View Full Version : My Promise to Obama

12-05-2008, 02:57 PM
With it being just a little over a month until Barack Obama takes office, I have decided to make a few promises to Obama and Obama supporters.

- I am a Republican, but more than being a Republican, I am a patriot. Barack Obama is our leader and above all, I will support him.

- I may criticize Obama, but it will be his decisions that I am criticizing, not Obama as a person. I have had to sit through eight years of pictures of George W Bush next to picture of monkeys, jokes about his public speaking abilities, and criticism based on hearsay, rumors, conspiracy theories, etc. I promise never to behave in this way. It is this despicable behavior that makes people lose faith in our country. When the leader of the free world is constantly made a mockery of, why should anyone on Earth respect this country?

- If I've got something to say about Obama's decisions, I will support it with factual evidence. Never will I base my criticisms on rumors or conspiracy theories. Until I find factual evidence from reputable sources, my mouth will stay shut. I refuse to represent my chosen party in a debate about politics without first knowing for sure that I am basing my criticisms on facts. If I disagree with him, I will respectfully disagree.

- I will make every attempt to give credit where credit is due. I may criticize Obama's decisions sometimes, but I will also be sure to point out when I think he has done something good also. I am not blind to good decisions. I will see them and I will make note of them.

- Lastly, I refuse to turn into a broken record. I refuse to spend countless hours discussing my displeasure with our government. My world does not have to revolve around politics. I will maintain control over my own life, and that starts by making political discussion a hobby, not a career.

It's my intention to remain true to these promises and I am posting them here for all to see and discuss. As a member of the losing party, I refuse to behave in the way I've seen people behave in the last eight years. I want to give Mr. Obama every advantage he can get so that he can be successful in leading our country in the new and exciting direction that he has promised us. In my opinion, that begins by showing the man respect, even if I may not always agree with his decisions.

Good luck, Mr Obama.

12-12-2008, 11:10 PM
My promise to Obama is to spread the word about every little thing he does wrong. Here's to seeing you in the future BHO!

01-12-2009, 09:09 PM
Very nice post Zac~