View Full Version : Got my first ticket tonight
02-08-2009, 11:02 PM
Bleh, I'm just worried what my insurance will be like now.
115 in a 40
Was on 61 at about 10:10 - pretty much deserted roads.
Some sebring had been following me revving. We hit a stop light, then I launched when it went green and he did too.
Went up to 115 and held it there since thats where my speed limiter is on my pussy sixxer.
Finally he starts to lag back so i let off the gas and start easing the break. Then we each turn our seperate ways at an intersection after giving each other a thumbs up.
I drive for about 30 seconds and then I start seeing flashing behind me.
The cop came and talked to me, asked me a few questions - asked me who bought me the car, I told her I'm paying for it. Told her im currently saving to go back to school, and that I'm working at Target, etc.
She goes and comes back with a ticket for 90 in a 40.
Told me only reason she knocked it down so i wouldn't go to jail/get car towed was because I was honest, and I wasn't running around in a car my parents bought for me, and that she was a mustang fanatic herself.
Which - proves imo a arguement I've had with many people that cops like mustangs :P
being 18, anyone know what this might do to my insurance?
It's currently $85 a month
And yes, sebring got pulled over too. I asked her and she said a sheriffs deputy was with her at the time and split to get him. She told me he's not so lucky considering that this was his 2nd violation and he was getting towed and that could have been me. Not sure if that was truth or a scare tactic but anyway.
I'm not TOO upset about it considering how much I've sped and how this is the first time I've been pulled over except for forgetting to turn on my lights a couple times.
02-08-2009, 11:47 PM
Ya I have first hand experience 110 in 65... wrote to 95/65 w 110 circled, that means you lose your license for a while...Unless you get a lawyer... I'm surprised they didn't tow it off. Call Mark Chipokas tell him Rob, the blue cobra guy sent ya. With some conjoling on mark's part, #200 hiway patrol guy talked to me, told me never do it again and dropped it to 29 mph over. 1 mph more, license w been gone for a while, that's dot law from state... She really did you no favors besides not towing the car. 30 over you lose your license that's no sh-t. You can appeal dot ruling but local first be best maybe get community service, ur young and dumb so they think.
Me I'm old, run w the street crowd should know better. Every leo knows my car. Why that video I had posted music was bon jovi dead or
This was made up btw... Test run 3, where was he? He asked what gear I was in also. I told him 3rd which I was. See for urself.
02-08-2009, 11:49 PM
So wait, I was 50 over, am I losing my fucking license? I can't lose it, fuck!
02-08-2009, 11:58 PM
Yep u lose it, that #200 never told me, I wondered why he was so happy. Then I looked it up and said holy sh-t I really got caught... then oldskoolrcr told me about Mark, so I called him. It was postponed for months cause of the flood. One day streetsweeper and friends saw #200 at a restaurant and talked to him also. Maybe that made him reconsider I don't know. btw my insurance never went up.
But I'm old never got caught before or let off and locals made a file on me. Like I'm some gang guru. With some fast car, it's a ok d/d. I hate c.r. in that way. Nothing better to do, one night a c.r. female cop asked me questions, I asked her at midnight how many cops out now she said 110. Holy crap, that's a lot. Not counting linn co. and iap.
02-09-2009, 12:01 AM
Shit, is there anything you think I can do to avoid losing it?
The cop said I "Could lose my license for it" but didn't say i definitely was going to
Shit shit shit
I can't lose my license - I have to do way to much driving as it is :(
02-09-2009, 12:05 AM
11mph over it goes on insurance, and i think its 24+mph over you lose your license...its sucks, but thats what the law is...
02-09-2009, 12:14 AM
Look it up on iowa dot I thought 29 maybe it' s 25 mph, whatever the case I got it reduced to 1 under I lose it, obviously I am driving legal, each day. My court day was in sept. My wife's boy got a ticket for driving w/o corrective lenses, 25 fine, guess what.. the dot suspends ur license for that also. He never checked and one day dot sent a letter saying it. sr22 to get it back, bad sh-t.
Calm down... read what I said... call Mark Chipokas. He's on 1st ave not far from taco bell/ the bank. Tell him Rob sent you the guy w blue cobra, he's seen the car...Nice guy and good talker. Knows the d.a., if the woman leo isn't a azz then all can be good. act and say u never do it again.
Winter sucks. I understand this. Hope they do also.
02-09-2009, 12:26 AM
Number or anything? I'm not sure who you're talking about.
but im open to anything.
I wasn't really stressing that bad but now that I know I might lose my license I'm pretty much desperate.
I love driving so much I can't imagine not being able to get in my car and just go cruise when I want to, and having to find a way to work everyday.
02-09-2009, 12:35 AM
# is 319-366-7888... It cost me around 500. Btw none of this will go down till after real court day. He will say u are not guilty on preliminary date and on real date it will be negotiated.
02-09-2009, 12:37 AM
Goodbye tax refund :/
thank you, I'll look into it
02-09-2009, 12:43 AM
Play u pay around here... sorry.. in k.c. not enough leos they are always busy doing other real leo work.
Domestic Disturbance
02-09-2009, 12:44 AM
You can request an appeal. Thats what I did a year ago. Write a letter suggesting why you require/depend on your license, it goes under consideration. I had a phone call court session to go over my appeal. Ended up with 1 year probation and had to take a safe drivers class.
02-09-2009, 12:55 AM
Yes, that's goes under I call it young and dumb... Me, I didn't have that option. Depends on the leo also, #200 was ok... a azz. He wanted to prove a point. The d/a was all ready to make it go away but #200 was raising a issue. Lots of service yrs., maybe his day sucked. Don't know. My age and not very happy imo.
02-09-2009, 01:27 AM
Me and my friend talked through it and read through the laws.
Looks like maximum I could do is lose my license for a year, however chances are being a first time offender and no reason for court to dislike, looks like I'm looking at a few months, less if I get a lawyer probably.
I'll still call your guy 69gt and see what he says.
I appreciate the help here bigtime.
I know I'm responsible for my fuckup.
My only wish is to be left alone to deal with it now, and not have my family go psycho on me when they find out, which is what will happen.
If only I had the money to move out, ugh.
02-09-2009, 09:19 AM
Maybe next time you'll learn not to race someone up to 115mph in a 40mph speed zone.
02-09-2009, 09:25 AM
^it happens. It could be worse. I was driving home from (ive told this story a hundred times) the quad cities on christmas eve, my speedo was slipping but would manage to tell me about half the speed I was actually going. I was in a hurry and got pulled passing a semi, speedo said 80 and I was still on 80 with a long way to go.
Cop gave me a 20 over and said he was being really nice. Then told me I need a front plate and we were off. That was my break...probably wont get it again.
02-09-2009, 09:35 AM
Yea i got pulled over for doing "41" in a 30, he knocked it down to 40 in a 30. Funny i was in 4th gear at like 2,000 rpms..meaning i could only be going around 35...which is what i told him.
02-09-2009, 10:38 AM
Maybe next time you'll learn not to race someone up to 115mph in a 40mph speed zone.
Wouldn't have ended up much differently if it were 65
Considering it was still a two lane highway that goes through town and we had no traffic at all.
I got pulled over in the 65 zone, but they clocked me in the 40 - go figure
Either way, I got bent.
Oh well, I'm probably looking at losing my license for a few months and getting a work permit.
02-09-2009, 04:52 PM
My break was 70 in a 55...I was going 128 and it was a 35. No race, just f-ing around. Kept going for like 5 miles because I didn't even know I was being chased, next thing I know I have one cop behind lights blazing and another (just about into the next jurisdiction) coming at me. I got the break because the cop didn't have a chance to radar me, and I could have fought it but I took it because I deserved it for being stupid.
02-09-2009, 08:08 PM
It always sucks getting a ticket but when you get a ticket that big (like 100 in a 45 or w/e) its impressive in a way, honestly I'd frame it. LOL Be all like 'look what I did!'
Sounds stupid I know but I've seen people do it; frame the ticket and a picture of the car they were driving.
As for cops liking Mustangs, of course they do, first time ticketed in my Mach 1 the cop asked me questions about my car and talked 'shop' with me for a good 20 minutes on the side of the road. I still got a ticket (was actually going 72 in a 55) and cop knocked it down to a 10 over ticket. Would have been better if I had gotten off the hook completely but I wasn't going to complain.
02-09-2009, 09:10 PM
or just ask the officer if you can take a pic when he has you pulled over lol...this was like a few days after i finished the car...
02-09-2009, 09:27 PM
or just ask the officer if you can take a pic when he has you pulled over lol...this was like a few days after i finished the car...
I have to say, this made me laugh :biggrin:
02-11-2009, 09:27 AM
We have all been there! I was running up to cedar falls one day in the WRX and i was hauling ass. Most of the time i was hanging out around 90 to 100 but there were times i was doing 120 and once about 145...(that was fun) i was being followed by an off duty police chief that called me in. they wrote the ticket for 98 in a 70 but after i wrote a letter and talk to them they agreed to knock it to a 94 in a 70 for a 24 over ticket so i could keep my license. write a letter and see what happens.... just dont admit any guilt or tell them they were wrong and you didnt deserve it. Tell them why you NEED to keep your license and how you cant aford to loss it cuz you have to work and make money to help take care of you grandma and little sister and go to school..... not that you do but make them feel bad. might get someone with a heart. Make sure you say you will never to it again and have learned your lesion. and blaa blaa blaa. just make it sound good!
02-11-2009, 12:34 PM
I might do that, because I wouldn't be lieing in all honesty :p
When my Grandpa passed away, I moved out of my mom's and in with my Grandmother to help her out. Granted I really just take care of the house/yard and stuff, she does all the groceries and things like that.
+ I'll probably be moving out in about a year, but hey I can fudge it :)
02-11-2009, 12:43 PM
ok that was weird..... i dont know you or situation i just randomly picked that as a example. haha
02-11-2009, 02:11 PM
I'd move in with my grandmas too if I could. Good work.
02-11-2009, 04:40 PM
lol yea, when i was 15 I moved in with her.
Easy liven :P
I just do all the main house/yard work. Although after I go through a couple more semesters here, I'll either be moving to Des Moines or Cedar Rapids - not really sure yet.
Burlington sucks nuts haha.
But yeah, the cop overall ended up being rather nice to me towards the end since my record has been completely clean and all that, I'm hoping I might at least get the speed dropped down one more mph as that'd mean the maximum I could lose my license is two months which isn't to bad.
02-11-2009, 04:49 PM
Burlington sucks nuts haha.
I'd have to agree Burlington does suck. It's full of old people. My grandparents live there and I've seen how old everyone is there.
02-12-2009, 03:12 AM
We have all been there! I was running up to cedar falls one day in the WRX and i was hauling ass. Most of the time i was hanging out around 90 to 100 but there were times i was doing 120 and once about 145...(that was fun) i was being followed by an off duty police chief that called me in. they wrote the ticket for 98 in a 70 but after i wrote a letter and talk to them they agreed to knock it to a 94 in a 70 for a 24 over ticket so i could keep my license. write a letter and see what happens.... just dont admit any guilt or tell them they were wrong and you didnt deserve it. Tell them why you NEED to keep your license and how you cant aford to loss it cuz you have to work and make money to help take care of you grandma and little sister and go to school..... not that you do but make them feel bad. might get someone with a heart. Make sure you say you will never to it again and have learned your lesion. and blaa blaa blaa. just make it sound good!
Btw who should I consider writing to?
The specific cop who pulled me over, or the station in general?
02-12-2009, 09:24 AM
We have all been there! I was running up to cedar falls one day in the WRX and i was hauling ass. Most of the time i was hanging out around 90 to 100 but there were times i was doing 120 and once about 145...(that was fun) i was being followed by an off duty police chief that called me in. they wrote the ticket for 98 in a 70 but after i wrote a letter and talk to them they agreed to knock it to a 94 in a 70 for a 24 over ticket so i could keep my license. write a letter and see what happens.... just dont admit any guilt or tell them they were wrong and you didnt deserve it. Tell them why you NEED to keep your license and how you cant aford to loss it cuz you have to work and make money to help take care of you grandma and little sister and go to school..... not that you do but make them feel bad. might get someone with a heart. Make sure you say you will never to it again and have learned your lesion. and blaa blaa blaa. just make it sound good!
Btw who should I consider writing to?
The specific cop who pulled me over, or the station in general?
I believe i wrote to the county attorney... cant remember who it was for sure i think that sounds right. Its the attorney who will be representing the police basically
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