View Full Version : Evo Photo Shoot
12-11-2008, 04:29 PM
Well Back in October I went out to the Mitsbishi Owners Day Gathering and also Stoped By AMS to hang out and check out the swap meet. While there I also did a Photo Shoot of my car with the AMS, for their Web site and there Catalog That they made For SEMA this year. well here are a few of the final pictures. Enjoy!
12-11-2008, 04:34 PM
sick! gotta love that car!
12-11-2008, 04:43 PM
SweeT!!! Looks awesome to bad that the pics where taken in the rain. But still looks SweeT!
12-11-2008, 08:56 PM
no snow... these are old pics. how about some in you new home, which i still need to come over and see.
12-11-2008, 11:18 PM
Uhh, drool.
12-12-2008, 08:47 AM
Looks like a dyno queen to me, I m sure most people get caught up in how much hp it makes but big deal with out a 1/4 mile time it means nothing. Dont get me wrong its a cool car but I dont know why you build something like that with all the hp and never race it.
Now get on here and tell me how you built it for yourself not for me and dont care how fast it is, and how you bike is faster then mine blah blah, I dont believe that for a second, the real reason praoble is that you droped so much money in that car that the big 3 could have used it in there bailout.
12-12-2008, 09:03 AM
You just have to talk crap about everything don't you ^^
There you go, racing a gsxr1000...that good enough for you? He doesn't run at the track because he doesn't have any safety equipment to pass tech with. It would be a waste of time, and I wouldn't want to tear into that nice shell to put in a cage and all the other things needed.
12-12-2008, 09:18 AM
Looks like a dyno queen to me,
Looks like an evo to me.
I m sure most people get caught up in how much hp it makes but big deal with out a 1/4 mile time it means nothing.
Who said its a drag car? Their are OTHER things you can use a car for.
Dont get me wrong its a cool car but I dont know why you build something like that with all the hp and never race it.
Who said he doesnt race it?
It is a nice car. Some people are so jealous of a nice car they have to find something wrong with it.
12-12-2008, 09:44 AM
One thing i learned about red04evo is that he doesnt talk up his car. He built it and drives it and doesnt go out on a Saturday trying to prove anything.
12-12-2008, 09:50 AM
Unless the bikes need a reminder...
12-12-2008, 09:54 AM
You just have to talk crap about everything don't you ^^
There you go, racing a gsxr1000...that good enough for you? He doesn't run at the track because he doesn't have any safety equipment to pass tech with. It would be a waste of time, and I wouldn't want to tear into that nice shell to put in a cage and all the other things needed.
Not talking crap just stating the facts the way I see them, kinda like you do to sometimes, funny that you would stick up for a evo
Oh and for that race on the vid give me a break raced a gxr1000 from a roll, what are those high 10 second bikes?
12-12-2008, 10:07 AM
^idk maybe. whats it matter. He out ran a bike...
12-12-2008, 10:29 AM
your right that is cool, but i think it was a tie after i re watched the vid.
12-12-2008, 10:43 AM
you dont see building something like that as a hell of an accomplishment? you dont think having ams want you for a photoshoot is something? he doesnt race it around here much because what is there to race that comes out, your loudmouth ass on a bicycle?? he built the car he wanted to build and he made it happen and then some, he truly took his time and did it right too, i saw the car slowly progress and he was very meticulous about it and never rushed ANYTHING, and for all that i have a tremendous amount of respect for him...
12-12-2008, 10:52 AM
you dont see building something like that as a hell of an accomplishment? you dont think having ams want you for a photoshoot is something? he doesnt race it around here much because what is there to race that comes out, your loudmouth ass on a bicycle?? he built the car he wanted to build and he made it happen and then some, he truly took his time and did it right too, i saw the car slowly progress and he was very meticulous about it and never rushed ANYTHING, and for all that i have a tremendous amount of respect for him...
Jesus why dont you go suck on his sore toe to?
12-12-2008, 10:53 AM
hey muff nuts... he beat the bike and from what i remember it wasnt stock either. It was also not to prove anything it was just the fastest thing around and they both did it for fun.
12-12-2008, 10:56 AM
looks great, the water on the closeups is a pretty cool effect
12-12-2008, 10:58 AM
lol...your a piece of work. get a life
12-12-2008, 11:10 AM
The vid kinda sucks, but everyone their knows what happened. So lets just leave this alone and not completely ruin the thread.
12-12-2008, 11:10 AM
hey muff nuts... he beat the bike and from what i remember it wasnt stock either. It was also not to prove anything it was just the fastest thing around and they both did it for fun.
Is that you in your avator? If it is you can play dude
12-12-2008, 11:50 AM
honestly Jesse is a cool guy from what i know, he has answered some questions i have had over the past few years, there is no reason to be coming in here and messin up a thread about his photo shoot he had, it is an awesome car! and it looks amazing... just leave it be mufflover
12-12-2008, 07:33 PM
So????? They took pics of a car with a blown motor..... or is it fixed.... or are those pics taken from the high hp dyno day? The car looks good in the pics though. Is AMS going to tune it this time? Are they going to build the motor? Forth times a charm?
12-12-2008, 09:15 PM
car runs fine from what i know(its been fixed), ams tuned it the first time, and i believe jesse replaced the spun bearings himself (not sure if he did it or a shop)
12-12-2008, 10:43 PM
car runs fine from what i know(its been fixed), ams tuned it the first time, and i believe jesse replaced the spun bearings himself (not sure if he did it or a shop)
I know ams tuned it first. Then he built the motor, it started, ran for about 5 seconds before it grenaded, then it was built again and blew up with the 35r, then rebuilt last winter with the 42r setup, then blown on the second run with the 1000 shown in video there (too bad you can't hear it knocking) and so now you are saying it has been rebuilt again? I have heard otherwise. That's spun a bearing, then burned up a piston, then spun a bearing again........... I do check in from time to time on here and street psi and have seen nothing about it being fixed again or seen anything about any kills. I also work with people that talk non stop about this car anytime it is running.
12-12-2008, 10:51 PM
yes i have heard it is "rebuilt"/ had the spun bearing's replaced with new one's and it is running again.... and damn if i knew it had blown up that many times i don't think i would let street psi anywhere near my car to tune or rebuild my motor... no offense Jesse but thats a bad record...
12-12-2008, 10:54 PM
i can tell you for a fact that the car runs fine now
12-12-2008, 10:55 PM
i thought it did, i just havn't personally seen it running
12-12-2008, 11:02 PM
yes i have heard it is "rebuilt"/ had the spun bearing's replaced with new one's and it is running again.... and damn if i knew it had blown up that many times i don't think i would let street psi anywhere near my car to tune or rebuild my motor... no offense Jesse but thats a bad record...
First time was because he didn't plastigauge the bearings and the clearance was off, second was tuning and the third well that is a lot of power sperry built the motor and Jessie tuned it. I know of few cars with blown motors he tuned........ one came into my work wanting the motor rebuilt after Jessie installed a supercharger, tuned it, slapped a JAPPBOX sticker on the back and then the owner bitched about drivability problems on a forum which Toyota caught and denied the warranty claim because it was improperly tuned. Because they offer a s/c kit for the truck they were going to warranty it untill he was on a forum complaining about how the tune blew the motor.
George would you like to tell your story with you tuning issue in your Talon?
There are others also. Not just those 2.
12-12-2008, 11:06 PM
i can tell you for a fact that the car runs fine now
No kill videos? No proof whatsoever?
i thought it did, i just havn't personally seen it running
Exactly...... Like I said his friends at my work don't shut up about his evo when it is running, just because George says it does dosn't mean it is.
12-12-2008, 11:08 PM
i can tell you for a fact that the car runs fine now
No kill videos? No proof whatsoever?
i thought it did, i just havn't personally seen it running
Exactly...... Like I said his friends at my work don't shut up about his evo when it is running, just because George says it does dosn't mean it is.
Where do you work?
12-12-2008, 11:19 PM
i can tell you for a fact that the car runs fine now
No kill videos? No proof whatsoever?
i thought it did, i just havn't personally seen it running
Exactly...... Like I said his friends at my work don't shut up about his evo when it is running, just because George says it does dosn't mean it is.
Where do you work?
Toyota......... If you ask george he says I work at walmart which will go to show you how much out of his mouth you can believe.
12-12-2008, 11:21 PM
so you have to have a kill vid to mean its running.
well im pretty sure last time it pulled out of the garage it was on its own power and it came back in on its own power so i would say its running
12-12-2008, 11:24 PM
so you have to have a kill vid to mean its running.
well im pretty sure last time it pulled out of the garage it was on its own power and it came back in on its own power so i would say its running
Knocking and running are 2 different things, yes a motor can still run knocking. Are you going to tell me it's not knocking either, remember the guys I work with jerk off to his car at night.
12-12-2008, 11:28 PM
yes im going to say its not knocking either.
12-12-2008, 11:44 PM
yes im going to say its not knocking either.
Good. Glad to hear it. Lets get some vids up of it then. His car is sick.
12-13-2008, 08:23 AM
So that thing has blown up a couple of times? He has blown up quite of few cars then, I dont thing i want him tuning by bike
12-13-2008, 09:04 AM
who at toyota are his "friends?" maybe its just kids talking again.
i heard the car has a jet engine and wings know... but thats just what i heard from people at work..... see how easy it is to start random crap?
12-13-2008, 09:29 AM
Im just gonna clarify the car is all good and running great. Not sure if he got it broken in before the snow came. But its all good.
12-13-2008, 09:33 AM
Wow Traction control you are the biggest loser ever. you Fallow Josh around and allways bug him Josh called me and talked to me about that truck wih the supercharger installed. I installeed it NOT tuned it. The company that sells the kits sell them with "pre tuned" maps. All i did was wrench on it. As for my evo issues over the last 4 years. NONE have been from a tunin problem, you would not know that becuase you know nothing about stuff. Your one jelious bastard. Maybe you can undersand that Spining a rod bearing car be from a few thngs not just tuning... Ill give you a hint. OIL you dumb ass.. as for the pistion i broke a ring on 2 years ago. that was becuse of a ignition poblem with the coils.. So dont try saying i blew this up cause of tuning, and blew some truck up after installing a superchrger kit on a STOCK motor that I never tuned. You ruin my Tread as you always do, I hav never said shit to you so go get a life and myabe get a car to do 100% yourself and some day maybe someone will respect you! ASS
12-13-2008, 09:47 AM
I have to add that It really really bothers me when people like traction control, say thats it driving and knocking, and that the car can run and knock... What is this a stock Camry?? honestly to tell you the truth the car is ALLWAYS knocking. Ya thats right any time I boost it it this normal??...YES A knock sensor goes by voltage the more load on a engine the more knock the sensor shows. you do no want spikes, for instance my car at 40psi on Q16 Fuel I dont run knock Control...why you ask? well there is so much Engine noise at that point that the sensor is usless... it will show up to 4volts of knock at 9k RPM at 40psi AEM knock control only goes up to 5volts. So even crusing the car is showing .04-.06 volt of knock. This is things you must know when building a car that makes 470hp /per liter. Well thats my tuning 101 for the day kids.
12-13-2008, 12:26 PM
Wow Traction control you are the biggest loser ever. you Fallow Josh around and allways bug him Josh called me and talked to me about that truck wih the supercharger installed. I installeed it NOT tuned it. The company that sells the kits sell them with "pre tuned" maps. All i did was wrench on it. As for my evo issues over the last 4 years. NONE have been from a tunin problem, you would not know that becuase you know nothing about stuff. Your one jelious bastard. Maybe you can undersand that Spining a rod bearing car be from a few thngs not just tuning... Ill give you a hint. OIL you dumb ass.. as for the pistion i broke a ring on 2 years ago. that was becuse of a ignition poblem with the coils.. So dont try saying i blew this up cause of tuning, and blew some truck up after installing a superchrger kit on a STOCK motor that I never tuned. You ruin my Tread as you always do, I hav never said shit to you so go get a life and myabe get a car to do 100% yourself and some day maybe someone will respect you! ASS
I didn't come to ruin the thread I asked very valid questions that you still didn't answer.
First of all I'm not jealous I said your car is bad ass, I don't want one but it is bad ass.
I don't bug Josh when, the car runs he (and Ben) talks about it all day to everyone there.
According to the forum the owner of the x-runner was on you tuned it, I saw the thread myself.
Burned up pistons is a tuning problem. Your ignition problem must have been too much timing huh. This is the 3rd reason I have now heard as to why the piston burned up. First it was a stuck injector, then bad pistons and AMS told you those were the best piston for that motor and now it is an ignition problem.
The first spun bearing was a building problem, and the one racing Travis I agree is not a tuning problem BUT if you had an oil flow problem you would have burned up the bearing farthest away from the pumps flow which would be a main bearing so I would say it was a builder problem due to the fact your buddies claimed it was a rod bearing. Low oil flow burns up the bearing and scores the crank unless the oil problem is because of clearance issues between the rods, bearings and crank..... then you could spin a bearing, I suppose.
I have to add that It really really bothers me when people like traction control, say thats it driving and knocking, and that the car can run and knock... What is this a stock Camry?? honestly to tell you the truth the car is ALLWAYS knocking. Ya thats right any time I boost it it this normal??...YES A knock sensor goes by voltage the more load on a engine the more knock the sensor shows. you do no want spikes, for instance my car at 40psi on Q16 Fuel I dont run knock Control...why you ask? well there is so much Engine noise at that point that the sensor is usless... it will show up to 4volts of knock at 9k RPM at 40psi AEM knock control only goes up to 5volts. So even crusing the car is showing .04-.06 volt of knock. This is things you must know when building a car that makes 470hp /per liter. Well thats my tuning 101 for the day kids.
Thanks for the lesson in how a knock sensor works they never go bad on Toyota's :sleep: . Your just like George trying to act like you didn't damage the motor on the second run against Travis. Audible knocking at idle is different then knock sensor voltage spikes.
So my questions stll remain, is the motor fixed yet? If not are you going to have AMS build it this time? Are you going to get it tuned by AMS.
12-13-2008, 01:10 PM
he never said he didn't damage the moter on the second run against Travis...
He was just posting pics of his car. He never said anything about it, just posted pics. Then you get on here and start running your mouth.
12-13-2008, 01:18 PM
he never said he didn't damage the moter on the second run against Travis...
He was just posting pics of his car. He never said anything about it, just posted pics. Then you get on here and start running your mouth.
I wasn't running my mouth, I asked a few questions and everyone started in on me. I would still like to know the answers to the questions I asked. I did say I like his car, the pictures look good. Jessie gets all defensive because he knows who I talk to therefore everything I say must be an attack, the only person I truely intend to attack on this site is George (which he doesn't seem to be one the last couple times I have been here). I provided answers to Jessies' reply, that's all.
12-13-2008, 01:41 PM
OMG how do you work on cars??? My car is 100% fine, boosted it to 40psi plenty of times before it started snowing, took it out both friday and saturday night all of september and first part of october. My pistion issue was cause of a missfiring coil, not to much timing, again your a idiot!! I really dont care if someone said i tuned there truck, hes the morron that took a superchared truck to a dealer to try and get a warranty on it... Honestly I dont care what you hear, only a few people that are close to me know the truth about things, like george, trevor, brent.. exc.. so whatever you hear thats diffrent could be a lie.. duhh.. Also if you knew about mitsubishis you would know thatthe center 2 barings get oil last! thats the ones that spun, again stop posting things that are wrong, just makes you look like a retard, witch you are for posting it trying to act smart. Dont respond to this as i dont want my tread ruined with your BS. Mods if you could help out on mr taction controls problems..
12-13-2008, 01:45 PM
OMG how do you work on cars??? My car is 100% fine, boosted it to 40psi plenty of times before it started snowing, took it out both friday and saturday night all of september and first part of october. My pistion issue was cause of a missfiring coil, not to much timing, again your a idiot!! I really dont care if someone said i tuned there truck, hes the morron that took a superchared truck to a dealer to try and get a warranty on it... Honestly I dont care what you hear, only a few people that are close to me know the truth about things, like george, trevor, brent.. exc.. so whatever you hear thats diffrent could be a lie.. duhh.. Also if you knew about mitsubishis you would know thatthe center 2 barings get oil last! thats the ones that spun, again stop posting things that are wrong, just makes you look like a retard, witch you are for posting it trying to act smart. Dont respond to this as i dont want my tread ruined with your BS. Mods if you could help out on mr taction controls problems..
Good I'm glad to hear the car is running again.
12-13-2008, 01:48 PM
o incase i didnt say it allready my car is 100% has been since second week of augest, 7AM the crank was on the bench, rebuild it up, freshended the head while i had it off, re-assembled it all and it was in the car by 8pm that same day.. Thanks to Sperry for leting me use the shop and him helping me check all the clearnces. I have had great luck with Sperry and knowing i can assemble a motor runing this much boost is just mind bogeling! This next year i plan to crack 1K and make loads more power with less boost. I may just try to hit 55psi so any heaters can see how Great this motor is.
12-13-2008, 01:50 PM
OMG how do you work on cars??? My car is 100% fine, boosted it to 40psi plenty of times before it started snowing, took it out both friday and saturday night all of september and first part of october. My pistion issue was cause of a missfiring coil, not to much timing, again your a idiot!! I really dont care if someone said i tuned there truck, hes the morron that took a superchared truck to a dealer to try and get a warranty on it... Honestly I dont care what you hear, only a few people that are close to me know the truth about things, like george, trevor, brent.. exc.. so whatever you hear thats diffrent could be a lie.. duhh.. Also if you knew about mitsubishis you would know thatthe center 2 barings get oil last! thats the ones that spun, again stop posting things that are wrong, just makes you look like a retard, witch you are for posting it trying to act smart. Dont respond to this as i dont want my tread ruined with your BS. Mods if you could help out on mr taction controls problems..
Good I'm glad to hear the car is running again.
Then why come on here and throw negitive comments, and then act nice? I have not talked to josh since augest, and Ben since at least May... You may need to get some better sources.
12-13-2008, 02:08 PM
OMG how do you work on cars??? My car is 100% fine, boosted it to 40psi plenty of times before it started snowing, took it out both friday and saturday night all of september and first part of october. My pistion issue was cause of a missfiring coil, not to much timing, again your a idiot!! I really dont care if someone said i tuned there truck, hes the morron that took a superchared truck to a dealer to try and get a warranty on it... Honestly I dont care what you hear, only a few people that are close to me know the truth about things, like george, trevor, brent.. exc.. so whatever you hear thats diffrent could be a lie.. duhh.. Also if you knew about mitsubishis you would know thatthe center 2 barings get oil last! thats the ones that spun, again stop posting things that are wrong, just makes you look like a retard, witch you are for posting it trying to act smart. Dont respond to this as i dont want my tread ruined with your BS. Mods if you could help out on mr taction controls problems..
Good I'm glad to hear the car is running again.
Then why come on here and throw negitive comments, and then act nice? I have not talked to josh since augest, and Ben since at least May... You may need to get some better sources.
They both say they haven't talked to you for a while. I assumed since they haven't said anything the car wasn't running.
I truely like your car, I really do want you to be able to run it. I wish I could get a ride.
12-13-2008, 03:14 PM
no one gets a ride... cuz it will come back one way or another that he is giving rides to show off and brag. some of his closest friends have never rode in it. i agree it would be neat but i under stand why he does what he does.
12-13-2008, 03:41 PM
"Also if you knew about Mitsubishi you would know that the center 2 bearings get oil last!"
Thats all I had to say but it was said. PM me if you want things cleaned out, its only fair.
Domestic Disturbance
12-14-2008, 11:27 AM
i'd probably still choke a bitch
12-15-2008, 10:01 PM
no one gets a ride... cuz it will come back one way or another that he is giving rides to show off and brag. some of his closest friends have never rode in it. i agree it would be neat but i under stand why he does what he does.
Pointless. It's a 4 door for fucks sake. Not taking your friends for rides makes no sense to me. If you're that proud of the motor then drive the thing.
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