View Full Version : 99 camaro Z28
11-28-2008, 11:45 PM
Just bought it today for dirt cheap. It needs a little things (plugs, tires, shocks) but i couldnt afford not to buy it. I got it for $3800!!! Its an a4 with full length headers and magnaflow cat back and slp intake. Black with t tops. Pics tomorrow its real dirty and dark outside
Domestic Disturbance
11-29-2008, 04:10 AM
I think this is chris's old car from iowa city. QTP headers? If you I've raced it a few times, and last I knew it had a rebuilt tranny that was going out... again. Hell of a price though
11-29-2008, 09:21 AM
I think this is chris's old car from iowa city. QTP headers? If you I've raced it a few times, and last I knew it had a rebuilt tranny that was going out... again. Hell of a price though
Yeah that HAS to be Chris V's old car. It sucks that he had to give it up. Its a great car for how many miles it has and how he treated it (he did beat the shit out of it) but still good so see someone got a good deal on it.
11-29-2008, 11:12 AM
If it has Jet hot Long tube headers, a non coated off-road y-pipe, Nitto 555R's Drag radials, it's Chris' camaro. Also a good indictation is take the sail panel speaker covers off and if those are aftermarket then I'm almost 100% sure it's his.
I installed everything on there so I know it was done right, just be careful because he beat the shit out of it! For a year and half it didn't go under 100mph or not see a burn out.
If you have any questions what has been done to the car just go ahead and ask me, I essentially did everything.
11-30-2008, 12:06 AM
It didnt have DRs on it, it has a real bad alignment on it and it looks like at one point it hit a deer or something cause the passenger headlight is aftermarket and the hood and bumper are a little off looks like it was just cosmetic tho. Has drilled and slotted rotors, its misfiring so bad it needs plugs reallllllyyyyyyy bad! Tranny didnt seem bad but i havent be able to get on it without it misfiring if it is bad i have a th350 laying around. It has infinety referance speakers all around. Even with all that wrong i couldnt pass up a $3800 LS1 camaro.
11-30-2008, 12:09 AM
I was told it got repo'd, really looking forward to putting plugs in it. Any tips on how to do that? Dont really know wut brand of headers but it still has the air and egr shit on it but it has no cat or O2 i thought that was weird.
11-30-2008, 12:41 AM
clean it up and sell it for some profit!
I just read your signature, it looks like you have a nice project already.
11-30-2008, 12:58 AM
The trans is going bad in the gtp tho :( and i really dont want to drop a lot of $$ for a built trans for it. Prolly going with a basic trannyman rebuild which would be good for high 12 second 1/4 and just dd it. Havent ran the nitrous on it once yet and already had to replace the fuel pump and now the trans
rwd V8 > fwd V6
Domestic Disturbance
11-30-2008, 03:25 PM
I was told it got repo'd, really looking forward to putting plugs in it. Any tips on how to do that? Dont really know wut brand of headers but it still has the air and egr shit on it but it has no cat or O2 i thought that was weird.
rear 02's are overrated. Plugs aren't too bad, you just need to be patient. Having the headers on gave me a little more room.
11-30-2008, 07:39 PM
plugs arent tooooooo bad...being 99.. you can pull the coil packs off to give u more room. they all arent too difficult to do. drivers side is way easy...passenger side is a lil more difficult. as all the plugs will point towards the firewall. number 8 is a bitch though. hope u have some wobble drive sockets or something like that. the angle is too steep for the average universal joint attachment
Highly recommend removing the coil packs on the passenger side while changing plugs. Your hands will love you for it. When you put the coil packs back on leave the furthest back bolt off since that one sucks. A 1 inch extension and a curved handled ratchet with the tilting head is also way handy.
12-01-2008, 12:55 PM
yes definitely remove as much as possible to free up space it helps a TON...but luckily i just did mine when i did headers...
12-01-2008, 09:09 PM
It didnt have DRs on it, it has a real bad alignment on it and it looks like at one point it hit a deer or something cause the passenger headlight is aftermarket and the hood and bumper are a little off looks like it was just cosmetic tho. Has drilled and slotted rotors, its misfiring so bad it needs plugs reallllllyyyyyyy bad! Tranny didnt seem bad but i havent be able to get on it without it misfiring if it is bad i have a th350 laying around. It has infinety referance speakers all around. Even with all that wrong i couldnt pass up a $3800 LS1 camaro.
it's Chris' Camaro 100% sure. He's a pretty good friend of mine and decided that buying pot was more important then paying for his car, so it got repoed while he was at work.
it needs some rear 02 sims, needs new plugs and wires, plus the aftermarket oil pump he tried to install fucked some things up (It's a lingenfelter oil pump if you're wondering). also it needs a tune really bad, he never got around to doing that.
The headers are Jet hot Long tube headers that still have AIR and EGR on it, the y-pipe is a hooker off-road non-coated, the exhaust is a 3" Magnaflow chrome exhaust. It also has a SLP lid with the SLP CAI kit, and K&N filter. He always put royal purple in it, and like you mentioned all the stereo equipment is infinity refrence. If I remember correctly the speakers in the back of the hatch aren't even working, but it's pretty easy to pick those off a wrecked vehicle. It did have nitto 555R's on it at some point, I don't know whats on it now. If I can remember anything else I'll let you know
Plugs and spark plugs are pretty easy, but the coil packs on the LS1's are a pain the ass to get off. Thank god you don't have to do the headers on there, it's pretty tight near cylinder 8. You turn the wrench about 1/16th at a time haha.
You got a decent deal on the car, it's just going to take a lot of work. Chris beat the ever living shit out of that car, like I mentioned above, it never saw one days without going 100+ or doing a burn out. So I would imagine the 10bolt is near the end of it's life. But I do remember it wasn't howling at all when he had it.
If you ever need help installing things or wonder whats on it PM me for my number and I'll help you out, I'd really enjoy it actually.
12-01-2008, 09:49 PM
i thought the coils were pretty simple to take off my 00, but maybe thats cause i have the center bolt 99's still have the perimeter bolt valve covers?
i thought the coils were pretty simple to take off my 00, but maybe thats cause i have the center bolt 99's still have the perimeter bolt valve covers?
They're just like yours. 4 or 5 bolts unplug the coils and it's off. 98's were the only year with the perimeter bolt heads. Pretty simple to remove. The only pain in the ass bolt for the whole assembly is the pass. side bolt under the cowl. I just left that one off. It don't hurt nuttin'. That EGR crap is a bit of a pain to work around also if that's still on it.
Domestic Disturbance
12-02-2008, 01:11 AM
Why did he even keep it? Not like we are in a state where it matters. It's definitely much cleaner with all of that out of there. If you do decide to take it off, I have block off plates laying around.
Why did he even keep it? Not like we are in a state where it matters. It's definitely much cleaner with all of that out of there. If you do decide to take it off, I have block off plates laying around.
Maybe he didn't have the means to have the codes removed to keep the Service Engine Soon light from being on all the time.
If it doesn't have cats or rear O2's I hope they were tuned out or sims installed or you'll be staring at that light all the time anyways.
12-02-2008, 12:29 PM
What did he fuck up by putting the oil pump in? I know it will start out at over 40 on the oil pressure then over time it will fade to a little over 20. Also either the oil pan gasket or the housing for the oil filter is leaking bad.
12-02-2008, 12:31 PM
Also figured out why the alignment is so messed up the tire rod is bent.
12-02-2008, 01:13 PM
this sounds like the car needs some cleanup work done....i would start off by getting rid of the air injection and EGR while you are on your way to the plugs, and definitely find someone with a tuner to take a look at everything...
12-02-2008, 01:14 PM
btw pics or ban...and how many miles are on it?
Domestic Disturbance
12-03-2008, 12:25 AM
o2 sims and tuners? forget that, my gauge cluster is a christmas tree bitches. the engine service light helps offset the ASC off light
12-03-2008, 03:29 PM
o2 sims and tuners? forget that, my gauge cluster is a christmas tree bitches. the engine service light helps offset the ASC off light
On that note though my CEL lights been on for about a year and a half (because of hi-flow cats) so Calvin I know what its like.... on a much smaller scale.
12-03-2008, 08:48 PM
btw pics or ban...and how many miles are on it?
I have a shit load of install pictures, install videos, burn out videos, and pictures. I'll post them up later.
12-06-2008, 02:58 AM
Sweet i can see how bad its been beat on lol. Ordered plugs and wires from the ws6store finally. I have pics but left the camera in the car maybe tomorrow?
12-06-2008, 03:14 AM
Sweet i can see how bad its been beat on lol. Ordered plugs and wires from the ws6store finally. I have pics but left the camera in the car maybe tomorrow?
I keep forgeting to post those, I'll do it as soon as I remember. Do you mind If I come look at it for shits and giggles? I'd drive up the Z if it wasn't in storage, but I'll just drive up the Denali.
12-06-2008, 11:40 AM
Sweet i can see how bad its been beat on lol. Ordered plugs and wires from the ws6store finally. I have pics but left the camera in the car maybe tomorrow?
I keep forgeting to post those, I'll do it as soon as I remember. Do you mind If I come look at it for shits and giggles? I'd drive up the Z if it wasn't in storage, but I'll just drive up the Denali.
Marc, pick me up LOL
We need a mini roadtrip... and yeah I know its only like 30 miles but still.
12-07-2008, 01:42 AM
Sweet i can see how bad its been beat on lol. Ordered plugs and wires from the ws6store finally. I have pics but left the camera in the car maybe tomorrow?
I keep forgeting to post those, I'll do it as soon as I remember. Do you mind If I come look at it for shits and giggles? I'd drive up the Z if it wasn't in storage, but I'll just drive up the Denali.
Marc, pick me up LOL
We need a mini roadtrip... and yeah I know its only like 30 miles but still.
Fo' sho, son. We need to see them shits, that'll bring back memories.
I'll probably do it after I recieve my Blackberry Storm, hit two birds with one stone. I know you wanted to see it after I got it.
12-07-2008, 01:13 PM
I have all next week off of work let me know a day and i could bring it up to iowa city.
12-10-2008, 10:14 PM
any pics yet?
12-10-2008, 10:36 PM
Stupid thing froze up more later.
12-10-2008, 10:41 PM
needs some taily tint ;)
12-10-2008, 10:54 PM
Domestic Disturbance
12-11-2008, 02:26 AM
get that thing up and running good again. I'd like another run against it, to redeem myself. If I still have my car next summer that is
01-06-2009, 12:23 PM
Anyone interested in buying this? It needs an oil pan gasket, plugs, rear tires, and prolly a waterpump. I just got a motor for my 97 gt so i will have two grand prixs to drive. Dont need a third car, $4000 obo. (paid $4055 after tax title and license for it)
01-06-2009, 09:49 PM
how many miles?
01-07-2009, 11:28 AM
Ok i changed the plugs last night, it still is getting misfires on 1,3,5,7. If i just cruise in it then step on it then its fine, but the more i get on it the more it misfires. Also changed the oil and its prolly been 100 miles and it was all shitty looking. Its acting like its a headgasket but the plugs looked fine, and the dipstick looks fine too its not way over and there isnt water coming out of the exhaust. Sometimes it would act like it misfired but it never read it on the autotap so if the plug fired then would it be a problem with fuel? There is a lot of crap in the pcv, i would like to know if its the headgasket or not before i change the oil pan gasket. I also swapped the coil off 3 to 2 and 3 still got misfires, even swapped the wire and same thing.
Are the misfires showing up on autotap? Codes? Mine acted like that with bad O2's but it was throwing O2 codes so it wasn't to difficult to figure out.
01-08-2009, 12:48 AM
Did you check the headlight fluid?
01-08-2009, 09:24 AM
i got a good idea scrap it out have it melted down take that money and but a mustang!
sorry i had to do it since thats what i hear every 5min about my stang since i have no motor!
01-08-2009, 11:14 AM
if he scrapped it out and melted it down it would damn near be a mustang though! no need to sell it...
01-08-2009, 12:21 PM
I would take a 03/04 cobra or a foxbody notch. My gtp put bus lengths on a kid in his 03 GT, and he did a fly bye all three times we raced but he was a tool.
01-08-2009, 12:38 PM
if he scrapped it out and melted it down it would damn near be a mustang though! no need to sell it...
Or you could tint the taillights and look really gay.
01-08-2009, 03:42 PM
Anyone want this thing? Im picking up a 99 regal gs with a bad trans this weekend so i dont have time to mess with this, im just going to stick to wbodys.
01-08-2009, 03:50 PM
Anyone want this thing? Im picking up a 99 regal gs with a bad trans this weekend so i dont have time to mess with this, im just going to stick to wbodys.
Smart man.
01-09-2009, 08:32 AM
I would junk that pile to!!
01-10-2009, 07:57 AM
i got a good idea scrap it out have it melted down take that money and but a mustang!
sorry i had to do it since thats what i hear every 5min about my stang since i have no motor!
The motor would only add to the scrap value...
01-10-2009, 08:03 AM
i got a good idea scrap it out have it melted down take that money and but a mustang!
sorry i had to do it since thats what i hear every 5min about my stang since i have no motor!
The motor would only add to the scrap value...
You Are a Fucking Idiot!! That motor is worth more then your crapbox and your nightsquirel.
01-10-2009, 08:36 AM
how do you know how much the motor is worth??? he doesn't even have a motor..... he said that him self
01-10-2009, 08:39 AM
well I am assuming looking at the car that it wasnt a stock motor, so its worth some $$ I am sure of that.
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