View Full Version : 1g 1.8L Transmission

11-29-2008, 09:02 AM
So i'm trying to find a new tranny for my 1.8L Plymouth Laser - it's a 5spd.

Every one I've found is at least $300 or more.

What trannys besides those out of 90-94 1.8L DSM's will work with my car?
Not to sure on this stuff :/

Thanks for any help.

12-02-2008, 02:11 PM
Im pretty sure that the all the NT 1g trannies where the same. It's either that or the 1.8 was coupletly different, cant remeber. But trannies are expensive, might see what it would be to have it rebuilt. But 300, doesn't seem all that bad. DSM trannies are usually around that and higher.

12-02-2008, 09:38 PM
Read up on dsmtuners or something. If you find and nt trany works, check out 4g63pwr.com