major mods on it... Plenty of time I might add... To go buy/mod one if you don't have one or want it faster..
You guys know what mine has ran, no secrets there. Just mo like a street session, never know who might win due to driver error and the car. My chances are slim, but doesn't matter. Fun deal, bragging rights, trophy.
90 notch
03-17-2009, 01:01 PM
gt500.cai,pulley,tune...Thanks,steve o
03-17-2009, 01:25 PM
Gotta be your registered plated car
kitch your out
Domestic Disturbance
03-17-2009, 03:40 PM
Gotta be your registered plated car
kitch your out
I might get that done this year
03-17-2009, 04:54 PM
gt500.cai,pulley,tune...Thanks,steve o
right on!
05-31-2009, 10:24 PM
Btw this is still on as far as I am concerned. I've been moving stuff into new place and all that bs. We prob looking at aug sept on a date. Trophy will be posted up soon so get ready to lay it down. Cfr crap track the ultimate equalizer 5, 6 speed any tire, any power adder. Same rules. Let the best person/car/setup win. You can have a good trophy to sit on the mantle and a good time hopefully. Fk I'll help push it if it breaks. Stuff happens. I've never broke nothing at cfr cause it never got traction.
05-31-2009, 10:29 PM
i request a video please! i will most likely not make it to see in person but i wanna see what goes on
05-31-2009, 10:47 PM
My wife will have a a video on the z712 and posted here and youtube/streetfire. Sure I hope I win but really I don't care, just have a good time. Track I'm not exp at plain and simple. Last time I had a 2.1 60 ft, mid 12. Long time ago on the s/c and nittos. I hear Black may compete, last I knew he was auto but if manual a serious contender.
05-31-2009, 11:01 PM
racing is fun no matter of win or loss... dont get me wrong i dont like to loose but 25seconds after im done ranting about what i should have done better im thinking how fun it was!
06-01-2009, 11:14 PM
Yea I hope to have some things done to the car, if not well way it is. It seems to put down enough power just getting it to hook and shift is the big deal. As you might know a 03 cobra avg .2 faster w a solid rear and .4/.5 faster w a auto.
It's one of the hardest cars I've ever had to drive. Too many things, heavy, front end heavy, crappy irs w big azz brakes, and a tranny that shifts hard. So the first 2 things can't be cheaply fixed w 15" slicks for a 60ft cause of the 3rd thing. My 69 w slicks launched a lot harder w a bbf and a stick. 9", older full lakewood bars and drum brakes much superior even w 8" slicks at the kcir track.
06-02-2009, 05:10 AM
The heads, cam, intake are on "The Snake" as of last saturday, working on the computer program now
Anyone want to play?
06-03-2009, 07:45 PM
come on now 6-speed guys, .... no takers?
06-03-2009, 08:19 PM
come on now 6-speed guys, .... no takers?
Im gettin my 2002 subaru wrx automatic all ready to to make the trip up there and lay the smack down on ya :supz: I even cleaned 5 pounds of brake dust out of the wheels for weight reduction
06-03-2009, 08:34 PM
ill be down to run ya scott here in a 2-3 weeks.... waiting for my chip and get the motor in...... im a auto tho.. im down to go to the track when all you guys go.. but im a auto by default... just go to have some fun.......
06-03-2009, 08:53 PM
yes some takers, now this is more like it!
Kind of funny thing happened tonight, I went to run some data logs on my tune, by chance a mustang happened to pull up next to me. Knowing my current tune is not very good yet I did not want to "mix it up" with anyone yet. .....but he keeped asking for it.
On the motor only, 40mph roll, I gave him 8 cars. I gently rolled into the throttle( never got much past 1/2 throttle), 3rd gear only, still beat him by 3 cars
the tune is still very far off, but its getting there....can't wait to spray it on this set up.
06-04-2009, 07:07 PM
I'm good to test, just didn't see this. Same old setup. If you are game for a 5 speed manual prob Jesse w do a test. Along the same lines as you did w the stang no ludicrous speeds for me though. You can pm me Scott I can get I'm sure a couple of trusted ppl to look out.
06-04-2009, 08:31 PM
sounds fun,
I'm still nervous about my tune anything under 4500 rpm I have to breath lightly on the throttle, or it cuts out really map sensor is going balistic on me!
let me get my tune atleast "safe" then we can test.
06-04-2009, 09:49 PM
That's fine, I've been moving to new place, why I haven't done anything besides a powerbrake burnout in the 69 other day.
06-04-2009, 10:51 PM
I took two cylinders out of my Mustang for weight reduction - bet I could beat ya
I haven't seen what the Z06 can do yet. I'm trying to break in the rear a little bit first. But it's a car that feels really good in the corners. It's a 6 speed. 1-5 all feel like the same gear and 6th is for the interstate.
06-04-2009, 11:26 PM
I hear a c6zo6 are monsters on a roll even stock, of course then the guys do more stuff and then about are untouchable for the small mods you do. Crazy speeds. Weight and the aero of that c6, my 03 is a brick in comparison. It might hang for a short while, idk. Never saw one around here at the right time.
I'll often get on an on ramp in 2nd gear and get on it; the speeds you hit before merging on the interstate are ridiculous.
My DD is a C6 6 speed auto and they are like different cars. I think the wide rear tires make more of a difference than anything.
It sounds like it's really easy to get another 50 hp so I plan to do that this summer and call it good for now.
06-05-2009, 12:16 AM
Btw if you have read this thread, we are having a manual runoff prob at cfr around aug. or sept. You would be welcome if you wish. More or less a fun time I hope, nobody breaks, and somebody wins. Plenty of time to think it over.
06-05-2009, 05:35 AM
the more cars the better!
06-05-2009, 05:37 PM
awwww it is just a camaro......jk jk
so what are you hoping for out at the track?? 11's 10's???? or 12's lol
06-05-2009, 10:08 PM
awwww it is just a camaro......jk jk
so what are you hoping for out at the track?? 11's 10's???? or 12's lol
The car has not hooked yet, but with the stock heads and cam, only spraying the big end of the track, cold bottle, cold tires...
the car went 13.0@115mph , 2.0 60' we spun at least 330ft, some people who watched claim it spun the whole way down the track.
So its easy to see the car would have gone high 11's with more traction and spraying the entire track.
not impressed.....
This is why it impresses most people, how it has performed so far, also this car was under water in the flood last year, I drained out 4 gal of water from the engine, traced down and repaired just about every wire in the car, replaced the interior, and got rid of all of the big fucking snakes that made this car there home. I saved this car from going to the crusher, i'm shure thats where it was going to go.
I've transformed a stock, junk flood car into somthing worth wile.
Just think, my "junk" runs better that most peoples "good" cars.
To answer your question, 10's should be possible out of this setup, will it do it, not enuf traction....
06-06-2009, 01:30 AM
yea that is way cool what you have done to it and saved it. I was just wondering what you were hoping out of it, thats all..........
06-06-2009, 04:52 AM
yea that is way cool what you have done to it and saved it. I was just wondering what you were hoping out of it, thats all..........
whats your car run? ...i'm curious :biggrin:
06-06-2009, 11:02 AM
irc last year kitch beat it with his mostly stock ls1, i could be mistaken i would say its in the 13's or was at least..
06-06-2009, 12:40 PM
yea last year when I had the vortech on it was low 13's. I'm droping a v8 in it right now and I hoping for 12's....... not sure what it will do I have not raced it yet with the hand controls so I have a lot of new things to get used too........
06-07-2009, 02:50 AM
I have a similar story 30#... 2 69's stangs bit a flood in 77, one a 351 mach and my present 69. Mud pieces still comes out now and then. I've replaced a lot of stuff. Lucky though they were a carb. Plaza flood in k.c. in 77. Why I live the higher ground.
12's stangvortech yea ok...If you aren't 11's with some tuning etc. I'll buy you a beer. After all you have a auto, hand controls or not. Now get on the stick. I saw the stuff.
06-07-2009, 02:43 PM
haha yea idk though 69gt4speed I run 245's all time........
06-07-2009, 03:09 PM
This is what a couple of new cj's are running johnnie....No computer interface besides speed sensor. look how old that guy is....He had a heart attack almost.. ... pR_BottomL (
06-27-2009, 04:23 PM
The heads, cam, intake are on "The Snake" as of last saturday, working on the computer program now
Anyone want to play?
I hope to have it in some point this week and running..... then I will have to give ya a can of "ford whop ass"................ :supz:
06-27-2009, 06:56 PM
The heads, cam, intake are on "The Snake" as of last saturday, working on the computer program now
Anyone want to play?
I hope to have it in some point this week and running..... then I will have to give ya a can of "ford whop ass"................ :supz:
I will be waiting.......
06-29-2009, 07:36 PM
And waiting...........
06-29-2009, 07:37 PM
oh....and still waiting :sleep:
06-29-2009, 08:12 PM
is this on the street? i dont think john plans on his car passing tech
06-29-2009, 09:44 PM
haha yea i wont pass any tech... on the street ya got to give me some time..... hahaha
06-29-2009, 10:48 PM
just make a couple runs and get the lecture and get thrown out, no biggie...might get away with enough to finish the races..
06-30-2009, 05:53 AM
just make a couple runs and get the lecture and get thrown out, no biggie...might get away with enough to finish the races..
I like the way you think :bigthumb:
06-30-2009, 07:20 AM
I just cant wait for this race, Rob is going to drag everyone down the track with a almost stock 03 cobra and a little bottle on it!!!
06-30-2009, 09:51 AM
Lol, kinda doubt that, plus who knows maybe some big high hp 4cyl will compete. I like the story though Scotty...
There's lots of possibilties anyone could win. We'll see what tires will do.
06-30-2009, 11:03 AM
I just cant wait for this race, Rob is going to drag everyone down the track with a almost stock 03 cobra and a little bottle on it!!!
you must be living in you own world :sleep:
the only way i'm being "dragged down the track" is if my car breaks down
but it is a manual trans race.......anything is possible
06-30-2009, 11:21 AM
well Im pretty sure he has trapped a good 5+ mph faster than your car has and has ran a faster time, so you thinking you have him covered is kinda silly IMO
06-30-2009, 11:53 AM
well Im pretty sure he has trapped a good 5+ mph faster than your car has and has ran a faster time, so you thinking you have him covered is kinda silly IMO
I ran 11.76 118mph. Never shifted into 4th, ses lamp on the whole way, did not spray the whole way, with a good tune car should run same times off the spray
My car as is should be good for 10's ,and more mph
I just need to make a full pass
06-30-2009, 12:52 PM
so is there a date then? yea I can do it at the track I gess I just did not want to take that long for a good run. I'm in not hurry......
idk how but rob dose not ever lose no matter what hahahah.....
06-30-2009, 01:37 PM
Maybe he will have to learn how to loose then
06-30-2009, 02:04 PM
lol i sure hope you win 30lb, for the sake of backing up all the talk..
06-30-2009, 02:45 PM
lol i sure hope you win 30lb, for the sake of backing up all the talk..
But I do think I have a strong car for this race, but as the saying goes " when the lights drop the bullshit stops! "
Know matter who wins it will be fun
07-01-2009, 08:26 PM
Knowing Scotty he'll probably take out the glide, slip in a tko 600, post up his entry day before and whip all our azzes. I know it's still got plates, ins., etc. Now that would suck. :biggrin: Just saying that's possible.
07-02-2009, 07:05 AM
LOL thats funny Rob!!! I do have the trans basically out of it now, I wonder if the T-56 from the cobra will fit in there, just need factory clutch pedal and maybe a driveshaft and I think it would be time to bang gears in that biotch.. Damn that would be fun, Im thinking with the hoist in garage it might not be that bad to do
07-02-2009, 08:08 AM
If I was serious I'd probably talk to D&D performance, they have all the kits to do the swap. A t56 does have
a seperate bellhousing. Gforce sells t56 upgrade but I'd imagine some $ more. It suppose to hold 900 hp and triple cone syncro conversion.
t-56 fox
07-02-2009, 04:09 PM
LOL thats funny Rob!!! I do have the trans basically out of it now, I wonder if the T-56 from the cobra will fit in there, just need factory clutch pedal and maybe a driveshaft and I think it would be time to bang gears in that biotch.. Damn that would be fun, Im thinking with the hoist in garage it might not be that bad to do
That would be SWEET! :bigthumb:
I'm sure you would have everyone covered based on your new best time :bigthumb:
It would be interesting to see the difference between the auto and manual on the same car.
07-02-2009, 04:33 PM
yeah im 99%sure if i put a trans in there with synchros it would be a lot slower, but with a liberty, lenco, or g force i bet it would pick up some but that take one hell of a clutch and wouldn't be very streetable i wouldn't think.. but i might try it sometime soon who knows
07-02-2009, 06:11 PM
it would be really fun ride!
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